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Chapter 126 About "Huo Yuanjia"

Chapter 126 About "Huo Yuanjia"

The "Asian Rising Star Guide" project has been carried out so far, and all 6 films have been announced.

The earliest "Mermaid Blossoming" was released in October last year, and the box office was very unsatisfactory, only 10 million.

But it won the Golden Horse Award for Best Art Design last year.

Lin Zicong's "Drinking Tea", Cheng Er's "Sunflower" and three other films have either finished filming and are waiting for post-production, or have announced that they are starting to shoot.

In another year or so, the first phase of the "Asia Rising Stars Program" will usher in the final acceptance of results.

The "Asia's Rising Star Director Program" is aimed at theater movies, but theater resources are always limited, and making movies these days is indeed a relatively extravagant thing.

Therefore, remote preparations will create a "TV and Movie Star Project" for directors who cannot go to theaters.

Cheng Yuan didn't come up with this feverish head.

As early as last year, his teacher, Professor Hou Keming, approached him and said that the college thought their "Rising Star Mentoring Program" was very good, and wanted to run one for the students of the school.

The academy had no money, so Hou Keming found Cheng Yu'an, and then connected to the movie channel. The three parties combined, and felt that there was something wrong with this matter.

On the one hand, it allows newly graduated actors and directors to have jobs for the purpose of training, and on the other hand, it can also discover talents.

Long-distance must also want to select elites from the annual newcomers to enrich their team.

The movie channel can also complete the self-made KPI every year, there is remote participation, and there is no need to worry about the quality of the movie.

Cheng Yu'an has the name of the director of the system, so he won't smash his own brand.

The three parties then held a press conference in the middle of the month, announcing the "Movie Channel·TV Movie Star Project".

"This plan has been brewing for a long time." As the representative of the leading unit, Mu Tiejun, deputy director of the TV and Film Department of the Movie Channel Program Center, spoke first, "It took more than half a year of discussion and preparation before we came up with a specific plan.

"The first phase is going to shoot a martial arts series, "Legend of Lu Xiaofeng".

"The chief director of this series is our director Deng Yancheng."

Mu Tiejun introduced some specific situations, and the question turned to Cheng Yu'an: "Director Cheng, why do you want to run the 'TV and Movie Star Project' since you have the 'Rising Star Director Program'?"

"It's like this. According to the current situation in our country, there are still a small number of directors who can appear on the big screen. That's why we launched such a TV movie project. The purpose is to give directors who have just graduated a chance to practice."

"Then what role will you and your remote play in this plan?"

"Remote will provide part of the financial and technical support for this plan, and I will also participate in this plan as a supervisor."

This press conference did not attract a lot of attention in the industry. There have been similar plans in the past, but they were all loud and rainy, and there were even cases where there was only thunder but no rain.

"Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" should be the best TV movie of the sixth princess.

The second best thing is the "Wire of Fire" series.

Now that "Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" is in his hands, the first thing to do is to replace Ximen Chuuxue!
Cheng Yu'an basically didn't interfere with the casting of this project, but he really wanted to replace He Rundong.

He just doesn't look like Ximen in any way!
With Cheng Yu'an's intervention, Yan Kuan, who was originally scheduled to play Ye Gucheng, played Ximen, while Shen Xiaohai was assigned to play Ye Gucheng.

Both of them have worked together remotely in "No. [-] in the World".


"Fearless" was not counted in 2005.

Otherwise, China Film’s KPI will look better this year.

Relying on Li Lian's strong appeal, "Fearless" can tear off 27 million box office when it is released on the 1th of the twelfth lunar month.

There is no concept of Spring Festival stalls these days.

Both "Clues of Time and Space" and "The Promise" won the bulk of the box office before the Spring Festival.

But this film, how should I put it, Cheng Yu'an thinks it's not good!

But he dare not say it publicly, dare to say that Li Lianlian is not good?
What's more, what he is shooting is Chinese kung fu and heroes with national integrity like Huo Yuanjia.

Do you dare to say that he is not good?

But we can't just sing praises to him just because he's shooting a similar theme, if it's not good, it's not good.

Later generations built the main theme film with the prefix prefix, but the audience still scolded it if it was not well shot.

In Cheng Yu'an's opinion, "Huo Yuanjia" is too straightforward.

A standard three-act play: young and frivolous causing trouble, Xanadu purifies the mind and enlightens great wisdom, and sublimates the theme of fighting foreigners after leaving the customs.

Of course, this is not a fault, a three-act play is the best form of drama, and "The Promise" also has a three-act play structure, so Director Chen just screwed up.

The problem with "Fearless" is that it is too eager to sublimate the theme, so that it falls into blunt preaching.

It is precisely because of this that the value of the movie has problems.

The director wanted to portray Huo Yuanjia as a harmless idol-like hero like Gandhi and Martin Luther King.

It also intentionally blurred the causal relationship between the self-improvement of the Chinese people and the fight against the invaders. As a result, the theme of the second half became a madonna-like preaching.

For example, Huo Yuanjia was poisoned and vomited blood in the end. At this time, the director and screenwriter should direct the audience's anger to the big powers, but Master Huo advised everyone: "What you have to do is not to take revenge, hatred will only breed more hatred , I don't want to see hatred, the most important thing is to strengthen myself."

what is this?
Do you want people to let go of their hatred when the country is subjugated?

Li Lianlian wanted to make a breakthrough in traditional Kung Fu movies, and wanted to embody philosophy and speculation, but he chose the worst path.

He reflected on his own culture, trying to put his own culture on a low profile to cater to the international community.

But this is precisely because painting tigers is not an anti-dog. Compared with his past "Jing Fu Men" and "Huang Feihong" series, the depth of thought has reversed.

"Fist of Fury" and "Huang Feihong" are also about traditional kung fu fighting against the big powers. The theme song of "Huang Feihong" is "A man should be self-improvement". He never concealed his patriotic stance and expressed it strongly To practice martial arts and strengthen the body is to defend the family and the country.

Of course, both Chen Zhen and Huang Feihong failed, so there will be a sense of helplessness and confusion at the end.

But "Fearless" deliberately avoids the conflict between the aggressor and the invaded, and instead talks about love and peace.

He even said: "Chinese people should be self-improving. It is true that we have fought and looked down on each other for so many years, which made people laugh. Foreigners regard us as the 'sick men of East Asia'. In fact, it is not terrible. What is terrible is that we Some people don’t even know they’re sick.”

Listen carefully to every word he said, there is nothing wrong, even incomparably correct.

But in that special environment, saying this kind of thing is weak.

When signing the life and death certificate in the arena, Huo Yuanjia's words almost caused Cheng Yu'an to leave the arena early: "It is a bad habit in China to fight with one's life in the arena."

Is it not a bad habit for Westerners to draw swords and fight duels at every turn?
Master Huo even advised everyone: "Don't abuse martial arts to discriminate against foreigners."

You're all riding your neck and shitting, so you're not allowed to resist?

After Master Huo was poisoned to death, everyone in the audience remained silent, and a rb angrily denounced the poisoner.

Finally, at the end of the film, the director did not forget to write in the end credits the influence of the Ching Wu Society in the world, praising the contribution of the Ching Wu Society to the cultural exchange between China and the West.

The director almost typed the word "filial piety" on the screen.

The only redeeming feature of "Fearless" is that its action design is really good.

The play is very beautiful.

Cheng Yu'an didn't know why this kind of film had a box office of 1 million. If it was more than ten years late, the director and actors might be blown up.

Cheng Yu'an thought about the reason for the big sale, probably because of the good marketing.

This movie is "Li Lianlian's last action movie".

Of course Cheng Yu'an knew it was a fake, and next year he will be filming "The King of Kung Fu".

Why did you mention "Fearless"?
Because this film was sued by Master Huo's descendants!

 Why do you want to talk about this movie, because I really don't like it, so I have to say a few words.

(End of this chapter)

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