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Chapter 163 Preparation

Chapter 163 Preparation
After 7 months of treatment and rehabilitation training, Brother Hu finally recovered and returned to the public eye in early April.

After this battle, Brother Hu became more low-key and restrained, and rejected the company's suggestion to hold a welcome party for him.

""Butterfly Effect 2" because I wasted too much time, so the welcome party should not be held. Hurry up and get the crew back up and finish filming my scene."

Then Brother Hu personally called Yan Danchen, the heroine of "Butterfly Effect 2", and the heads of various crews of the crew, thanked him and apologized, saying that his injury has healed and he can start work at any time.

Of course, the company would not reject Brother Hu's request. A week later, the crew of "Butterfly Effect 2" resumed filming after half a year.

The work of "The Martian" is advancing in an orderly manner. The design of the living quarters, the design of the Mars exploration vehicle and the engineering vehicle have been finalized, and the Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation is in the process of final verification and sample production.

The construction company has already started work in Hongya, first building the scenes needed for filming, and then the Mars Town project developed in cooperation with Qing Province.

Now Cheng Yuan's main job is to communicate with the special effects team and actors.

Long-distance spent a lot of money to hire two companies, Digital Domain and Industrial Light and Magic, to lead the visual effects of "The Martian".

It wasn't that Cheng Yu'an didn't want to support the domestic team, but it was also because the domestic special effects conditions were a bit behind at this time.

But Cheng Yu'an still let China Film Digital Hualong and Tiangong Yicai, which was just established last year, participate.

By the way, because of the production of "The Martian", Long-distance Media simply bought Tiangong Yicai, and Tiangong Yicai maintained its independent operation.

Counting, there are a total of twelve special effects companies involved in "The Martian", large and small.

The special effects team participated in the whole process of project preparation, and even asked Cheng Yuan to modify the settings of the scene because of the convenience of special effects production.

After all, Nicholas Tingfeng did not want to play a supporting role, so he announced his participation in "Huanhua Xijianlu" a week after the audition here at Cheng Yu'an.

Cheng Yu'an had to cross his name off the candidate list.

In fact, the role of a doctor is not very important, anyone can give it to anyone. If Nicholas Tingfeng is willing to play it, Cheng Yu'an will naturally be happy to sell Yang Shoucheng's face.

Nicholas Tingfeng has been super popular in the past few years, and his fans are crazy, there must be people who are willing to go to the cinema to see him.

Nicholas Tse entered the group first, and Cheng Yu'an officially announced the list of six leading actors and the first poster of "The Martian".

The six sat together in white spacesuits, with the national flag embroidered on their left arms.

For the convenience of movement and good-looking photos, Cheng Yu'an and the engineers of the design institute redesigned the spacesuit, borrowing from the lightness of the spacesuit in the original time and space "The Martian", and making localized changes.

The cast list is as follows:

Liu Yang (Captain of the Mars Exploration Team): Qin Hailu

Wang Li (Spaceship System Operator and Reactor Technician): Yang Xue
Li Jun (an agronomist who went into space to do botanical research): Xia Yu

Zhao Tianxiang (Medical Officer of the Mars Exploration Team): Shao Feng
Chen Boming (Chemist, Mars Exploration Team): Feng Yuanzhen

Sun Qingqing (Spaceship Pilot): Zhang Yi

By the way, "Soldiers Assault" became popular on all major platforms after it was broadcast, but it was Wang Baoqiang who became popular, and Zhang Yi, who played Shi Jin, was still not popular, but fortunately, some people got to know him.

In "The Martian", Cheng Yu'an wanted to give Zhang Yi a hand and let him play an important supporting role.

The name Sun Qingqing was specially chosen by Cheng Yu'an for Zhang Yi for the comedy part in the movie.

In the script, there is a little baggage that makes fun of his name.

After the makeup photo was released, the news was released remotely, and the six actors will enter the aerospace training center to receive at least three months of physical fitness and professional operation training.

After the actors are confirmed, the work of "The Martian" has roughly come to an end, and it can be started after the props and scenes are arranged.

Cheng Yu'an rarely had time, and wanted to take a break, but was called by Hou Keming to go to the academy.

"My teacher, how busy I have been. I was thinking that the actor will be able to rest for a few days. You called me again." Cheng Yu'an poured a glass of water by himself as soon as he arrived at the office.

"I'll let you make a trip for nothing. I have a good job to introduce to you."

Hou Keming returned to school to teach after filming "Falling Leaves Return to Roots".

"Falling Leaves Returning to Roots" was limited by the subject matter and expression, so the box office was not very high, but it still had more than 2300 million. Hou Keming also won the Best Film Award in the Independent Film Critics Section of the 2007 Berlin Film Festival.

Good grades too.

"I can't leave my body, and I can't take good jobs." Hou Keming's aesthetics is certainly fine, but the good jobs that directors of his generation talk about may not sell at the box office.

"You don't need to guide, just invest some money." Hou Keming said with a smile, "Do you know Teacher Cao from the Faculty of Arts?"

"Teacher Cao Baoping? You know, I have also taken his class."

"Well, Lao Cao wrote the script. I think it's good. I'll let you know. Take a look. If it's good, just vote for it. If it's not good, let's talk about it." There is only one script every year.

Teacher Hou asked himself to come here, so there is no reason not to read it: "He is our teacher, let me read his script, isn't it suitable?"

"There's nothing inappropriate about this. You've been graduating for so long. Don't communicate with him as a student. Now that you're the boss of Remote Media, just treat it as if you've received a script."

"Okay." Cheng Yu'an agreed.

"Sit down for a while, Lao Cao will be there later."

Qing Film Studio led by Hou Keming did not participate in "The Martian" this time, and couldn't keep up.

If you want to vote for "The Martian", you have to start with at least ten million yuan. Qingying Studio is originally a Qingshui Yamen, so it can't afford so much money.

The two chatted about some preparations for The Martian.

"There are very few young directors who can take the initiative to embrace the main theme like you, let alone spend 3 million yuan to make an aerospace-themed movie." Hou Keming added at the end, "Is it too risky?"

He was also worried that the word of mouth he had accumulated as a student would be ruined because of such an adventurous film as "The Martian".

"We have to take risks." Cheng Yu'an said, "The most important purpose of this film is to train our own post-production team."

"Our special effects are always criticized for not being professional enough. Watch "Star Wars", "Titanic" and "The Matrix". The special effects team works with foreign companies. After two years, at least hundreds of outstanding special effects talents can be trained for the market.”

"Mr. Hou, to tell you the truth, the asking price of foreigners is too high. "The Martian" used a lot of physical special effects, and they took away at least [-] million production costs. This money can make them in vain Got it?"

Hou Keming also guessed that Cheng Yuan had this idea before, and nodded: "The domestic digital technology started too late, and the introduction of technology and equipment is always a step behind."

"The key is that the thinking has not changed. The future must be the era of the film industry. Now that Internet technology is so advanced, in the future, the audience will not think about going to the cinema when they watch ordinary movies directly on the Internet. What will we rely on in the future? Movie theaters rely on the special effects of the big screen in the movie theater.”

Hou Keming may not be unaware of this truth, but he is optimistic about the future: "When the domestic technology and market catch up, the situation will improve. After all, we are the market with the greatest box office potential in the world."

Just as Cheng Yu'an was about to answer, a voice came from outside the door: "What did the master and apprentice say, you sighed."

(End of this chapter)

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