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Chapter 586 Venice Official Announcement

Chapter 586 Venice Official Announcement

On September 9, Cheng Yu'an and Qin Hailu landed in Venice.

In the past two years, Venice has really become more and more lonely.

A key influencing factor is the Toronto Film Festival.

The Venice Film Festival is usually held in late August and early September, and the Toronto Film Festival is also in September.

However, Toronto is backed by the world's largest film market - North America.

"Toronto has the North American film market, while Venice only has film festivals. Good films also hope to sell at a good price. In comparison, Toronto is more attractive than Venice."

According to media reports, this year's Toronto International Film Festival will have 64 feature films and 249 short films from 63 countries screened, of which 116 films will have their world premieres at the festival.

This data far exceeds the number of films in Venice Films.

500 stars including Ben Kingsley, George Clooney and Peter O'Toole, as well as the directors Coen Brothers, will appear in Toronto, compared to Edward Norton and Al Pasi, who graced the Venice red carpet Nuo seemed a little shabby.

According to the official data of this year's Venice Film Festival, the number of officially registered media members of this year's film festival is less than 3000, which is the lowest value since the new century.According to incomplete statistics from the Italian local media, 40% of media personnel and film companies have already left Venice and moved to Toronto.

Before Cannes, then Toronto, the situation in Venice is getting more and more embarrassing.

The desolation of the film festival forced Alberto Barbara to bet on the Chinese army.

Wang Xiaoshuai's "Intruder" and Zhang Yimou's "Pain and Glory" were shortlisted for the main competition, Xu Anhua's "Golden Age" and Wen Muye's "Dear" were screened.

Xu Anhua is also the chairman of the Horizon Unit.

Cheng Yu'an, known as the "Son of Venice", served as the award presenter.

Alberto originally thought that international directors like Zhang Yimou and Cheng Yu'an would attract a lot of media attention.

At the opening of the film festival, most of the media were looking forward to meeting Zhang and Cheng.

But it is a pity that Zhang Yimou couldn't go to the film festival in person, but Cheng Yu'an landed in Venice only halfway through the competition.

This disappointed the media and the local audience in Venice.

But thank God, Mr. Cheng Yuan still came.

Cheng Yu'an is a nostalgic person. He is a direct descendant of Venice, and he is willing to make some contributions to the declining Venice Film Festival.

Therefore, he put the global launch conference of "The Wandering Earth" in Venice!
Interesting enough!

In fact, when Cheng Yu'an boarded the plane to fly to Venice, some domestic media photographed Da Liu walking with him.

These two were originally unrelated, but many media in the entertainment industry were not familiar with Da Liu, so they didn't care why there was such a stranger beside Cheng Yu'an.

Since the opening of this year's Venice, this press conference has attracted the most attention except for the opening red carpet.

Many international media also returned to the Venice scene because of this press conference.

The preparatory team of "The Wandering Earth" brought a set of ten concept posters and a 90-second special effects video to the scene.

Cheng Yuan explained to the media at the scene:
"There are three jewels in the crown of the film industry, science fiction, fantasy and military action films. The Chinese film industry is still immature, but we are willing to try.

"Liu has always been a sci-fi writer that I like and respect very much. I have read every one of his stories, and we have known each other for a long time.

"The reason why I decided to shoot "The Wandering Earth" is because in this story I saw a different interpretation of the end of the world from the West, and I saw a different description of the doomsday heroes from Hollywood. We in China also like to watch lonely heroes, but we prefer Willing to believe in the power of unity. This is why I decided to make "The Wandering Earth".

"I believe this will be a very different doomsday sci-fi movie."

Cheng Yu'an also talked about interesting facts about "The Wandering Earth":

"When we bought the copyright of "The Wandering Earth", Da Liu didn't ask for a high price, but so many years have passed, and now we want to compensate him for the shooting, but he said that since it has been sold, we don't want it any more. The so-called compensation. But we will still invite Liu as a consultant for the film to participate in the creation of the film script."

The consultant fee was 200 million to Liu.

Cheng Yu'an's speech was very short, and he knew that the media in the audience had a lot of questions to ask.

"Director Cheng, how is the progress of the new film?"

"Still working on early concept." Cheng Yu'an said frankly that it was not so fast: "Making science fiction films is very time-consuming. Our film industry system is far less developed than that of the United States. We have to do a lot of work in the early stage, including "The Wandering Earth" The world view, gravity, ecosystem, and mechanical engineering design of the entire doomsday world have to be done again, but fortunately we have some experience in "The Martian" before."

"When is it expected to start up?"

"I can't answer this for you yet, it depends on our previous preparations and the construction progress of the shooting site.

"Most of the scenes of this movie will be shot in the Oriental Movie Metropolis. Wanda is very supportive and is rushing to shoot the required studio."

A reporter came up with a unique approach and asked Liu Yifei what he thought of Cheng Yuan's new film. Liu Yifei began to play a resentful woman on stage: "As soon as he starts the film, I will become a widow."

Everyone laughed.

Liu Yifei went on to say: "Every time he joins the group, I feel that I have lost my husband." Then she turned her head and complained to Chen Zhixi: "In the future, you will let him do less filming, we have only been married for less than a year."

Jiang Xuerou shrugged with a smile.

"May I ask Mr. Chen," asked the producer Chen Zhixi, "What is the budget for the film "The Wandering Earth"? Have you started casting?"

Chen Zhixi replied: "We never set a budget limit for Yu'an's films." At the press conference, we still have to brag about it appropriately, "We will give him as much as he wants. Our investors trust him unconditionally."

In fact, "The Wandering Earth" only identified two major partners, China Film and Wanda, but to make this kind of blockbuster, it must be escorted by the partners as much as possible.

But the formal bidding has not yet started so soon.

"Casting hasn't started yet, because the script hasn't been finalized yet. We will select actors across the country." Chen Zhixi kind of let out a piece of information.

The cast of Cheng Yuan's new film "The Wandering Earth" has yet to be determined!
I can guess how the outside world will fight for the role.

The entire press conference lasted for more than an hour. The reporter wanted to dig into the bottom of "The Wandering Earth" in every detail, but Cheng Yu'an and the others gritted their teeth. Dig out of their mouths.

The news of Venice was immediately spread all over the world, especially in China.

Cheng Yuan did not make a commercial film for 3 years after "The Thieves", and did not touch science fiction for 7 years after "The Martian".

Many movie fans are particularly worried that Cheng Yu'an won too many awards and gets lost in art films, and they are all waiting for him to make commercial films, especially science fiction films.

In recent years, many sci-fi films have emerged in domestic films.

"But the more I look at the current sci-fi, the more I feel how good Cheng Yu'an's "The Martian" (released in 07) was made in 09."

"At that time, he was really courageous. He dared to play such a big game at the age of 25."

Cheng Yu'an's fans are as happy as Chinese New Year: "Finally there is something to look forward to!"

"Poor Qianqian, Cheng Yu'an just came out of the production of "White Fox", and the couple have not been reunited enough, and they will become widows again."

Within a few days after the news came back to China, Liu's book quickly reached the best-seller lists in major bookstores.

Stars big and small in the entertainment circle bought and read Da Liu's works one after another, especially "The Wandering Earth".

And some film and television companies watch "The Wandering Earth" remotely, and they also put their ideas on science fiction films, hoping to catch a wave of enthusiasm.

But after asking, I found out that the copyrights of many science fiction novels on the market have been searched remotely as early as 10 years ago, and as recently as three or four years ago.

With Cheng Yu'an taking the lead, domestic sci-fi is bound to be the next trend. No matter whether it is good or bad, let's get the rest of the copyright first.

In this way, even science fiction writers have made a fortune, but that's something for later, let's not talk about it for now.

(End of this chapter)

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