Yu Zhi lives in a mountain city, where the warmth and light do not go, Tao Taoran does not know its winter, but the cold wind fills his sleeves, Fang feels the depth of winter, and sings with feeling.

The scorpion of the green mountain peaks, I miss the poverty of the mountain city.I paint Cuixi with a dry brush, and I am envious of the mountains and don't know the festival.Yang's tiredness and color are interspersed, and He Xi's foam is warm and warm.Crossing the river with the wind and the wind, and arriving at noon on the heels of the high sun.The singing of the birds is flying away, and the leaves are rustling.It is majestic, majestic, and the warmth of the body and skin desires to destroy it.To meet it, cold clouds are densely engulfed in the leader, and the face is chaotic and windy.Going along with it, the wild horse urges people to lean forward, and the ride is not fast.Then at night, Feng Shengxi sat in the wind and took his breath.

The wind has passed the millennium.Its origin is ancient, but looking at the present, I am afraid that I will sigh.Lin Yishui, the Buddha who hit the hero who built the song will return.Sui Miluo, knotted moxa to sacrifice to Sao Ren's Zhagu.Dancing under the moon, holding wine and lamenting that the banished immortals will never meet.Afterwards, it’s over! The invasion of foreign countries, the loss of the survivors, and the ineffectiveness of Shengmo.The way of the wind is like the way, red ink rivers and mountains, soldiers and swords, and when will they be criticized? Today's peace, how is it flat? The theft and chaos are still there, the upright is good at caressing, the filthy and poor are still firm, and the rain is in the air. Jizhi, those who are worthy of the rules still do it, and use the rope and ink to rectify it.Use the husband day to be good, criticize it to be clean, and the people to be good.It is also called good.The wind embraces the past, and enters the heart of the rest, fortunately.

The husband is the wind, which is colorless and formless, and it acts and stops according to concerns, so the heart is not enslaved by form, it is only the heart.To record history without being mere form, to have the lightness of Feng Xu with its beauty, is only in the heart of the husband.Where the clouds pass by, their color is white, they gather and fill up the void, so the universe is impure.Mo Ruofeng is colorless and does not disturb, and there is no sadness in dying and going to the country.Fan Gong said: "Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself."This is what it means! If you use it to imitate the wind, you can be a benevolent person.Hearing the wind, the sky and the earth are cold, which is said to be solemn but respectful to the ears.

Husband! If you want to dye the wind freely, you can do it in the painting and calligraphy room.To combine the wind into one color is to determine the person's nature.Don't stick to things, don't understand it in thinking, discuss based on facts, see the bones through the skin, this is the essence of wind.

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