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Chapter 678 Although there are thousands of people, I will go

However, the right to speak of special effects companies in the industry has not changed because of Tiangong Yicai's strong rebuttal.

Most ordinary viewers don't pay attention, or don't care which company makes your special effects.

Coupled with the fact that Ahri took the initiative to blame, many fans really feel that their idol's "A Chinese Ghost Story" went down in the later stage because you didn't do enough special effects.

Fans scolded Tiangong Yicaiguang for taking money and not working.

Even if Shen Yuan has a hundred mouths, he can't argue with fanatical fans, but technical people are naturally arrogant. They can't win in the war of public opinion, but they won't give up so easily in other aspects.

Tiangong Yicai began to show off his muscles on Weibo.

Show off that you have seven R&D and production centers around the world, and one cloud computing cloud rendering center.

"But we know that there is still a long way to learn. The next special effects problem that Tiangong Yicai needs to overcome is the mirror world and living creature special effects." These two are the most difficult and expensive topics in the field of special effects.

Cheng Lingfeng restarted "Fantasy Forest" and used a lot of animal special effects. This is a very good learning opportunity for Tiangong Yicai. During the preparation period of the crew, Tiangong Yicai specially sent people to learn from the group.

The same is true for the special effects of the mirror world. The "Doctor Strange" to be released next year will use the mirror world extensively. Relying on Cheng Yu'an's relationship in Hollywood, Tiangong Yicai will also have the opportunity to participate in and learn from it.

Of course, the price is the special effects of "Guardians of the Galaxy 17" and "Spider-Man: Homecoming" released in 2. Tiangong Yicai charges a slightly lower fee as a tuition fee.

Many people, probably most people don't know that Tiangong Yicai is the only special effects company in China shortlisted for Marvel production.

A large part of the reason why Tiangong Yicai can make a profit is that there are abundant orders from abroad.

Domestic demand is still too small.

The box office of "A Chinese Ghost Story" continued to drop, and Ari blamed the special effects team. Cheng Yu'an couldn't sit idly by. The extraordinary splendor of Tiangong is his treasure, and the special effects company is the most valuable asset on the road to film industrialization.

So, in the evening, #天价片共# appeared on Weibo’s hot search.

Names were directly named in the trending search: "A Chinese Ghost Story is still in theaters. It is rumored that the male and female protagonists Lu Han and Zheng Shuang spent nearly 1 million in salary. 3 cost, how much money will be left for the crew and other actors, as well as the post-production team.”

The topic fermented rapidly, and before the National Day, it actually aroused heated discussions in the industry.

Various producers and investors have come forward to say that actors' remuneration is too high, which has obviously exceeded the normal growth law of the industry.

"It's fine if it's just a high salary, but they don't work for the money. They signed a 3-month schedule, and it's good to be able to come for 30 days, because he is too busy, busy with various activities to make money everywhere."

"They are surrounded by compliments, managers spoil them, fans coax them, and no one tells them it's wrong to do so."

"It is becoming more and more difficult to be an artist assistant now. Not only do you have to take care of the artist's daily life, but you also have to walk the show and memorize the lines for the artist, because the artist does not have so much time to spend on the crew. At this time, the assistant has to play a role and walk for the artist. After the play, go back and tell the artist."

Do you think this will have a rectifying effect on the entire environment?

Sometimes the truth just cannot be told!

Everyone knows that the sky-high salary is not good, and everyone knows that it takes hard work to be dedicated to the film crew.

But the 15-year market is so deformed.

"Someone is willing to pay him such a high salary, can you control it!" A sentence was blocked.

Cheng Yu'an is not the kind of person who will sit and wait for death. He wants to do something for this market environment.

This year marks the 110th anniversary of the birth of Chinese films. If possible, he would like to do something beneficial to the industry.

According to the development of the original time and space, sky-high salary and capital carnival will continue for about five years.

When the epidemic comes, all industries wither, capital ebbs, and the country begins to rectify the chaos in the industry, the salaries of stars will return to a relatively normal level.

Therefore, Cheng Yuan raised the issue of actors' salaries and taxes in the last discussion on the "Film Industry Promotion Law" before the holiday.

He didn't say that actors can't get high pay, but should control the total pay within a reasonable range.

"For example, let's think about it this way, how about the total salary of actors in a movie or TV series cannot exceed 50% of the total production cost? And the main actor's salary cannot exceed 70% of the total film salary, and the other actors share the other 30% .”

But Cheng Yu'an's view caused very strong opposition.

Some said it was difficult to audit; some said the accounts of the crew were industry secrets and would not be made public; some said it would limit the healthy development of the industry...

Not to mention the issue of celebrity tax audits in the back, there was a lot of opposition at the scene.

"Under the current conditions, it is difficult to achieve accurate tax review."

Cheng Yu'an also knew that raising the tax issue now was poking a hornet's nest, and the interests involved were too great.

But he still didn't give up, and proposed to strictly regulate star income: "Strictly distinguish star personal income, studio income and company income."

The experts and scholars present all knew that Cheng Yu'an raised these opinions for the healthy development of the entire industry.

But Cheng Yu'an was not in the court, and many things could not be pushed through with good ideas.

However, the leader also gave Cheng Yuan a reply: "These opinions are very good and valuable, and we will discuss them later."

These opinions raised by Cheng Yu'an were quickly known by the bigwigs in the industry.

They knew Cheng Yu'an's influence in the circle and the right to speak in front of the leaders, and they were very worried that Cheng Yu'an would push these opinions into real legislation.

"He himself is the boss of the largest film and television company, how can he do it? This is digging the roots of the entire industry!"

But there are also not too many worries about this.

"No matter how influential he is, he can't change the entire industry by himself. Don't worry, his opinions are good or bad, but they are just auspicious words, just listen to them."

Cheng Yu'an is under a lot of pressure to try to promote the legislation of actors' income regulation.

Yes, he's reborn, he's the main character, but he's not omnipotent.

He cannot fight the status quo of the entire industry on his own.

In the past few days, countless experts and scholars have lobbied him, stressing the status quo of the industry and the difficulty of advancing legislation.

Cheng Yu'an took advantage of the characteristics of old fried dough sticks, and only said: "I just put forward some opinions, whether it can be achieved or not depends on the meaning of the leader."

"It's all for the industry."

Cheng Yu'an picked Wan Essential Oil's good words, so that the experts who came to the door could not find the loopholes in his words.

Liu Yifei also knew what her husband was doing: "If you say that, you will definitely offend people. If you want me to say forget it, anyway, we have filming and making money, so it's not bad."

"Let's do our best and obey the destiny. Someone has to stand up and say these things. It's really time to do it in five or ten years. By then, the credibility of the entertainment industry will be overdrawn, and it will be impossible to save it."

"We managed to bring the audience back to the movie theater. After messing around like this, the audience will say later that the money earned in your circle is not clean, there is no good bird, and so on. This is a kind of harm to good actors."

Cheng Yu'an has always been handy in filming. Even if he encounters difficulties, he is very optimistic and feels that he will definitely be able to solve them.

But he is very unconfident about this kind of thing, including the promotion of the revision of the Sino-US film agreement before. He is doubting whether this matter can be successful while doing it.

In the end, I can only hand it over to the phrase "Do your best and obey the destiny."

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