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Chapter 372 The May File That Nothing Happened

Chapter 372
In April this year, many people from the mainland came to Hong Kong, saying they were going to watch a 4D movie.

We can't scribble the specifics, anyway, Cheng Yu'an has no interest.

After returning to China, he ran to the company's house at two o'clock and one line, and occasionally went to a meeting to participate in a dinner or something.

The three Liu Yifei sisters also came back after spending a week in Thailand.

"Your person, return it to you, I can't control her." Liu Yifei was pushed over by assistant Cindy.

"What's wrong? Did you recruit her?" Cheng Yu'an asked Liu Yifei.

Liu Yifei didn't speak, usually she wasn't afraid of her assistant and manager at all.

"She is my ancestor." Cindy complained to Cheng Yu'an, "It's okay to drink and play cards in the hotel room, but she actually took Shi Shi and Shu Chang to see a ladyboy show. Did you go to that kind of place? What happened? Who am I going to ask for someone!"

"Didn't something happen?" Liu Yifei muttered.

"Okay, you go back first." Cheng Yu'an asked Cindy to go back first.

Liu Yifei thought Cheng Yu'an would scold her, but Cheng Yu'an didn't speak for a long time.

"Are you confused, or can't think of how to scold me? Don't talk."

"Why am I scolding you?" Cheng Yu'an smiled. "When you go to Thailand, you must watch a ladyboy show. You are already your age, and you definitely don't like other people meddling. This is over."

Cheng Yu'an's reaction was beyond Liu Yifei's expectation: "Are you really not angry?"

"Why am I angry?" Cheng Yu'an raised his head, "Should I be angry?"

"It's fine if you're not angry." Liu Yifei felt relieved and began to rummage through her suitcase.

Liu Yifei bought gemstones for herself in Thailand, and brought back an amulet each for Cheng Yuan and the two grandfathers.

"I don't believe this." Cheng Yu'an held the amulet in his hand, it was very delicate.

"Leave it at home. I begged for it from someone's temple. It's a comfort to my heart." She and Cheng Yu'an didn't believe it, but they had to feel it when they came to Thailand, so they asked for something and came back.

"Didn't you buy something for your mother?" Cheng Yu'an asked, and Liu Yifei felt embarrassed.

"Sure enough, you didn't buy anything for your mother!" Cheng Yu'an laughed, "When the time comes, your mother will definitely say that you have no conscience and that your daughter is outward."

Liu Yifei argued: "Why didn't I buy it! This sapphire necklace was bought for my mother."

As he spoke, he took out a string of necklaces from the jewelry he bought.

This year's May [-]st is very deserted, only two films can be watched: "A Chinese Ghost Story" and "Guan Yunchang".

Thor was pushed to number 8.

This year, there are no films on May [-]st, and I am happy to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

"A Chinese Ghost Story" had successfully surpassed 28 million at the box office on the 4th before May [-]st, making it the first film to surpass [-] million in April.

Bringing Tong Liya also won the box office of [-] million yuan for the first time.

It is worth mentioning that "A Chinese Ghost Story" will also be screened in the mainland for the first time in a commemorative version on the 30th.

"A Chinese Ghost Story" competitor "Guan Yunchang", how about this film.

Once again, it proves that directors from Hong Kong and Taiwan are not good at filming historical themes.

People like Guan Yunchang can be photographed like gang leaders.

Zhen Bullet's acting skills were beaten by Jiang Wen throughout the whole process, but fortunately, the fight scenes of passing five levels were quite good.

There is a saying in the circle that Jiang Wen didn't know that "Guan Yunchang" was a bad movie, but he just wanted to play Cao Cao.

"Guan Yunchang" was released on the 26th, and it received 1600 million yuan on the first day, the best result for a movie released in April.

"Warring States" has been released for 2 weeks, and it has already been scolded badly on the Internet, so Tian Tian simply hid himself from seeing anyone.

When Sun Honglei was interviewed at the event site, he was also tight-lipped about "Warring States", unwilling to say more.


"You take someone there, I won't go this year." The vice president of Yuanyuan International Business Department wanted Cheng Yu'an to go to Cannes to sell films together.

Cheng Yu'an's name is still good.

"It's not the first time for us to go to Cannes to sell films. You know the heads of several major film studios. Follow the rules of previous years."

Be careful about big things, but be careful about small things.

This year in Cannes, the literary film "hello!Mr. Tree" and "The Piano of Steel" were both shortlisted for Un Certain Regard. In addition, the company will bring several new films that have already been launched and will be launched to Cannes to try their luck and see if they can sell the rights in advance.

""Alliance of Thieves" is about to start, I can't leave." Cheng Yu'an said.

The film is scheduled to start on Hong Kong Island on Wednesday, the 18th.

In the last few days before the launch of "Alliance of Thieves", Cheng Yu'an and his team arrived in Hong Kong ahead of schedule to do the final debugging.

By the way, I went to the "Source Code" crew.

"Source Code" has been launched for a month, and the file is scheduled for the Lunar New Year in December, so there is plenty of time.

"Source Code" does not use special effects, but plays with the concept of time loops. The biggest scene in the whole movie is the explosion.

The time loop is a very classic concept in science fiction movies, such as "Groundhog Day" and "Terror Cruise".

And the time loop is a very useful frame, and a slight change of the things to be put in it can make people's eyes shine.

Can you say how amazing "The Beginning" is?

Back to the "Source Code" crew.The outline of the film's story was provided by Cheng Yu'an, and it was perfected by Wuershan's screenwriter team.

Zhou Zhiqiang played by Zhang Jiahui is a retired Flying Tigers.

"How was it? First time making a sci-fi film?" Cheng Yu'an asked Wu Erfan.

"Everything else is fine." Wu Ershan said while drinking water, "I can't understand Cantonese! Zhang Jiahui's Mandarin is too bad. When filming, he spoke Cantonese and Tangtang spoke Mandarin, and the two don't match each other. , forcing them to memorize each other's words."

No, in the arena, Zhang Jiahui and Tangtang sat opposite each other, Zhang Jiahui babbled in Cantonese, Tangtang controlled his expression and spoke Mandarin to him.

The Cantonese speech speed is already too fast, how can Tangtang understand what Zhang Jiahui is saying.

Zhang Jiahui could understand Mandarin, but Tangtang could not understand Cantonese, the two of them were able to perform tricks.

"Crack." Wu Erfan called to stop, "Take a break for 5 minutes, let's do it again."

This time Wu Erfan was obviously dissatisfied.

"Director Cheng." Tangtang came over to say hello.

"The acting was good." Cheng Yu'an praised dryly.

Tangtang was not blind: "He is the Best Actor in the Academy Awards, even if I don't understand what he said, I still know that he is better than me in acting."

But in turn, he softly said thank you to Cheng Yu'an.

"no need thank me?"

"Thank you for allowing me to act in "Source Code" and "Resident Evil 5." Tang Tang is the second person Yuan Yuan pushed to Hollywood after Liu Yifei. Naturally, it goes without saying how precious this opportunity is.

"You are the one who seized the opportunity yourself. Since you have signed with the company, the company will naturally not treat you badly. If you have a good opportunity, you will definitely win it."

"Tangtang, it's time to play."

"Hey, here we come." Tangtang shouted, "Then I'll go."


Cheng Yu'an stayed in the "Source Code" crew for two hours and left after seeing nothing wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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