Chapter 205 (Winter Love Letter)
Life is like a dream, but what I put into it is true love.

When Lao Yang sent a message to commemorate the first snow this year, I was lying lazily in the warm Guangdong wind and complacent.Listening to the unscrupulous Beifeng in her voice with disapproval, he felt a little gloating.

Probably because I was spoiled by the dry and hot temperature since I was a child, the warm water of the shallow creek facing the door of the house flows in my bones, revealing the phantom of the sun, swaying the hanging leaves of the onion cage, nourishing the lazy Soothing slow time, no competition with the world.So I instinctively hated winter, and was spoiled, thinking that I have to get up early to study in such a cold day, which is annoying.Wrap yourself in thick clothes one by one, but still can’t cope with the cold wind that loves to drill small cracks. The young and eager to make a big dream always look forward to carving out a majestic character in the harsh environment, but there is nothing I can do. The timid city hides hibernating animals, and it really has the habit of staying in a corner.

The circulation of the four seasons is inevitable in the end, like a stubborn little beast with a little bit of stubbornness, it will be tamed by the heavens after defying the laws of the seasons.On the night after the first snowfall, the whole country made an appointment, and the falling rain in Guangdong also brought winter.

Fortunately, there is always warmth in this world.I met the winter with trepidation, who would have thought that it would sprinkle a seed of light in my eyes when it first met.I speculated about its small thoughts, probably asking me to let go of my prejudice and laziness, to avoid the monotonous black and white of thinking, and to encounter the colorful colors of the world with my heart.

I am cautiously looking forward to what kind of sound will be knocked in the flowing water of my life when the pupil grows light and the soul embraces love in winter.

At the moment when I haven't announced my throbbing to the world, this world takes winter as the theme, light as the pen, time as the paper, and the seed of light as the code, sneakily but ingeniously sent in my little days love letter.

The first love letter is the warm yellow sun in the winter morning.

The little sun in winter must have been stiffened by the slightly cool weather, leaving aside the grand and enthusiastic publicity in the midsummer light year, but also faded away the childish and naive appearance in the spring.It fell lightly between my eyebrows and eyes, probably due to the thick mist in the early morning. I trekked all the way through the mountains and plains. The supposedly hot temperature was half covered by the contaminated mist, relying on my eyebrows and the corners of my eyes, gently The warmth spreads subtly and lovingly like a breath.It's like on the crowded avenue of life, I lost my way among the crowds, and suddenly someone pulled the corner of my clothes and whispered in my ear that there is still someone who loves you.The frozen soul gradually wakes up, the slightly pale days are warmed up, and the days are blushed by the romantic words in the love letter.The wall of the classroom was dug with a big square opening by the bright light, and a lot of little suns flocked to them, sitting in rows in that big opening, quietly accompanying us to class.The black and white characters on the white paper are also covered with warm yellow spots, and the ink on the tip of the pen borrows a bit of sticky warm light, and every word written contains the hope of being born in the sun.

The second love letter is the soft little cloud in the winter blue sky.

Sky was originally a very sincere and simple little guy.Every time the sky mark is full of colors, let go of any corner of the sky.This is too much listening to the weather forecast. If it is sunny, there must be a sunny day.It just happened to be such a doting winter day, knowing that the cold wind beast could not be tamed, so he gave instructions for sunny days every day.Walking on the small road, the evergreen trees in Lingnan are still vigorously growing under the blue sky, like a dream left in winter in summer.Looking at it, my heart is filled with joy, thinking that the green trees are flourishing in the sun, the sun is still bright, there is still warmth in this world, and this winter is not only cold.When cooling down and changing the quilt, the clouds in the sky are like soft and thick cotton wool in the quilt.Look at what I said, the sky is also a child who is afraid of the cold, the world is bright, and everything has animism.I really want to get into the quilt cloud and wrap myself tightly. In this way, no matter how cunning the cold air is, I can't find a gap.I still remember that one morning, there was a little rain but it still didn't prevent the sky from being sunny and warm.Then a rainbow spewed out from the foot of the distant mountains, like a can of fudge that someone accidentally knocked over.This summer, I passed the rainbow on the school bus, and all the regrets that existed due to the hasty travel were fulfilled this winter.The days are singing and dancing forward like this, those scary futures also bury unexpected joys.

The third love letter is the little warmth that can be found everywhere in winter fireworks.

When I went home last time it was cold, my mother specially stewed a large bowl of radish stewed beef.I chewed the beef, and the sweet and moist soup bloomed on the tip of my tongue.Looking at the mother over there through the milky white heat, there is a gentle and silent love flowing in the eyes, like a bright and clear moon.After returning to school, the temperature just dropped, and my roommates twittered against the cold wind, and I was wearing the thick clothes my mother secretly stuffed, and I answered her phone call—is it cold, is it cold, the residual temperature in your eyes Enough to warm my long series of winter days, my sister sprinkled a few candies in the palm of my hand, peeled off the crystal clear candy wrapper, and the long-awaited spring day staggered to revive the taste buds. When children grow up, they will find out The little head helped my sister cover the quilt. From such a close distance, I could clearly smell the fragrance brewing in her dimples. My spring was brought back by her. My grandma in my hometown said that she picked a pair for me at the market. Cotton shoes, I said that I would definitely like them. But it was mystifying to let me go back to my hometown after the holiday to see these cotton shoes. I said, "Cotton shoes are not as good-looking as grandma." My childhood playmate who has not been in touch for two years Suddenly sent a message to wish "winter well". Although we haven't seen each other for a long time, we all met and loved each other in our respective years.

On a certain winter night, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse.Sitting in front of the window and looking at the lights of thousands of houses intertwined into shadows of tenderness, he took a breath and drew a love heart on the window with his fingertips filled with warmth.

That is, the winter love letter I wrote for this world.

(End of this chapter)

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