Chapter 261 (It's a Cool Autumn)
"Autumn is shorter than summer and longer than the world"
The orange dusk implies that people are already in autumn.

Dusk came without delay. Before the people on the escalator had time to raise their heads, the setting sun was hidden behind the trees, and there was only a halo at the end of the hair. It was just autumn, but it felt like the snow was about to fall. .

The joy of autumn is what is left over from summer.

The long and short encounters and farewells support the red hawthorn of the distant mountains, and the wind rubs the leaves.

The sun warms the walls, waiting for winter to cool them down.

I want to sit under the tree, raise my head and exchange dreams with the stars, wait until the shooting star falls, and then go to see the snow in winter.

During that tepid time.

(End of this chapter)

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