Chapter 225 (A Moment)
There are countless things that record time in the world, such as clocks, watches or calendars. Watching the second hand turn up and down, watching the white paper on the wall torn off one by one, it seems that I finally understand the passage of time. If there is no such If time turns into something tangible, will we no longer be able to perceive time? In other words, is the meaning of time created by nature, or is it just left on the pointer?
The cicadas in summer are very noisy, hidden among the green leaves, and there are crystal dewdrops hanging on the green leaves, telling people that it has just rained here.The sycamore tree in front of the window has been with me for many years, and the branch in front of the window has a deeper relationship with me. It watches my life and I watch it change.The sycamore leaves at this time are wide and shiny green, and will turn yellow after a while, just like the yellowed pages on a calendar telling people the arrival of autumn, and after a while, the leaves will fall, beautiful and beautiful It makes people feel a little bleak, just like the cold winter at that time.When the new leaves just emerged from the branches and countless birds squatted on the treetops and twittered, I knew that the cycle of life had started again.

One day when I had nothing to do, I sat by the window watching the scenery and listening to the summer performances. The wind blew lazily, shaking the leaves of the sycamore trees on the branches, making a salsa sound, breaking up the sound of the ensemble, and also Shattered the ray of sunshine. "Oh, time flies so fast. I can't help but feel a little sad. Birds come and go, cicadas come and go. It seems that Ping is always in the loop, but my time is like the time that slips through the leaves. Like the sun, it was shattered by the wind and slipped away from the fingers.

"Time can't be kept." Indeed, no one can keep time, it is like a traveler, shuttling in the long river of time, walking through the flow of people, without staying, people have wanted to keep him since ancient times, Even if they saw his whereabouts, so clocks and calendars appeared, but in fact, nature had already kept his footsteps, but people didn't notice it.The leaves fall in spring and autumn, and the birds fly back and forth. Nature tells people all the time: "Time has passed." But how many people have really paid attention to it? Just watching the cold pointer turn up and down, alone Just sigh.

Time, he will never wait for others, naturally, it will never go away, use your own life to chase time, just to know the existence of time, this is a waste of your life, it is better to feel nature and enjoy yourself The environment you live in is subtle, you will know the time, and the time will know you.

I went to sit in front of the window like this, looking at the sycamore leaves, listening to the chirping of cicadas, and admiring the midsummer in front of me in the sun.

(End of this chapter)

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