Chapter 248 (Let the time pass slowly)
On a cold and windy autumn day, a steaming table will always evoke a warm feeling in people's hearts.Perhaps, there is no place that can make wanderers dream more than their own dining table.As the so-called "Thoughts of Watercress Perch", behind every taste, most of them hide a sad or happy old time.

In the taste of the dishes, there are always many past years that have long been forgotten by us.However, in the steaming heat in front of the dining table and under the warm lights, these frozen pasts are like the snow and ice in the spring, gradually melting away bit by bit. up.

The melted past has gathered again into streams and long rivers of time, appearing before our eyes again.Who said that time cannot be turned back? Who said that time cannot be reversed? So, what is going on with this stream of memories that is bubbling before our eyes?
A person is gone, but the taste he cooked can still stay.Human beings always put deep feelings and endless memories in food.I think it may be because deep down in our hearts we don't want that good time to pass away, so we bury the fragments of memories here and there in the corners of our daily lives.Waiting, the future, a look back that I don't know when it will come.

However, no matter looking back at the past from the present, or looking at the present from the future.In my memories and on my dining table, there must be many fragments of memories that cannot be ignored.The taste of shrimps is tender and sweet, while the taste of lotus vegetables is often slightly inexplicably bitter.The mutton stewed with ginger and chili always makes people feel warm, and the cold dish mixed with vermicelli and cucumber often reminds people of the rare coolness in summer.If you want to make dumplings, you must have thin skin and big stuffing, and if you want to fry kidney, you must have a lot of fire and oil.As the saying goes, "Governing a big country is like cooking a small fish", there is also a set of exquisite and meticulous philosophy in cooking.

However, what is more important than cooking and cooking techniques is the touching story hidden behind any dish.This story may not be comparable to the magnificent myths and legends, nor can it be compared with the beautiful and moving fairy tales.But they belong only to us, to those who are or have been sitting at the same table with us.

In that meal, one meal, one cup of tea, the years that belonged to you and me passed by in a hurry.They took away the familiar faces and brought endless desolation, emptiness and sadness.Fortunately, the table of warm meals at home still shone with moving light under the warm lights.It is like the bright Milky Way shining in the night sky, just a little flash is enough to light up the whole sad cold night.

With that warm dining table, I will not be afraid of the darkness and desolation hidden in my future life.In the midst of failures again and again, I will regain the hope that I almost lost, and take my own steps unswervingly towards the ideal shore.

So, let this long time pass slowly.And at the last moment, he was frozen in a table of warm meals.

(End of this chapter)

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