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Chapter 533 I'm Getting Married Next Month

Chapter 533 I'm Getting Married Next Month
Afterwards, Lang Lang gave a wonderful piano performance, and he and Cheng Qiuxia presented the Best Original Music and Best Original Film Song. .

The awards were won by the crews of "A Touch of Sin" and "A Rock and Roll to the Moon".

Later, we will enter the remembrance session, reviewing and remembering the famous filmmakers who passed away this year.

After the commemoration event, the best new director award was presented, and the guests were Wu Baige and Di Lon.

At this time, there was an oolong.

After the nominated films were played on the big screen, Dillon read the list again.

The first name was "Mom and Dad Are Not Home". As soon as Ti Lung pronounced it, the crew of "Mom and Dad Are Not Home" cheered and jumped for joy, thinking they had won the award.

But I never thought that Dillon was still reading the nominees later, and Wu Baige made up for it on stage: "I'm reading the list of nominations."

Chen Zheyi, the director of "Parents Are Not Home", covered her face and sat down again.

When it was announced that he had won the award and he took the stage, his first words were: "What a shame."

Later he said that his main purpose of coming to the Golden Horse Awards was to admire Li An and wanted to shake hands with him.

There is nothing to say about the next two screenplay awards and the lifetime achievement award.

The award ceremony has come to this point, and it has entered the late stage.

If the camera could show Cheng Yuan who was sitting in the audience, he would be found silently stuffing food into his mouth.

This is his routine for participating in awards ceremonies. A ceremony lasts four to five hours, and he will always put food in his pocket.

"Don't eat alone, share with me." Xia Yu from behind patted him.

"Why, you didn't bring it?" He said while grabbing a peanut chocolate bar from his pocket and giving it to him.

"I forgot to bring it." Xia Yu was also brought up by Cheng Yu'an and had this problem.

"Do you want to eat it?" Cheng Yuan asked Liu Yifei as he still had melon seeds in his hand.

"I don't eat."

Several people were talking, and the host Cai Kangyong announced that six actresses would be invited to present the following best director awards: Zhang Ziyi, Gui Lunmei, Chen Chong, Yang Guimei, Zheng Xiuwen and Qin Hailu.

Six people were shortlisted for the best director, and each person introduced one.

Zhang Ziyi opened the opening, saying that Wang Sunglass has sharpened his sword in ten years: "He is willing to spend 10 years to polish a work. He is carving a work of art with his life. He does not have a script for making movies, but he is always inspiring. We have unlimited potential, thank you director, you make us better actors, you are a well-deserved master of the generation."

Is this praising the king's sunglasses or hurting him?
Later, Zheng Xiuwen introduced To Qifeng, saying that he created the history of police and gangster movies.

Gui Lunmei said that Zhong Menghong brought a brand new image style and film vocabulary.

Yang Guimei said that Tsai Ming-liang made the audience see the highest artistic expression in commercial films, and his films have always been the benchmark of art.

Qin Hailu said Cheng Yu'an: "You were born for movies, you are a genius director, you understand the deepest loneliness of the characters, you are full of respect and sympathy for the characters under your lens, we will proudly remember what you have done for the Chinese film industry. contribution."

The whole Cheng Yu'an is a little embarrassed, am I so good?
In the end, Chen Chong directly praised Chief Jia as "the mirror and conscience of the times".

After the nominated films were played, the six actresses stood in front of the microphone.

Chen Chong opened the envelope, glanced at it, and handed the envelope to Qin Hailu with a smile.

This move allowed the audience to roughly guess the winner, and there were already sparse applause.

"The best director is," Qin Hailu twitched her mouth and laughed, "You are going to treat me. Cheng Yu'an, "Old Father."

The audience applauded thunderously, Cheng Yuan stood up, kissed Liu Yifei as usual, and hugged and shook hands with his colleagues.

After bowing to the guests and audience, he went to the stage to accept the award.

He hugged Qin Hailu deeply, held her cheek and kissed her gently, Qin Hailu whispered in his ear: "Okay, okay."

After hugging and shaking hands with the other five award presenters, Zhang Ziyi said, "Congratulations."

After receiving the Golden Horse trophy from Qin Hailu, Cheng Yu'an said: "I have been pretending to be calm, but in fact I am very nervous now. This is my first time to come to the Golden Horse. I am very grateful to the conference for giving me this award. Thank you for your support." Actors, my team, thank director Li An for inviting me to Golden Horse, and also thank my fiancée, oh no, I should be called my wife now, we will get the certificate next month. Hehe."

The audience applauded more enthusiastically. Liu Yifei smiled like a flower in the audience and blew a kiss to Cheng Yuan.

"Thank you to my wife Liu Yifei for her company and support all the time, thank you to Teacher Jiao Huang, and thank you to my senior sister Jiang Wenli. The film "Old Father" was shot in a smooth manner. They were more difficult than me. They didn't know that they would act What kind, but they know they are working with me, thank them for their unlimited trust in me. Thank you."

With a final bow, Cheng Yu'an stepped down with his Golden Horse trophy.

Qin Hailu affectionately took Cheng Yu'an's arm, and went down with everyone.

Cai Qing came on stage and sang five old songs of "Intimate Lover", "Deep Courtyard", "I Am a Cloud", "The Forgotten Time" and "Just Like Your Tenderness". Her unique contralto brought the audience back In the past, countless people in the audience were silently singing along.

"The next thing we want to present is the Best Actress Award. Let us welcome Mr. Andy Lau and Ms. Zhang Manyu."

The two came out hand in hand, what a perfect match!

"Hi everyone, I'm Liu Dehua."

"Hi everyone, I'm Zhang Manyu."

Then the two fell silent on the stage, Zhang Manyu dialed Andy Lau and signaled him to speak.

Liu Dehua shook his head, expressing that he didn't know what to say: "No manuscript."

Zhang Manyu stared at Andy Lau suspiciously, only to see him say again: "The meeting told me today that there is no manuscript, and if we stand here, (they) will applaud."

The audience applauded.

Zhang Manyu continued: "It's okay. I remember a very popular director told me that to be a good actor, you don't need a lot of dialogue, it's a gesture." After speaking, he posed on the stage.

"Thank you everyone for giving her the applause alone." After finishing speaking, Andy Lau walked aside and posed.

There was thunderous applause.

Zhang Manyu smiled and said, "What kind of posture is this?"

"It turns out that what the conference told me was correct, there is no draft, but let's talk about the movie this time. Let's go back and do it again."

After speaking, he pulled Zhang Manyu back a few steps, and stepped on the sidelines.

"Hi everyone, I'm Zhang Manyu."

"I'm Andy Lau."

"Sister Manyu is so relaxed." Liu Yifei was very envious in the audience.

"If you win the Golden Horse Award five times, you will do the same."

The two drew a lottery, and Andy Lau asked Zhang Manyu to read it, but she shook her head and refused, but Andy Lau still pointed to the envelope and said, "You read this, I will read this."

Zhang Manyu opened her mouth directly: "Zhang Ziyi."

Andy Lau quickly added: "The Great Master."

Here comes the fun, Zhang Ziyi was led by Andy Lau to the stage, and Zhang Manyu posted a polite post.Andy Lau wanted to give the trophy to Zhang Manyu and ask her to award it to Zhang Ziyi.

But Zhang Manyu was unwilling, and took a few steps back, but refused to accept the trophy.Liu Dehua gave way twice more, but Zhang Manyu still refused.

"What happened to them?" Liu Yifei asked.

"Go back and tell you." Cheng Yu'an was watching a good show.

In the end, Andy Lau presented the award to Zhang Ziyi.

Zhang Ziyi left the stage after delivering her acceptance speech, and she was also guided by Andy Lau. Zhang Manyu didn't say a word to her the whole time, and walked straight ahead.

The following film kings, the big hits are Jiao Huang from "Old Father", Liang Chaowei from "The Great Master", and Zhang Jiahui from "Guild Wars".

But in this award, the biggest upset of this year's Golden Horse Awards broke out. The best actor gave Cai Mingliang's "Outing" actor Li Kangsheng.

Before the awarding of the final best feature film, the winners of the previous Golden Horse Awards (those who could come) sat on the stage and received standing applause from the audience.

The two vacant chairs were for Li Kangsheng and Zhang Ziyi, who had just been released as best actress queens.

The award presenters for the best feature film are Hou Xiaoxian, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Golden Horse Awards, and Li An, Chairman of the Jury.

Cai Kangyong said: "This is the most grand award lineup in the history of our Golden Horse Awards. The next time it is like this, everyone will have to wait 10 years."

Cheng Yuan laughed in the audience.

ten years? After the threshold in 18, the Golden Horse Awards played themselves to death, how could they gather a table of actor and actress.

As the chairman of the jury, Li An already knew the winners in advance, so he asked Hou Xiao to draw the prize first.

"The best feature film of the 50th Golden Horse Awards, the winner is..." Hou Xiaoxian held up the envelope, ""Old Father"."

Liu Yifei jumped up first, pulled Cheng Yuan up and kissed him hard on the lips.

She was not with Cheng Yu'an when "Old Father" won the Cannes award, and she was not there when she won the Golden Rooster Award.

Cheng Yu'an also brought the main creator of "Old Father" together with Liu Yifei to the stage.

Cheng Yu'an only calmly said a few words of thanks, and then handed it over to "Old Father" producer Jiang Xuerou.

"Hi everyone, I am the producer of "Old Father". Thank you very much for the approval of the conference. I really appreciate it." Jiang Xuerou didn't know what to say. She refused, but Cheng Yu'an urged her to speak.

Liu Yifei stood in front of the microphone stupidly, holding back a sentence for a long time: "I will get married next month."

Hahaha! !

After the best feature film is awarded, this year's Golden Horse Awards is over!
(End of this chapter)

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