Chapter 36

"Hehe...what's so difficult about it?" Li Mu said, "I'll write it right away."

"Brother Li," Feng Feng walked over, "I've heard of Brother Li's talent and name like thunder, and I saw him today, and his reputation is well-deserved, can you sign your name?"

"If everyone gives the autograph of the talented man, he is not the talented man." Zhao Li gave him a dissatisfied look when he heard what Feng Huang said. .

"Sister Li, Fenghuang is also the one who has just shared weal and woe with us, why don't you ask Brother Mu to sign one for him too?"

"You're the only one who can be a good person?" Zhao Li pouted and glanced at her reluctantly.

Fenghuang bowed his head and smiled at An Mengjie.

An Mengjie saw that his features were picturesque, his conversation was good, and his temperament was too different from his original temperament, so she couldn't help being surprised.

Fenghuang looked into the distance: "Ten miles away, it will be Kuocheng."

Li Mu suddenly said: "Brother is from Shouling, this Yanjing has a long history, profound heritage, and extraordinary spirit, why do you want to come to Handan?"

Fenghuang said: "Xiao Ke has always liked to travel since she was a child. Handan, a great civilized country, has always been a place that Xiao Ke envied and longed for."

"For the sake of your sincerity, why don't you just sign one?" Zhao Li listened to Fenghuang's praise of Handan, and it was very useful, so he snorted, and then said reluctantly: "However, Li Mu, you The words you write must be far worse than what you wrote for me."

Fenghuang didn't care about it, turned to Zhao Li, and bowed his body: "Thank you Gegecheng!"

Li Mu thought in his heart: "This person is young and Ruosi, the city is very deep, he doesn't seem to be a traveler." He smiled lightly and agreed.

After finishing writing, Fenghuang stepped forward to chat again. Li Mu naturally studied poetry deeply, and his superb insights into poetry made Fenghuang even more heartbroken.

Phoenix deliberately married Li Mu, and Li Mu also wanted to see what this seemingly weak, but extremely wealthy man thought in front of him. It's like we've been friends for years.

"Rule the country with etiquette, rule the country with the law, what does brother Li think?"

"Li is an order that is automatically formed when people's behavior is not restrained by laws. Confucius repeatedly used the word ke and the word yue to describe the cultivation of rites. It can be seen that the rule of rites is not an order that is separated from society and formed by instinct or God's will. And It is not carried out by an external power, rich and polite.

The law restricts people from the outside, and the punishment for not obeying the law is imposed on individuals by specific powers. The law is not recognized by the majority, but it can meet the needs of the minority. "

"Speaking of a gentleman, you are as gentle as jade, what you said is so good!" Fenghuang clapped his hands and laughed.

"Brother's opinion also makes me intoxicated." Li Mu smiled shyly.

When An Mengjie heard them flattering each other, she suddenly remembered this sentence: "Young master and grandson are arrogant, so we will invite you regardless of your acquaintance."

——Time passed slowly during the conversation. Fenghuang remembered that he still had something to do, so he bid farewell to the three of them. After walking two steps, he came back to look at An Mengjie, and the corners of his lips raised slightly: "My lord Wang Sun is so arrogant that he invites everyone regardless of acquaintance, haha. Brother Mu, I hope to see you again in the future." He waved his sleeves and left.

After walking for a short time, he came to a remote place, and suddenly there was a figure beside him, that figure appeared silently and like a ghost.

The visitor saluted respectfully: "Your Highness."

"Have you seen A Yuan?" Fenghuang handed him the words written by Li Mu, and said calmly.

"I see," the young man replied respectfully.

"En," Fenghuang nodded, and boarded the carriage.

On the lonely ancient road, a group of people and horses were galloping fast. Phoenix was sitting in the carriage, with the young man guarding him.

"After meeting A Yuan, we will return to Qin. With him around, things will be much easier."

"Will Guo Kaihui agree to our request?"

Fenghuang said lightly: "If he doesn't agree, he won't accept those things. Besides, as long as Zhao State doesn't help Yan State, and implements the national policy of long-distance communication and close attack, and consumes Wei State's food and grass, then Wei State will not be able to help Yan State, and we will have nothing to do with it." There is a certain chance of winning."

After saying this, Fenghuang sighed helplessly, slowly leaned back on the carriage, and said in a low voice: "Wei Wenhou is too much of a nosy kid, with him in Zhao and Han, we can't fight, we can only use Zhao and Yan The country came to play the ball."

That year, he pulled up the blanket and covered Fenghuang's body, and said in a deep voice: "Your Highness, what does the conflict between Zhao Yan and Li Mu have to do with Li Mu? You want to meet him in person, what is there for him to meet?"

"Seeing words is like seeing people. I talked to him for a while. He is not an ordinary talent. What happened to the news you arranged for people pretending to be from the Yan Kingdom to spread?"

"Everything is ready, only the east wind is owed." Said that year.

"Don't use too despicable methods, but have the demeanor of a great country." Fenghuang said indifferently.

"Doing extraordinary things, using extraordinary methods, we just want to make the two countries of Yan and Zhao make trouble." Said that year.

"The reform of the Great Qin Dynasty made it much stronger, but it also committed the problem of haste makes waste...offended the interests of some people..."

"Your Highness, you are worried that there will be troubles in the hall, so first let Zhao Yan and the two countries have disputes, and let the old guys in the country divert their attention away. You must first make peace with the outside, and then find a reason. We can pay him back with this. Daqin will have a chance to breathe?"

"Oh, it seems that you have grown a lot."

"Your Highness, there must be a way for a car to reach the mountain. This is what Master Yuan said."

Feng Huang closed his eyes for a moment: "Ah Yuan is quite good at intrigue, but Zhao and Yan have been living in harmony for decades, and there is no sign of antagonism, and it is not so easy to provoke, and it is not certain based on the news of Yan. You can sway them, tell A Yuan that you need to add more fire."

At this moment, the second prince with the Imperial City Imperial Guard had already passed the main gate, galloped his horse and galloped over the head of Handan, his long robe fluttering in the wind.

"Second prince!"

Guo Huaiyu, who never knew how to ride a horse, rushed over and said loudly, "The street ahead is blocked by people again."

"Blocked?" The second prince raised his eyebrows, and said coldly: If you can't pass, just step on the corpse, and kill all those who don't give way! "

"Inappropriate! Your Highness?" Guo Huaiyu quickly waved his hands: "This will damage the second prince's reputation for Qing government."

"What's wrong?" The second prince narrowed his eyes slowly, and said in a cold tone: These common people are committing crimes and injuring the envoys of the Yan Kingdom. Arrest them for me. "

"Can't be caught," the crown prince hurried over with Li Mu: "Second brother! Those are all the people of Zhao country."

(End of this chapter)

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