Chapter 156 (Flowers bloom and fall)

The beauty of time lies in its inevitable passing.

In a thought, everything changes in an instant.The moving lights of yesterday have long since disappeared, and those who fell into the abyss are sleepy, leaving only the scattered flower petals in front of them.

Day and night were turned upside down, people in the chaotic world bowed their heads without saying a word, walking on the track of time in silence, when a train passed by suddenly, he was startled and stopped his numb steps.Forward or backward.Or stay still, this was the first question he thought about after waking up after falling into the abyss.

The other side of the shore is the other shore.People who have entered the 20-year-old mark are no longer young eagles protected by the wings of their parents and eagles. If they don’t know that they need to spread their wings to fly high, how can they strike ninety thousand miles in the sky?Destiny is like the palm prints in your hands, no matter how many twists and turns, it is ultimately in your hands.There is nothing to be afraid of the abyss, life is like a journey against others, who is more noble than the other, but they are all pedestrians in this game world.

The random trajectory is another arrangement. He never thought that the big tree behind him would collapse, and even his favorite petals would be scattered. In his opinion, the real doomsday is nothing more than returning to the world where no one understands and no one understands. Accompanying naked form.He looked up at the sky that hadn't cleared up for a long time, and asked if everything in the sky could be restarted. At this moment, he would rather never have it.Yes, if there is an if, if time can be turned back, then he will freeze his innocent heart, and have no desires, demands, or extravagant hopes for anything other than him.It's a pity that there is no if, Tiantian smiled and told him that everything is the best arrangement.

There is nothing in the sky, why give me comfort?In an instant, a ray of light refracted on his face from the end of the abyss, like an awakened lion, shaking off the dust on his body, his eyes rekindled starlight, and he started to run after half a step.When approaching the edge, he turned around and began to fall. Mud didn't understand why he was already in the abyss and why he entered the abyss again. The sky answered Mud: "Despair is hope after despair".

Things in the world follow the flowing water, and it is a dream.Chase the stars and dare not to stay, the road is long and obstructed, but the journey is approaching, and after the devastation, it will be bright.There is a moment when the bitter coffee is finished, and there is a moment when the gorgeous fireworks are burned out, just like the day when the amazing petals are scattered.

You in the distance don't ask about the west and east, but only about the original intention.Efforts and efforts do not give results at this moment, it has turned into petals in spring, bright moon in autumn, flames in summer, ice and snow in winter, waiting for your accumulation.

adhere to
hold on

A moment of brilliance.

For that, that day, was worth the wait.

In a strong sense of time, are you and I summing up the past and hoping for tomorrow?

(End of this chapter)

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