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Chapter 509: The Long-Hidden New Play

Chapter 509: The Long-Hidden New Play

After finishing the on-site activities and turning to the backstage, Liu Yifei was interviewed by the media:
"For such a large-scale performance this time, you..." The media had seen the finished film in advance.

"What's big? Big scale?" Liu Yifei was puzzled, "Hehe, that's really not big scale. In the movie, she wore a sports vest and shorts." In "Pacific Rim", Liu Yifei had several cool action scenes.

"Basically, it's similar to the clothes you usually wear to work out. It just shows your shoulders and legs like this. You know, I find the current audience and reporters really weird." Liu Yifei shook his head with a smile, "Really! You can show your shoulders Excited."

"It may be relatively rare for you to see you dressed like this." The reporter replied.

"Isn't it also exposed? The dresses and evening dresses that usually participate in activities have strapless backs."

The reporter laughed too.

"It's easy to get excited, everyone." Liu Yifei raised her eyebrows after finishing speaking.

#刘一菲婚事# quickly rushed to the top of the hot search, and various entertainment news also rushed to report this matter.

"When Liu Yifei participated in the promotion of "Pacific Rim" in Beijing, she personally admitted that her marriage with her boyfriend Cheng Yu'an was on the agenda. It is reported that "Pacific Rim" has been released in North America and some overseas countries and regions in China, and the box office reputation is both booming , Liu Yifei is getting more and more recognition in Hollywood, and now a happy event is coming, which can be described as a double harvest of career and love. "Pacific Rim" will land in China on the 31st of this month." This promotional notice was written, with the promotion of the movie.

Of course, there are also different voices: "In order to promote the movie, you don't hesitate to use your own marriage to hype it up. You really have it."

However, this point of view was quickly drowned in the blessings of fans.

The reporter caught Cheng Yu'an, who was addicted to shooting guns, on the set of "Wolf Warrior" in Jinling.

No man can resist the charm of guns and tanks. Cheng Yu'an spent the past two days eating and drinking on the set of "Wolf Warrior", practicing guns and racing jeeps together.

Of course, the tank wouldn't let him drive, but he sat in and felt it for a while.

"Director Cheng, Yifei said yesterday that you two have decided to get married."

"Yes." Cheng Yu'an admitted generously, "After all, we have been together for so long, and our relationship is deep enough. No one can do without each other, so we plan to settle the matter."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Get engaged first this year, and get the certificate. After two years, when I'm not as busy as I am now, I'll hold the wedding."

"Yifei is only 26 years old, which is the golden age of an actress. Wouldn't it be too early to get married at this time?"

"Actually, I planned to get married two or three years ago," Cheng Yu'an said with a smile. "In her words, she will be an older mother after another two years, and it will be inconvenient to have children by then."

"Are you going to have a baby so soon?"

"Not so fast." Cheng Yu'an said.

The reporter asked a sensitive question: "The nationality of Yifei...?"

"We submitted an application for withdrawal of citizenship in the United States last year, and the domestic naturalization process is also going through the process. After one Philippines, the household registration will be returned to the hometown of Hubei Province."

Cheng Yu'an's words are not false, Cheng Yu'an has been urging her to solve the nationality issue in the past few years.

The two are also preparing various materials. Last year, they started to go through the procedures of the two countries. It is believed that Liu Yifei's nationality can be transferred back by the end of this year at the earliest, and next year at the latest.

"Can you tell us how you proposed to Yifei?"

Cheng Yu'an smiled and said, "You guys are too gossip, I want to know that too."

"Tell me."

"I proposed while on vacation in New Zealand last year."

"Under the snow mountain? It's so romantic."

"No." Cheng Yu'an smiled, "In the room by the stove."


"What made you decide to get engaged this year?"

"There's no particular reason, it's just a matter of course. Apart from her, I can't think of any other woman I will spend the rest of my life with."

The reporter got a satisfactory answer from Cheng Yu'an, and left the crew of "Wolf Warrior" happily.

Because of their marriage, Liu Yifei and "Pacific Rim" were on the headlines and trending searches for three whole days.

Even the release of "Fast and Furious 6" failed to grab enough attention.

"Pacific Rim" was screened one week in advance in China, and it actually received more than 200 million good results.

The pre-sale box office exceeded 3000 million.

The media have said that "The Guy in Me" has boosted the confidence of the summer film, but it is far from bringing the enthusiasm it should have, because so far, there has not been a blockbuster that has exceeded [-] million in a single day.

"The previously released "Shocking Crisis" performed a high-level dive. It performed well at the opening, but its stamina was insufficient, and the box office fell off a cliff. The following "Fast and Furious 6" and "Pacific Rim" may bring more to the market. Big thrill."

Sure enough, "Fast 6" grossed 4500 million at the box office as soon as it was released, surpassed 6000 million the next day, and broke 1.6 million in three days.

"Fast 6" accounted for nearly 20% of the film schedule in the top 40 box office cities across the country. "The Guy in Me" was released for 10 days. With its good word-of-mouth, it maintained a stable box office and still accounted for 20% of the film schedule.

Blockbusters such as "The Gorilla", "Kung Fu Man" and "Shocking Crisis" only accounted for 12% of the total.

The market generally predicts that the total domestic box office of "Fast 6" will exceed 4 million, and the biggest impact on "Fast 6" is "Pacific Rim", which was released 6 days later.

Theater managers called it "killing".

"I am afraid that 80% of the IMAX theaters will be given over to "Pacific Rim" in the follow-up film schedule," said the manager of Beijing Wanda International Cinema.

"As the world's best-selling series, "Fast and Furious" also has a lot of fans in China. "Pacific Rim" is a brand new original story. It is difficult to kill "Fast and Furious". The marriage has brought great enthusiasm to "Pacific Rim", at least in China, "Pacific Rim" may really be able to successfully snipe "Fast & Furious 6."

Cheng Lingfeng, who is far away in the United States, feels a little sorry for her eldest nephew and nephew.

Whether it was intentional or not, "Pacific Rim" has indeed been unprecedentedly favored by the market because of the exposure of the two's marriage.

Cheng Lingfeng felt that he had taken advantage of his eldest nephew.

When talking on the phone with Cheng Yu'an at night, Cheng Lingfeng swore: "Don't worry, I will definitely do a good job in Sissi's next film, the absolute heroine, monoclonal antibody box office! If there is no 1 million dollars in the world, I will quit."

"What did you say? What's the next movie?" Cheng Yu'an sensitively grasped the loopholes in Cheng Lingfeng's words.

Cheng Lingfeng was shocked, it's over, I slipped my tongue!
"Um, this, I mean find her a heroine movie to compensate her."

"Don't try to get away with it. Did you secretly accept the show for her behind my back? I said why she has been hiding in the United States for more than half a year and refused to come back. Tell me, what's going on!"

"It's just... just customizing a movie for her, heroine."

"Is there something hidden in the customized protagonist? Is it a good movie, and you are afraid that I will disagree? What kind of movie is it?"

"Just an ordinary action movie, nothing to say."

"You still don't say yes, if you don't say, I'll ask Sarah."

"Hey, why are you so impatient." Cheng Lingfeng stopped him, "It's a killer movie, and we were working on the script last year."

"Isn't this the drama that you were sneakily talking about at the anniversary?"

"Well, I didn't tell you all the time, because I was afraid that you would worry."

"It's a good movie, why would I worry, what's the name of the movie?"

"It's called John Wick, the book of Derek Costa, the screenwriter of "Deadly Express". Ersky together."

Chad Stalski is the assistant director of "Sherlock Holmes 2", and he also participated in "The Expendables 2", and has rich experience in action movies.

But after hearing this, Cheng Yu'an was completely unwilling to accept Liu Yifei's role in this drama. This drama is too dangerous!
Fist-to-flesh combat, intense gun battles and fighting scenes are the biggest selling points of this show - and it is also typical of Derek Costa.

Cheng Yu'an couldn't bear to make such an extremely dangerous action movie after making a special effects action movie like "Pacific Rim".

"You send me the script, and I'll tell you after I read it."

Cheng Yu'an read the script until midnight, and the rest of the film remained unchanged, except that the protagonist was replaced by a woman:
Helen Wick is a retired gold medal killer. Her husband, John Wick, died of cancer. She and her dog left by her husband are the only ones left at home.Just when Helen Wick gradually began to adapt to a lonely life, a group of Russian gangsters broke into her house, stole the car left by her husband, and killed her dog.As a result, Helen Wick embarked on the road of revenge, and a huge world of killers slowly unfolded in front of the audience...

Cheng Yuan flew back to his home in Beijing that night.

 "Menghualu" is tentatively scheduled to be broadcast on 6.02. On the first broadcast day, a friend will be selected in the book friend group to reward Tencent video members (worth 15 yuan) to watch together. Friends who have not joined the group can join the group.

(End of this chapter)

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