Chapter 243 (Moon Burial)
The flowers are buried under the moon without warmth.
The remaining dusk slowly dissipated in the sky, and the waning moon before night had just climbed onto the withered branches, and a gust of autumn wind swept away, leaving behind a sky full of autumn leaves flying freely in the sky, and the withered flowers all over the ground appeared in the sky. The looming spring is passing and autumn is coming.

The lights on the street were dim, and there were rows of withered branches on both sides, and the ground was covered with leaves and withered petals.

"Tick tock."

Accompanied by a sound of raindrops falling on the ground and making a tick-tock sound, the waning moon disappeared into the gray sky, and the pattering autumn rain fell unknowingly, dripping all over the sky like a veil. The curved lines cast a hazy veil on the dim street.

Walking gently into the alley, the air is full of tranquility, only hearing the dull beating sound of raindrops falling on the stones, which adds vitality to the alley. On both sides of the alley are two big trees standing safely, It bears the sweep of autumn and is baptized by wind and rain.

As a gust of wind blew by, the rain subsided, and the waning moon loomed in the misty night.

The moon shines on everything, and I am buried under the moon.

(End of this chapter)

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