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Chapter 148 Hu Ge's Open Letter

Chapter 148 Hu Ge's Open Letter

There is a marketing article in later generations saying that Xue Jianing took care of Brother Hu for a year, and was finally beaten by Brother Hu's parents.

In fact, this matter has been clarified by later generations Hu Ge and Xue Jianing, it is not the case, but there are still people who are willing to believe such a false romantic story.

Xue Jianing did come. As Brother Hu's girlfriend at this time, Brother Hu's parents also knew that their son had such a girlfriend, and they didn't object to it.

The three of them came to the hospital, but they didn't see Brother Hu. The doctor said that the patient's condition was still unstable and they couldn't visit him.

The three of them talked with Brother Hu's parents, put down the presents and left.

It was really not as soul-stirring as everyone thought, it was just a visit from a very ordinary friend.

Brother Hu woke up the next day and allowed him to visit.

When Cheng Lingfeng saw him, he was secretly happy: "Fortunately, he didn't lose his appearance."

The first thing Hu Ge said when he woke up was: "How are Xiao Zhang (assistant) and Xiao Kai (driver)?"

Cheng Lingfeng said: "They are fine. They woke up yesterday and have undergone surgery."

Brother Hu went on to say: "Don't blame Xiaokai for this matter, I told him to drive faster."

"Since you say so, I will not hold him accountable."

"Thank you Mr. Cheng, how is the production team going?"

"You don't have to worry about the crew, Yu'an has presided over the work in the past."

"Mr. Cheng, if it doesn't work, just replace me. You can't delay the company's New Year's Eve layout just because of me."

"Don't think about it, Yu'an called me yesterday and told me that he will not change you, unless you are really paralyzed in bed for the rest of your life, otherwise you have to go back to filming for me when you recover."

Brother Hu forced a smile while lying on the bed, tears streaming down his face: "I...I..."

"Okay, okay, don't get too excited after the operation just now, you should take good care of your injuries, the crew doesn't need you to worry."

Cheng Lingfeng comforted Brother Hu a few words, leaving time for their family.

After Brother Hu's accident, many male actors put their ideas on "Butterfly Effect 2".

Your male lead had an accident within half a month after filming started, so you shouldn't consider replacing him?

An agent called Guo Fei and Huang Ke, saying that their artists were willing to save the show at half price.

But Guo Huang and his two spoke in unison: "The company is not considering substitutions for the time being."

And release the news through the media:

""Butterfly Effect 2" continues to shoot all the scenes except Brother Hu. It is expected to wrap up in late September. After that, the shooting will be temporarily closed. The whole team will wait for Brother Hu to recover before reshooting."

This message won unanimous praise from the audience for the remote:
"This is the most humane crew I have ever seen, and we must applaud the remote!"

"No matter what happens to the final film of "Butterfly Effect 2", I will definitely buy a ticket to see it when it is released."

The loudest call was from Brother Hu's fan base, who chanted the slogan "Rebirth from Nirvana, waiting for your return".

Some excited fans even ran to the hospital to pull up banners to cheer for Brother Hu.

Brother Hu's ward receives countless flowers and fruit baskets all day long, as well as cheering letters from fans.

This moved Brother Hu who was ill in bed, and he also published an open letter on the car accident through his blog as soon as his injury stabilized:
"Hi everyone, I'm actor Hu Ge.

"Thank you very much for your concern for me. After half a month of treatment, my injury has probably stabilized. What I need in the future is quiet cultivation and rehabilitation training.

"When I woke up for the first time after the car accident, I was in deep fear, I was afraid to look in the mirror, I was afraid to face the mummified self wrapped in gauze in the mirror.

"My temper started to turn violent, I yelled at everyone I could see, I called my friends, my colleagues, my boss, my parents, even my doctor and my caregivers. Nurse.

"But they didn't care about me, they tolerated me infinitely during this half month, and tried their best to meet my various rude demands.

"Here, I want to say sorry to them.

"I died once. During this half month, whenever I couldn't sleep because of the severe pain in my body, I would think about my life of the previous 20 years, and I began to reflect on myself.

"I often say that I am a worthless person, and besides being an actor, I can't think of any other careers I can pursue in my life.

"I love my job, and I like the life of the crew. The role of Li Xiaoyao has won me the love of the audience. In the past two years, I was immersed in Li Xiaoyao's success, until director Cheng Yu'an told me that you can't live forever When Li Xiaoyao, as he grows older, Brother Hu will become less handsome, his hands and feet will become dull, and he can no longer fly to the sky and escape from the ground. Then, Cheng Dao gave me "The Old Thousand".

""Girls" made me see more possibilities in myself, and it also won me the first movie trophy in my life.

"After winning the award, I became impetuous, because at the age of 24, I won the Academy Award for Best Newcomer, which is indeed a good result, so when the company's producer Fei Jie notified me to star in "Butterfly Effect 2", I didn't do my homework well. , I thought I could handle the scene easily, but the truth is, I was the actor who received the most scolding from the director on the set.

"I didn't take it seriously before, but now, when I was injured and lying on the hospital bed, I realized that I was wrong, and I gradually lost an actor's awe and respect for drama.

"I would like to say sorry to the crew of "The Butterfly Effect 2".

"Sorry is followed by thanks, thanks to the viewers and friends who have always supported me, thanks to everyone in the company, especially Director Cheng Yu'an and Cheng Lingfeng, President Cheng, for their tolerance towards me, thanks to my relatives and friends for their company, and thanks to my parents for taking care of me in the past half month .

"I don't know if I can stand up again in the future. If I can, I will definitely guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and work hard to be a good actor. If I can't, then there are many roles for paralyzed patients who can find me in the future.

"Thinking about it now, this car accident is not a bad thing. It made me understand myself more clearly: Brother Hu, in fact, you are not that good. You still have a long way to go as an actor.

"I heard that some fans and friends outside the hospital pulled up banners to cheer me up, saying that they were reborn from Nirvana.

"Thank you again. I believe that I will be reborn and usher in a better self, but I also invite my fans to return to their work and study. Everyone's wishes have been received by Brother Hu. I don't want everyone Delay your own life because of me.

"So much rambling, I don't know if I have explained it clearly. That's it, the doctor is going to examine me.

Brother Hu 2006.09.15”

If Weibo existed, this open letter from Brother Hu would definitely be the top trending search.

This open letter quickly spread throughout the entertainment industry, and the "Beijing News" and "Southern Weekend" even reprinted the full text.

(End of this chapter)

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