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Chapter 241 "Inception" starts

Chapter 241 "Inception" starts

The high cost of "The Martian" (3 million yuan) and the long time-consuming (16 months have passed since its preparation) are a great test for young telemedia.

But fortunately, everything is progressing steadily. According to the news from Qin Ranqiu, the production of "The Martian" will be completed no later than July.

"I didn't feel strong when I was doing photography before, but now I'm doing special effects to find that there are really many things here." "The Martian" Qin Ranqiu followed from beginning to end, spending no less effort than Cheng Yu'an, "Billed by the second , Even if you burn a fire and throw money into it, there is no special effect to burn money quickly.”

"So you know why I do Tiangong Yicai, right? We must have our own team for special effects, otherwise we will be too passive in making movies in the future." Cheng Yu'an sat opposite Qin Ranqiu.

After Qin Ranqiu had a girlfriend, he was relieved a lot. Coupled with the pressure from his parents, he felt a fire in his heart and insisted on making some achievements in movies.

In fact, Qin's father has not urged him to go back to take over the job recently.

After all his calculations, he didn't expect Yuanqiu Films to be able to go public, and the market value is not low, and he made a lot of money with his Qiushi Hotel.

Coupled with the 4 trillion bailout funds, he has been busy for the past two years, so he doesn't have so many opinions on his son's film making, but he still doesn't talk about it, saying that Qin Ranqiu has no future in making films.

Cheng Yu'an had nothing to worry about after spending a day in Tiangong Yicai and China Film Hualong, so he went back to rest.

Everyone knows that this year is very special, the 60th anniversary celebration.

The entertainment circle is also very active.

No, within two days, united with hundreds of mainstream media in the industry, participated by millions of people, and voted jointly by nearly a hundred entertainment journalists. The "Four Little Stars" was officially selected in the "Post-80s New Generation Entertainment Star Activity" recognized by CCTV reports. Huadan" and "Four Little Huadan" candidates, among which Liu Yifei, Huang Shengyi, Yang Mi, and Wang Luodan were elected as "Four Little Huadan".

The current Big Four Huadans were also the "Four Little Huadans" back then.

This selection made the young lady very happy, and felt that she was recognized by netizens and the media.

Take a closer look at these four people, they are all from the Film Academy!
It can also be regarded as a result of the film school.

To say that the current selection still has a certain amount of gold content, the results of these four in the past few years are indeed very good.

"What's there to be happy about?" Cheng Yu'an poured cold water, "Although you are the youngest among these four people, you made your debut the earliest. You are both "Sculpture of God" and "King of Kung Fu", and your starting point is better than any of them." They are all tall, and now they are drawn to the same starting line, what is there to be ashamed of."

"You are so boring." Liu Yifei rolled his eyes.

The selection of the Four Little Huadans has indeed raised a wave of enthusiasm for the four girls, and the other three are more or less currently engaged in drama appointments, but Liu Yifei does not.

They were all forced to release albums and sing.

Also taking advantage of the popularity of the Huadan selection, Warner suddenly announced the new film on Weibo.

"Inception" starts!
Warner Bros. and a major studio co-produce, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and directed by Christopher Nolan!

A big film company, Cheng Yu'an and Xiao Li reposted this Weibo at the same time, and announced that it expected to start in July.

Now it's all right, the popularity of the four little Huadans was suppressed as soon as they came out, and the industry was in an uproar!
"How rich is Cheng Yu'an! Even Leonardo can be invited to film!"

"It's still an original sci-fi blockbuster!"

With the official announcement of "Inception", the industry has further learned that the story of "Inception" was written by Cheng Yu'an, and he is also the main investor.

It just needs to rely on Warner's label and distribution, and the name of Warner is on it.

Although the list of actors has not yet been announced, and although the outside world does not know whether Cheng Yu'an has the right to cast the cast, it is the main investment after all, so you must try your luck!
The first stop Cheng Yuan went to was China Film Group. After Han Dong heard the news, he immediately called Cheng Yuan's personal mobile phone and asked him to meet for dinner.

Cheng Yu'an originally planned to be involved with China Film Group when he made this film, so he happily went to the banquet.

"Han Dong, let me tell you the truth. I have an investment share of 2000 million US dollars, and my two companies (long-distance and a big film company) will get at least half of it."

Cheng Yu'an wanted to get some more money from China Film Group, and reported a higher share of 2000 million.

Director Han thought for a while, and first asked about the story of "Inception", and Cheng Yu'an told him.

Director Han thought for a while, then nodded: "The introduction of this film is not a big problem, I voted for it." Looking at Cheng Yu'an's expression of success, he smiled, "I know you haven't held your fart well, tell me, how much do you want. "

"This number." Cheng Yu'an spread out a hand.



"You kid thinks I'm a wealthy landlord! It costs 5000 million U.S. dollars to open your mouth." Han Sanping was about to scold the street. It's not that China Film can't afford 5000 million U.S. dollars, but he wants more than that, "I can give you 5000 million U.S. dollars , I want a global distribution."

Cheng Yu'an refused without even thinking about it: "No! Although I am the owner of a big film company, I can't persuade the company to share the accounts with China Film Global. Besides, even if I agree, Warner will definitely not agree. This movie is listed on Warner's Labels and distribution are all up to them, they won’t let China Film Group in. At most you can get a share of the mainland.”

It's not that Director Han doesn't understand these things, so he thought for a while: "2000 million!"

What a mess! Do you want to send Cheng Yuan away for 2000 million?
Long-distance will invest 3000 million US dollars, because they can't get the global distribution and the mainland distribution distribution, so they can only choose fixed returns.

Long-distance invested 3000 million yuan, and "Inception" returned 3310 million yuan.

But Director Han also has his own concerns. If only the domestic share is required, it is still unclear whether "Inception" will be a big hit. If you invest too much, you will easily lose money. He squeezed out the 2000 million from his teeth.

2000 million U.S. dollars, 1 million yuan, "Inception" only earned 3 million at the mainland box office.

Director Han was a bit afraid to gamble, mainly because the overseas performance of "Red Cliff" made him feel a little bit pained.

"Red Cliff" achieved the best overseas results in Japan, but the Japanese market was bought out by the publisher, and China Film Group received less than a penny.

Relying on the domestic box office, China Film suffered a big loss in "Red Cliff".

Cheng Yu'an is not easy to deal with: "You have 17% of the distribution account, plus the account of the theaters under China Film Group, you should be generous, 3000 million!"

Han Dong hesitated: "You let me study and study."

3000 million US dollars, more than 2 million, is not a small amount. To move such a large amount of money, it must be decided at a meeting within the group.

"Okay, but you have to hurry up, I won't be in the country after May Day." Cheng Yu'an smiled and left.

The original time and space "Inception" was released in September, with a box office of 9 million.

This schedule is really bad. Just after the summer vacation, students start school, and their desire to watch movies plummets.

This is why Cheng Yu'an wanted to bring in China Film Group, he wanted to arrange a good schedule for "Inception".Into the summer file, he is confident that "Inception" will reach 6 million.

Both "Shrek" and "The Expendables" can enter the summer file, why not "Inception".

(End of this chapter)

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