Chapter 196 (Wind)
You wait for the rain to fall in the city, and I wait for the south wind to rise. In the passing years, the flowers in the south of the city have bloomed, the ancients have left in the west, and when the flowers fall in the empty place.

In the rain that year, recalling that you were dressed in white and left in a hurry without looking back, driving away, the rain fell on this cool city, the window was hazy, and the raindrops had blurred the vision. .When the wind blows that year, the mountains and rivers are all safe. The man in the dream returns. He has traveled through the mountains and rivers for a long time, but he is no longer found. Melt into the wind and rain of the world.

Why bother.

The wind and Buddha have passed, the pear blossoms have fallen, just broken shadows, like beautiful flowers, like water, we can go back to the past, but we can’t go back to the beginning, in the dream, our appearance is still the same, but the person in front of me has turned into a moon in the water , I don't know when to go west with the wind.

Another year, when the wind blows, the breeze is different. When the rain suddenly leaves, it returns when the wind blows. With a smile, it will be gone forever. Recalling the you of the past, drunk in this slow firework, and being with you The same wind.

The wind blows through the courtyard, the rain beats the pear blossoms and closes the door, the wind blows, the rain flutters, and when the wind and rain mix, the flowers fall in the south of the city and return to the west.

I wait for the south wind to rise, wait for the breeze to blow away the haze, and wait for the heavy rain to stop, when will I be able to see each other clearly.

Until the end of the thousand sails, I still remember your appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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