Chapter 40

"Your Majesty," the admonishing doctor leaned to the side, suddenly glanced at Lian Po, and smiled coldly: "Ms. Guo just said about the toddler in Handan, this matter... I have heard a theory."

"How do you say it?" Not only the emperor, but also the princes and ministers around him were interested. Only Lin Xiang suddenly thought of something, and his face changed slightly.

"General Lian and Li Mu have a deep relationship. There are some things I shouldn't have said, but as a subject, I dare not hide it in front of Your Majesty. Please forgive me for the crime of speaking without words."

The emperor frowned and said, "Why so much nonsense."

Doctor Admonish held his slender and white right hand, coughed a few times on his lips pretending to be mysterious, and then straightened his chest and said: "When Ge Ge was attacked, did His Majesty know? Li Mu, the envoy of Yan Kingdom is by your side?"

"An envoy from the Yan Kingdom?" The emperor frowned and said, "Speak clearly."

"Li Mu has quite a reputation in the State of Zhao. This is why the ministers strongly recommend him to guard the border. It's just that in the past, Li Mu always thought that besides guarding the border, he was doing his best to help the prince. Who would have thought that he had other thoughts and would fight with Zhao? The Wang family stayed together?"

At this time, everyone looked at General Lian Po with a feeling of sympathy and sorrow for the death of a rabbit. After all, Lian Po was highly respected and had made many military exploits.

Lian Po calmed down at this moment, took a cup of tea and drank it slowly, showing no worried expression.

"I heard that Gege was attacked on the street. There was a person from the country of Yan who stayed with her, and the person who released the envoy of the country of Yan privately and protected him from leaving was Li Mu, who was always loyal to the emperor and patriotic... See it this way Come on, protect the people on the streets from harm, maintain the unity of the Zhao country, and eliminate the adverse effects. The instigator of this incident is really Li Mu, whom everyone has seen and strongly recommended?"

"Guo Ning, what do you want to say?" Zhao Wang's voice suddenly became louder, and the officials were frightened. It is rare for His Majesty to be so angry, and it is even rarer to see His Majesty speak so harshly to the doctor.

"The minister heard about it and recommended it for the purpose of advising the doctor. The minister has no other intentions, but is just curious, why does this Li Mu stay with the envoy of the Yan Kingdom who has been rumored for a while?" Guo Ning did not show any fear. .

"Your Majesty, the minister seconded the proposal!" Guo Kai agreed with a flash of his eyes.

"The speaker has the heart, but the listener has no intention. Since the admonishing doctor said this, the minister can naturally argue for Li Muyu." As soon as this remark came out, the ministers were in an uproar, and Zhao She was the first to stand up: "The minister for a while I am in a hurry, Your Majesty, don’t blame me, I have always had disputes with old general Lian when we marched and fought, and each has its own characteristics, but Li Mu is the only person I admire, he is versatile in both civil and military affairs, and even his looks are the first and second in the capital, my lord I have heard that Ge Ge is lively and active, and it is popular in the capital to collect the signatures of beautiful men, and Li Mu is known as a handsome man in the capital. The Yan people may be attracted to General Li's talent, and it is not unusual to come here to pursue it. And to slander at will? Your lords often meet in court, do you also have the suspicion of forming a clique for personal gain?"

"That's right, all the ministers have just decided on the guardian, and the admonishing doctor makes such a remonstrance, how can it not be... chilling?" The young general muttered tacitly.

Lian Po also stood up at this time, bowed to His Majesty, and sighed leisurely: "A rare genius, modest and prudent, always acting prudently, if you say that Li Mu has evil intentions, the veteran will definitely not believe it."

"Your Majesty also knows that Li Mu's fame has risen, and countless people have come here for his fame. If it is said that they are all related to Li Mu, then even a dog can't get rid of this relationship?" said the small minister beside him.

"That's right." A minister also shook his head and said, "My minister's rebellious son also often praises General Li Mu, saying that he is the most talented person in the world. Is it true that he is also counted as a rebellious son?" Several ministers knelt together down.

The young general at the side knelt down and remonstrated directly: "Forgive me for speaking bluntly, General Li Mu is the white moonlight in my heart!"

The second prince and Guo Kai looked at them with unbelievable eyes, and Guo Huaiyu's heart was covered with thousands of layers of snow, thousands of layers of waves, envy, jealousy and hatred all rushed to his heart.

All the ministers were stunned for a moment, the emperor stared at the young general with his chin resting on his chair, and smiled: "Okay! Since General Li Mu is so important, we can no longer belittle the admonishing doctor."

Seeing His Majesty standing on the waiting side, all the ministers breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Xiangru's heart had already been hit by Guo Kai and the admonishment doctor's series of astonishing remarks just now, a layer of frost was smeared on Qingsha's face, and a chill came over him, but he was a man with a smart mind and great wisdom. , I have long seen the importance of His Majesty's words, and I can see the thoughts in His Majesty's heart, and the seed of doubt has germinated.

It's just that if Dali Temple is allowed to follow Li Mu's collusion with the Yan State to pursue the matter of conspiracy, even if there is nothing wrong with it, Li Mu's career as an official will never be successful in his life.

Lin Xiangru glanced at Guo Kai and the advising doctor blankly. The advising doctor was afraid of his eyesight, and coughed a few times uncomfortably.

He just said indifferently: "Your Majesty, a gentleman can overcome others without power. There is something that can be transformed, and the one who transforms is sincerely convinced. Therefore, it is said: full of losses, modest benefits, Li Mu, although he is young now, in terms of reputation and resume It's not deep enough. It's not enough to take on greater responsibilities, and the garrison in the northern border is already his greatest strength."

Hearing the three words "not deep enough", the ministers who recommended it just now were a little surprised, and they were even more surprised why Prime Minister Lin's expression did not change when he told the story of Gege's attack earlier, because he was waiting here.

"Huh?" The emperor frowned, just now the ministers raised Li Mu very high, how did this Lin Xiangru step down Li Mu?For the face of the imperial court, even Li Mu's reputation is not wanted.

"According to the old minister, the son who advised the doctor and Guo Xiang's son are also pillars. I heard that Guo Huaiyu, the son who advised the doctor, is full of knowledge and resourcefulness, comparable to Zhuge. And Guo Xiang's son Ouyang is even more powerful. , both civil and military, everyone can see it."

As soon as he said this, everyone was stunned, even Zhao Wang secretly admired him, firstly, the old Xiangguo recommended talents eclecticly, and he was really thinking of Zhao Guo.

Secondly, it is also secretly pointed out that in terms of power and status, Li Mu is not dangerous, whether it is admonishing the doctor or the Guo family who is close to His Majesty, the worry of the widow just now is naturally untenable .Sure enough, Zhao Wang's face gradually eased down.

Lian Po was also very regretful at this time, but in his heart he admired Lin Xiangru very much. He was worried about Li Mu being feared by King Zhao, but now it was resolved, and he was relieved.

Guo Huairen didn't expect Lin Xiangru to praise himself publicly, so he couldn't help showing a smug expression.

Guo Kai's face turned gloomy, and he deeply felt that the son of Admonishing Doctor was useless, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen by Lian Po, it was a very wise decision.

He froze for a moment, then frowned and said, "I'm walking on thin ice with Lin Xiang's praise. Although Gouzi knows martial arts, his name doesn't match his name. How can he compare with General Li Mu?"

"Okay, I didn't ask you to do the judging meeting." Zhao Wang slowly closed his eyes, and asked in a cold voice: "Guo Xiang, it's not like I haven't seen your son before, he is not much worse than Li Mu. If you can't hide it, don't you want to help me?"

"I don't dare! It's really a dog that is not easy to discipline." When Guo Kai saw that King Zhao was angry, he quickly lifted his robe and knelt down.

"Hmph, it's not easy to discipline, you can say that others are fine..." King Zhao dropped the cup with a bang.

These words can be said to be thunderbolt kingly, shaking like thunder, everyone was terrified, no one dared to speak.

After a long time, the majestic voice of the Emperor Zhao sounded in the main hall: "Zhao Xiang Guo opened the investigation and pleaded guilty, and his salary was demoted for one year. The command department was stationed in the Xuncheng Division for investigation, and Li Muwu was relieved of his post in the military guard camp. He will leave for Yannan County immediately. , Lin Xiang temporarily acts as the prime minister, Dali Temple issued an edict to find out the envoy of the Yan Kingdom, so it will be handled accordingly."

After saying this, he stepped forward to say a few words to Lin Xiang, and left the house without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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