Chapter 220 (In an instant)
Perhaps the fireworks lightly lift the colorful clothes, and the thoughts are endless and graceful. She can't escape the light-years in the vast universe, but she can only do her best to bloom the most prosperous and beautiful blessings under this sky.

People know that the wish made by Kongming lanterns is fake, and the night heat kisses the few fire lights, but the dark night is endless, and the New Year's Eve where the stars and the herons rise are as usual all night long, and the bright fireworks are fleeting.In the place where the lights were dim, I looked up at the starry sky amidst the loud sound of fireworks, and the blushing sunset was caressed by the cold wind, and disappeared in the laughter and joy of the world.

After all, this is a night of sleepless excitement.

Love is a cosmic phenomenon.

I must not plant thorns with my own hands in the way of my bright star.How can I easily change the things and people I am used to? In this domineering youth, I like the slightly envious eyes of others. I dare to risk my life alone, and I dare to charge when there is no chance of winning.

People just get what they see, and once they have it they take it for granted.Just to say, if you can avoid the violent joy of deja vu, you will not fall into the abyss of disappointment, be enthusiastic, not fall into the dust, and don't be blinded by the tedious noise of the world. Your eyes pay more attention to the comfort of the soul, but forget With a fiery heart.

Everything is gone, only the spirit lives forever.

The reason why I love Wei, not Wei, is that the eternal emotion is not hidden in simple words, but contained in the deepest part of the heart.

Today's fireworks, when there is no time for flowers to bloom and fade, will either shimmer with dry branches or return to dry mud.She overcomes withering and aging, from youth to death, from beauty to disappearance. Although she is beautiful, she does not spare her life. Even the final farewell gives us a thrilling experience.

May we who are forced to grow up slowly learn to grow up.

Tagore once said: "Life is as gorgeous as summer flowers, and death is as quiet and beautiful as autumn leaves."

"The world kisses me bitterly and asks me to sing in return."

The true peace and distance is not to avoid driving and horses in the city, but to plant chrysanthemums and repair fences in the mind.In the ordinary life, the busy life is calm, the gilded years are quiet and distant, and the beautiful blessings are as silent as flowers.Time flies like water, like flowers and beautiful couples.

At midnight, Wanfeng greets you on my behalf: "Happy New Year!" If there is a sound in missing you, then my missing you must be deafening.

(End of this chapter)

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