Light and shadow player

Chapter 336 Who else would it be if it wasn't her?

Chapter 336 Who else would it be if it wasn't her?
Before the remote public relations department could react, the news spread across the entire network at the speed of light.

I can't hold it down at all!
"Find out which media filmed it."

"It wasn't written by the media, it was taken by fans."

"How does the security of Ziyu Villa do, and how can they let fans follow in?"

"I asked the property owner, and that fan is also the head of the Ziyu Villa."

"Do you want me to contact that fan to delete Weibo?"

"It's too late to delete it now. The photos and videos have been spread all over the Internet. Contact Yu'an and Sissy to see how they deal with it."

There is no need to contact the person concerned, Cheng Yu'an is now blocked at the entrance of Ziyu Villa.

"Director Cheng, are you and Liu Yifei dating?"

"Director Cheng, can you respond to the news last night? Is Liu Yifei your girlfriend?"

"Cheng Dao, when did you and Liu Yifei start, and how far has it developed now?"

Cheng Yuan came prepared, and his phone was ringing off the hook in the morning.

"Ask your question again." Cheng Yu'an ordered a reporter.

"Is Liu Yifei your girlfriend?"

Cheng Yu'an smiled and said, "Who else would it be if it wasn't her?"

After getting the lord's personal acknowledgment, there was a buzz among the reporters present.

"Then how far have you developed?"

"Didn't you all see it?" Cheng Yu'an didn't intend to cover it up anymore.

"Have you already lived together?"

Cheng Yu'an admitted: "Okay, don't get stuck at the intersection, the news has been given to you, and I have to go to work."

After getting rid of the reporter, Cheng Yu'an got into the car and left.

In the car, Cheng Yuan posted a Weibo:
"I thought about what kind of way to make our relationship public. I thought about announcing it to the world on the podium when I won another best director award. I thought about making a movie for you to let us You are holding the best actress trophy in my arms. I have thought about many beautiful and romantic ceremonies, but these ideas disappeared when I saw you singing and dancing with your friends so happily last night. On stage You are so beautiful and calm. I found that I am used to the feeling of having you by my side. I like to see you every day when I wake up. I like when you lose your temper with me. I like your cute expression when you come home to tease the cat. In I hope to have you in every day of my life in the future. Yes, we are together, this is my girlfriend. @刘一菲”

The nine accompanying pictures are all intimate photos taken when the two went out.

After Cheng Yuan posted Weibo, Liu Yifei, who was hiding at home and dared not go out, quickly forwarded it with a comment:

"Yes, we are together, this is my boyfriend. @chengyuan"

Then, Weibo was paralyzed.

Long-distance Technology is always paying attention to the dynamics of the two, and has already made a plan. It thought that once the two admitted their relationship, the server would definitely be overloaded, but they didn't expect it to be so fast.

Liu Yifei forwarded Weibo, and within two seconds, the Weibo server was paralyzed.

The people of remote technology rushed to maintain it.

Du Niang's real-time hot spot, "Liu Yifei's love affair exposure" quickly rushed to the top!

The search volume of Liu Yifei and Cheng Yuan soared more than 10 times in a short period of time.

After 20 minutes, Weibo returned to normal.

Friends in the circle send blessings as soon as possible:

Shu Chang simply said two words: "Brother-in-law!"

The little aunt Cheng Lingfeng who is far away in the United States also participated: "It's suffocating me, and it's finally made public," and then urged the marriage online to give birth, "I want to be an aunt, so hurry up."

Qin Hailu, Zhou Gongzi, Zhang Ziyi, Yang Xue, Li Bingbing, Fan Xiaopang, Lei Jiayin, Guo Jingfei, Zeng Li, Sha Yi and many other friends in the circle wished me a lot of blessings.

This was originally an unremarkable August 8th, but because Cheng Yu'an and Liu Yifei's relationship was made public, it was very different.

In addition to blessings, there are also different voices.

The fairy sister announced her love affair and has lived with the man, which made many fairy fans unacceptable.

"My youth is over!"

"Sister Immortal is in love, and I am broken in love!"

A Weibo user named love loves life and loves Yifei put it this way: "I don't agree! The fairy is mine!"

This buddy has a very complicated composition. Weibo often posts beautiful photos of Liu Yifei, shouting that I love Tianxian, but also posts ugly photos of Liu Yifei, and says that her acting skills are not good.

He is quite famous in the Liu Yifei fan circle on Weibo. As soon as he posted this comment on Weibo, he was immediately besieged by true true love fans:
"You black fan, go to hell!"

"You are the boss of black fans!"

The announcement of a love affair, especially for an actor like Liu Yifei, will indeed have some bad consequences.

The most intuitive impact is the loss of followers on Weibo.

On the 26th, Liu Yifei lost 20 followers on Weibo.

More practically, some domestic endorsements and activities that were basically negotiated before have also been dropped.

But Liu Yifei didn't care, and Cheng Yu'an didn't care.

The popularity of "Inception" has made Liu Yifei famous all over the world. Global big names such as Chanel, Gucci, and Tiffany are all contacting young ladies. Foreign big factories will look at your character and whether you have any stains. Who cares if you talk about it? Fall in love.

The domestically lost endorsements are made up from abroad.

Liu Yifei is only 23 years old. For ordinary people, this age is the best time to fall in love, but in the entertainment industry, it is very inappropriate and even unacceptable for a 23-year-old actress to fall in love.

Liu Yifei didn't go out these two days, she knew how big the storm was outside.

Film appointments and business dropped so badly that even the original plan to participate in the 29th Changchun Film Festival on the [-]th was forced to cancel the trip.

Fortunately, it did not have much impact on the box office of "Inception".

Even because of the exposure of the relationship, there was a small climax in the daily increase of "Inception".

Liu Yifei was brushing the computer at home, reading the messages on Weibo.

"Why do they say that?"

"What did you say?" Cheng Yu'an went to work, and she called Shu Chang over to accompany her.

"They said that senior brother is not good enough for me, and they are still scolding him on Weibo."

Others don't know Cheng Yu'an's weight in the circle, how can Shu Chang not know?
"You are a star in front of the stage and the image of a fairy sister. He has been behind the scenes. Fans don't know each other. Of course they think he is not good enough for you."

"You can't scold people." Liu Yifei didn't understand. She turned to page 158 of Cheng Yu'an's official Weibo. There were very few blessings, and most of them were scolding him.

Cheng Yu'an also has some fans. Weibo has more than [-] fans, some of which were added by the official announcement in the past two days.

A Weibo user named Cheng Yu Pingan Ball Fan Club posted this Weibo:
"As a director, his filming of "The Martian" created a new box office record, allowing the whole world to see the strength of Chinese astronauts. Tiangong Yicai, which was established for this purpose, has now become one of the best special effects companies in China; The director was only 22 years old when he won the Silver Lion Award. He is the second best director in China and the youngest in the history of Venice. People may not pay much attention to the international film industry consultation. Foreign media have very high evaluations of Cheng Dao, saying that he is a "genius" Director''leader of young directors of the 80s generation'. Commercially, he is the founder and chairman of Long-distance Media Group, the chairman of a large American film company, and produced the "Twilight" series and the "Chain Saw" series. Selling around the world, he is a guest of the six major Hollywood film companies. Last year, Forbes estimated his assets to be 17-20 billion US dollars. In appearance, as a behind-the-scenes staff, Cheng Dao has a star face, a perfect height of 185, and an elegant and easy-going temperament , treat people with humility and kindness. I don’t understand, shouldn’t such a man who makes people envious no matter his talent, appearance, or career, be a natural match with Sister Immortal?”

Then, the young lady "swiped" and liked this Weibo.

(End of this chapter)

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