I won't let the king succeed

Chapter 94 They Are All Monsters

Chapter 94 They Are All Monsters

"Then what should I do? Princess," Lianer asked worriedly.

"Hey, let's do it." An Mengjie unconsciously let out a long sigh.

Lian'er was still stunned by what An Mengjie said just now, she raised her head when she heard the words: "Princess, what is cool?"

"Liangban," the modern term seems to be incomprehensible to Lianer, An Mengjie can only simply explain: "Where there are people, there are intrigues and intrigues. When I encounter something that cannot be solved, don't think about it, don't ask, just do it well." Just do your own thing.”

"Oh, so that's how it is," Lian'er understood quickly, "Princess, that means we don't care about the strange things that happened last night, right?"

"Well, curiosity killed the cat. For the sake of safety, it's better to stay away," An Mengjie knew the horror of investigating things, and smiled bitterly: "He forced him to be strong, the breeze caressed the mountain, he let him do whatever he wanted, The bright moon shines on the river."

"Princess," Lian'er looked at her adoringly. She couldn't understand what the princess said, but she looked like a profound scholar, and she had never heard so many novel words.

Looking at Lian'er's adoring eyes, An Mengjie knew that she was ignorant, and she couldn't continue, so she changed the subject to a few crows that were still screaming not far away: "I heard that there must be carrion where the crows land, Lian'er , do you want to follow and see?"

"Okay," Lian'er felt that she had grown taller all of a sudden, and being with the princess was simply the rhythm of conquering the world.

"Jade muscles give birth to bones in vain, have you heard of it? It is said that no matter how beautiful a beauty is, it will turn into bones, and people will turn into bones one day, so there is nothing to be afraid of the dead," An Mengjie said to Lian Erzhuang. Boldly, the two chased after the crow, and entered a deep valley below. A rotten smell came from a distance. The crow was watching secretly from above, but did not approach. flew away.

An Mengjie asked Lian'er to take out a handkerchief, and the two of them covered their mouths and noses and walked to the water's edge. They couldn't help but gasped, and saw many strange-shaped corpses lying beside the gurgling water.There are animals and people, some have decayed for a long time, exposing hideous skeletons and skulls, some have flesh and blood after death, and there are many broken arms and limbs, reflecting the crystal clear stream and the endless chaos. Flying flies and mosquitoes are really indescribably weird.

"Why are there so many dead bodies in this place?" Lian'er's face was pale. There might not be less than a hundred of these animal corpses and human corpses.

Afraid of scaring Lian'er, An Mengjie signaled Lian'er to go further away, looked at the place full of dead bodies, and sighed softly, she jumped over the stream, and walked to the corpses with the strongest smell of blood ,.

Lian'er was horrified: "This is the villagers I met yesterday, they all have fish scales on their bodies!"

An Mengjie stared for a while: "No wonder, it's all here... There are still many headless corpses. The body of the woman in white is still there,"

Lian'er leaned over to take a look, and saw the headless body lying quietly in the water, the white clothes floating on the water surface, it may be because of soaking in the water for too long, the bloody part of the neck has turned white, The rest of the skin was also blistered pale.

"So it's here," Lian'er murmured, "This is the strange thing that surrounds us, and now I finally know the reason...they are all monsters..."

An Mengjie stood quietly by the stream, neither going any further nor looking at the pile of corpses. He raised his head to see the crows peeping here in the distance, and couldn't help but sighed softly.

"Princess, didn't you already guess it?" Lian'er's hair stood up, "I guessed that they were monsters a long time ago."

Looking at the appalling scene, An Mengjie shook her head slightly. For some reason, a feeling of vicissitudes and desolation filled her heart. Looking back at the ruthless flowing water, falling flowers unintentionally, ups and downs with the corpse, her eyes were slightly sore, and her heart felt uncomfortable extreme.

"They're not monsters, they're people,"

"Princess, if they were human, why would they grow scales?"

"That's not a scale, it should be something like a fungus." An Mengjie recalled some common medical knowledge in modern times.

"Fungus?" Lian'er asked in surprise.

"It's a skin disease. Fish scales grow on the body, itching unbearably, and it can also cause skin desquamation. Because they are all covered with this kind of thing, we only see it on the ground." An Mengjie Said.

"So it's not a ghost," Lian'er was relieved.

"Yes, but the same disease that many people suffer from should be related to man-made. Do you remember the monster in the haunted house?" An Mengjie suddenly thought about the copper tripod and some jars she saw.

"That monster? Did he make them sick?" Lian'er looked at her in horror: "Is he a ghost? Or a monster who has cultivated for many years?"

An Mengjie murmured: "If you say it's a monster... it's... justified..." Lian'er was terrified, thinking of those weird little eyes and the twisted neck: "Monster?" She never knew I was so afraid of monsters that my hair stood on end.

An Mengjie continued, "Leaving aside whether that thing is a monster or not, first of all... that thing was following you and me in front of the haunted house. The first time it found the three of us, it broke the girl's neck; the second time , we met the village head, he provided a piece of information..." She looked at Lian'er, "That is, he mentioned that there is a man and a woman in a coffin in the haunted house, we saw the woman, that man?"

"I see," Lian'er's eyes lit up, "Is that monster the man who died of illness that the village chief said?"

"Yes," An Mengjie nodded, "That man is not dead, but has turned into the monster we saw. That means the village chief already knew about it, and he was just lying to us from the beginning."

Lian'er moved, "You mean the monster and the village head are together."

"It can also be said that way," An Mengjie thought, "Since fish scales are a skin disease, the monster should also be a virus. It may be that he drank polluted water or something that mutated him into what he is today."

"No way?" Lian'er was taken aback, and hurried away from the stream: "What is a virus?"

"The virus is something more terrifying than the skin disease on the villagers," An Mengjie said.

"Princess," Lian'er was terrified.

"Although it is a virus, the degree of harm to people is different. Some people just have a simple cold, and some have mutated and can turn people into beasts. This beast is sometimes sober and sometimes not sober. When not sober, it kills people indiscriminately. , turned into the situation we see today." An Mengjie remembered the scene of the battle against zombies.

"Oh, so all the people in the village died overnight," Lian'er nodded half understanding.

"Yes, although the village chief is not a good person, he may be in league with monsters, but these villagers are innocent, and their lives cannot be easily harmed, we must respect life." An Mengjie turned her gaze back to Lian'er, gently Said.

"Respect," Lian'er thought of her life experience, if General Le Yi hadn't taken her in back then, she might have died by the side of the road.

"Human life is like an ant, princess..." Hearing that life should be respected for the first time, Lian'er was a little incoherent.

An Mengjie thought of her modern life, as if she was living in a day where she couldn't help herself: "Then let's change it and let our destiny be in our own hands."

"Okay, control your own destiny," Lian'er said excitedly.

"Then let them go to the ground first?" An Mengjie said, looking for two sticks in a nearby place.

"Okay," Lian'er nodded, and found some sharp objects to dig a hole to bury them.

"There are so many dead bodies, don't touch them to prevent infection." An Mengjie used the principle of leverage to pick them up one by one and throw them into the big pit dug.

At this time, one person and one rider ran across the mountain road—that is, over the Youquan, but the passengers on the horse didn't know that Mr. An, whom he was looking for, was below them, and rushed straight to the intersection ahead.

"Damn it, who said that someone in front looks like Mr. An?" The few people behind said while chasing after him.

(End of this chapter)

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