Chapter 170 (Novel --- Environment) 7
Chapter 7: (7)
Fu Ziqing was startled by Hu Hanwen's serious expression, and shrank back into the bed involuntarily, with a reassuring voice, "At the beginning, I lived in a pitch-black jar, and my mother would hug the jar when she slept at night. , just like holding me, I was finally released a few days ago, and it was here, that is, just now, my consciousness became clear."

Hu Hanwen let out a chuckle, "I said why didn't I find it, so it's not something missing, but something more." He got up, and before he lifted his foot, Peng Xiaoyan blocked his way, spreading his hands, like a male bird The posture of the son protecting the cub, "He's just a kid."

"You already knew, didn't you?" That's why he treated him with such a self-indulgent attitude towards a child.

The girl knew she was wrong, so she didn't dare to look Hu Hanwen directly in the eyes.
"I can see him in Fu Ziqing's body."

"Do you think I'm the one who made him lose his mind?" Hu Hanwen was a little puzzled.

Peng Xiaoyan pouted, looking omnipotent, "Otherwise, there is no other way."

Taking out the fairy rope and weighing it in his hand, Hu Hanwen raised his eyebrows slightly,

"What is the child most afraid of?" Peng Xiaoyan understood, and cast a sympathetic look at Fu Ziqing.

Yes, that is to fight!
It wasn't until a dough-like thing spit out from Fu Ziqing's mouth, and Hu Hanwen took out the prepared sack to put it in, that Fu Ziqing was completely healed. His eyes were foggy, and he asked puzzledly: "Hu Hanwen, what are you holding?" What are you doing with the begging bag, oops, it hurts." He rolled over, "Oh, why is my whole body in pain." After screaming a few times, he passed out.

Peng Xiaoyan stared blankly at the sack, "What should I do about this?"

"Aunt Wang was originally sane. She gave this brat her refreshing spirit, and that's why she became insane. She kept the brat in order to take over Fu Ziqing's body when the time was right, so I came out along the way." Hu Hanwen exhaled a breath from his lungs, and the corners of his eyes were a little moist, "The fetal light is a person's lifespan, and the ghost is what everyone is born with. These two souls cannot be taken away unless the main body dies. The reason why Aunt Wang used it so cruelly The way to commit suicide is to make the kid's three souls complete."

Peng Xiaoyan's nose was also red, "So she asked you to help me before she died to let the little ghost enter the gate of reincarnation, and since she doesn't have ghosts, she can't be a ghost, and there is no possibility of reincarnation since she is hot."

Hu Hanwen nodded, "She still has a few years left in her lifespan, so the fetal light is enough to last until the little ghost raises all seven souls."

Seeing that the little ghost was dishonest in the bag, humming and whimpering all the time, Hu Hanwen handed it to Peng Xiaoyan, "He seems to like you better." As expected, the little ghost became quiet as soon as he got close to Peng Xiaoyan.

Hu Hanwen was a little helpless, "Don't let it go, this little brat is very skinny." Peng Xiaoyan nodded vigorously: "I won't." After saying that, she pressed the bag in her hand to her cheek, "Your mother took it for you. What's the name?"

Weng Weng's voice came out of the bag, full of depression, "I don't have a name."

"Then, can I call you Xiao Mantou, you look like a soft and glutinous mantou."

"Yeah, I like that name!"

Seeing the exuberant chatter on the other end, Hu Hanwen's heart became much lighter, but for some reason, he always felt that he had overlooked some very important things, but he couldn't grasp his thoughts no matter what.

"My brother is bad, he hit me, I hate him!"

Peng Xiaoyan leaned forward and backward with a smile, and was about to say something, when his face suddenly became solemn. At this moment, Hu Hanwen heard footsteps coming from downstairs, and he was overjoyed, the master is back!

He hurried to meet Fu Yang. Fu Yang was dressed in a water-blue robe, carrying a bamboo basket, and carried the fierce aura of midnight wind chimes on his body.

Fu Yang looked Hu Hanwen up and down a few times, fine-tuning his lacquered eyebrows, and a cold light from his slender pupils.

"There is something unclean."

Hu Hanwen's heart sank, and he poked his head inside the door, and Peng Xiaoyan, who was carrying the kid, disappeared
(End of this chapter)

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