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Chapter 13 The Sound Emperor Yang Shoucheng

Chapter 13 The Sound Emperor Yang Shoucheng

Taking advantage of some time in the afternoon, Cheng Yu'an took Huang Ke and Qin Ranqiu, accompanied by people from the Bank Supervision Agency, to go out to look at the scenery.

The story of "Sniping the Phone Booth" takes place on a bustling street, and there are plenty of such scenic spots on Hong Kong Island.

The crux of the problem is whether the crew can get approval to film on the street.

If possible, Cheng Yu'an even wanted to shoot directly in Central, but Lin Bingkun told Cheng Yu'an to stop thinking about it.

Hong Kong Island movies have fully influenced the 80s generation, and the three of them were led by Lin Bingkun to visit many filming locations of Hong Kong movies in their memories.

Temple Street, Yau Ma Tei Police Station, Central Mid-Levels Escalator, Chungking Mansions, Canton Road...

The three played and played, watched and watched, and finally hesitated between Nathan Road and Canton Road in Tsim Sha Tsui, where Chungking Mansions is located.

Both places are very prosperous, and both are very sentimental filming locations.

"Chongqing Forest" is on Nathan Road, and "Sweet Honey" is on Canton Road.

In the end, the three took an extremely fair method to make a choice: toss a coin.

Take Nathan Road on the front side and Canton Road on the back side.

"Two out of three, three out of five, or four out of seven?" Huang Ke asked.

"Whether it's grinding or not, the winner will be determined!" Cheng Yu'an stuffed the coin into Cheng Lingfeng's hand and asked her to throw it.

Cheng Lingfeng tossed the coin high and slammed it on the table.



"It's destiny, so it's on Nathan Road." Cheng Yu'an put away the coins.

Drop drop drop ~~
The phone at the bedside of the hotel rang, and Cheng Yu'an answered the phone:


"Mr. Cheng, I am the front desk of the hotel. There is a lady who wants to see you."

"Who is the other party?" Cheng Yu'an had no acquaintances on Hong Kong Island.

"The other party's surname is Lu, from Yinhuang Entertainment." The receptionist said.

Cheng Yu'an thought for a while, he hadn't contacted Yinhuang, how did they know about him.

"Okay, Ms. Lu, please come up."

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Yuan said to Cheng Lingfeng, "Did you contact Yinhuang?"


"Then how did they know we were here, and sent someone to see us?"

Everyone was puzzled, and within 5 minutes, Miss Lu of Yinhuang appeared at the door.

"Hello Director Cheng, Hello Mr. Cheng." After shaking hands with everyone, Ms. Lu explained the reason directly, without any muddle in the water, "Mr. Yang would like to invite the two of you to have tea tomorrow afternoon. The place will be at Mr. Yang's house in Repulse Bay. Please appreciate it, both of you."

After finishing speaking, Ms. Lu solemnly handed over an invitation card.

Very old-fashioned and dignified.

The aunt and nephew were puzzled, they didn't think they had such a big face for Yang Shoucheng to invite him.

Cheng Lingfeng asked: "We don't know Mr. Yang, this..."

Miss Lu smiled and said, "Mr. Yang said that he and Mr. Cheng Sansheng are old friends. I don't know anything else."

The aunt and nephew looked at each other and understood instantly. Cheng Yu'an took the invitation and said politely: "Thank you, Ms. Lu, please go back and tell Mr. Yang that we will definitely visit tomorrow."

"Thank you, I won't bother you." Miss Lu came and went quickly.

Qin Ranqiu took the invitation from Cheng Yu'an and looked at it: "Are there still people who write invitations? It's formal enough."

"Why does Yang Shoucheng invite you two?"

"I don't know, we don't know Yang Shoucheng."

"Then who is that Cheng Sansheng?"

"My great grandfather." Cheng Yu'an said.

"My uncle" This is Cheng Lingfeng.

"Huo, does your family know a big shot like Yang Shoucheng?"

Cheng Yu'an glared at him: "How could we know about my great-grandfather, you go back and rest first, I'll discuss something with Lingfeng."

After sending Huang Ke and Qin Ranqiu away, Cheng Yu'an was puzzled and said, "How did Grandpa know Yang Shoucheng?"

"I'll call my uncle to ask." Cheng Lingfeng said as he was about to pick up the phone.

"It's still night over there, don't bother him. Just go and see tomorrow."

The next afternoon, Yang Shoucheng sent a special car to pick up Cheng Yu'an and Cheng Lingfeng at the entrance of the hotel.

The two got into the car and left in a hurry.

"That car just now belonged to Yang Sheng, right?"

"It seems that Yang Sheng came to this hotel?"

"It seems to me that Yang Sheng is here to pick up someone, two young people."

"Two Yankees?"


Repulse Bay is located in the south of Taiping Mountain, surrounded by mountains and rivers, with beautiful scenery, which also makes it a famous luxury residential area on Hong Kong Island.Many bigwigs on Hong Kong Island buy properties here.

"The environment is good. When the time comes, I will take my grandfather here to take care of him." Cheng Yu'an said.

"Second Uncle (Grandpa Cheng Yu'an) doesn't like this kind of environment, he just thinks it's too noisy and messy here." Cheng Lingfeng laughed.

Cheng Yu'an thought for a while and said, "That's right."

The driver driving in the front row curled his lips inwardly and thought, "I never thought that Yang Sheng's guest would be such an arrogant person who doesn't even like Repulse Bay, and thinks Repulse Bay is too noisy and messy. The Yankees are Yankee."

About half an hour later, the two arrived at Yang's villa in Repulse Bay.

This invitation is not a dinner, but an afternoon tea, purely for small talk.

The weather is also good today, so Yang Shoucheng arranged afternoon tea in his garden.

Yang Shoucheng is 59 years old this year, and he is still in good spirits. He sits in the garden in casual clothes and reads a book.

Tea and fruit snacks are already set on the table.

Seeing Cheng Yu'an's arrival, Yang Shoucheng stood up and said with a smile, "Come on, please come inside."

Cheng Yu'an actually had a good impression of Yang Shoucheng. Apart from being lecherous, there was nothing wrong with him.

But ask yourself, if another man sits in his position, it is difficult to guarantee that he will be able to keep himself clean.

So, in the entertainment industry, personal issues are never a big deal.

Cheng Lingfeng responded: "Mr. Yang, you have come to visit rashly, and please accept it if you have a little heart."

Cheng Lingfeng delivered the gift, and Yang Shoucheng accepted it with a smile.

The three sat down, and Yang Shoucheng waved his hands to tell the irrelevant people to wait out: "Let's talk, you don't come in."

Yang Shoucheng went on to say: "How is brother Sanxing?"

Cheng Lingfeng smiled and said, "Uncle is fine in England. When I contacted him last night, he asked me to say hello to you on his behalf."

Although it was a polite remark, Yang Shoucheng was very helpful when he heard it, and said with a smile: "After all, you are all ladies, much better than those in my family. Speaking of which, my brother Sanxing and I met in England, and it was only a few dozen Years have passed. I'm getting old, brother Sanxing has this year?"

"Uncle is 77."

"Yeah, in the blink of an eye..." The old man seemed to be very sad about his age. Yang Shoucheng paused and said with a smile, "Look at me, today is a happy day, so I should say something happy. Come, come, this pineapple bun is delicious, Come."

The three of them talked while eating, and the atmosphere was very harmonious. Yang Shoucheng suddenly turned the topic to Cheng Yu'an:
"I heard that Yu'an, you are looking for distribution in Hong Kong Island and Southeast Asia for your film? Don't look for others, give us Yinhuang. In terms of film distribution capabilities, I'm not bragging. Who in Southeast Asia has the strength of Yinhuang? "

"Of course, if the Emperor of Music joins, our movie will be even more powerful. Thank you, Mr. Yang."

Now that Hong Kong films are in decline, film companies are having a hard time, and the only ones on the island who are the most powerful are Yin Huang and Xiang Boss' Huaxia Star.

But Cheng Yu'an didn't really want to deal with his boss. Although his public image has been very good since he was cleansed, Cheng Yu'an always felt bad about it.

The rest of the matter was much simpler. The three of them ate an afternoon tea for more than two hours. Yang Shoucheng originally wanted to keep his aunt and nephew at home for dinner, but they still left:
"The preparation of the film is at a critical stage. I dare not waste too much time. I will come to Hong Kong Island often in the future. I am not in a hurry."

Cheng Lingfeng flew back to Beijing on an overnight flight. Her mission on Hong Kong Island has been completed, and the company still has a lot of things waiting for her to deal with.

Cheng Yu'an, Qin Ranqiu, and Huang Ke stayed on Hong Kong Island, and they wanted to determine the actors for Hong Kong Island.

The main roles have been divided up by Cheng Yu'an in the mainland, and Cheng Yu'an doesn't care about the remaining three melons, and simply delegates power to the Bank Supervision Organization and Yingyi Entertainment.

Finally, I stayed in Hong Kong Island for two more days and confirmed the rest of the actors:
The most important police captain is played by Ren Dahua;

Ren Dahua's friend Lin Xue will play the pizza delivery person;
As for the skilled women and chicken heads, Cheng Yu'an didn't know each other, and he didn't remember their names.

After making these arrangements, Cheng Yuan and his team flew back to the capital, planning to bring the crew to Hong Kong Island to officially start work in two days.

 Get up early to add a chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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