Chapter 310 (Endless Starry Sky)

  Towards the endless starry sky

Every step is light with dreams

Deep in the night, the stars are shining

  Like a galaxy pouring down

I'm chasing

The brightest one

  Longing to touch its tenderness

Mountains and rivers are full of greenery

The breeze blows, the leaves whisper

I listen to the earth's breathing and feel its beating pulse

Every mountain

There are thousands of years of stories hidden in them

Every stream

All singing the melody of freedom

  I explore the beauty of nature

It is always so poetic


I saw the dewdrops in the morning light

Sparkling with sparkling light

  The sunset clouds

Paint the sky's canvas

I found my spiritual home in the embrace of nature.

Feel the wonder of life

  Let you and I walk towards the stars and mountains together

Explore the endless beauty of nature

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