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Chapter 684 Discussion on screenwriting

Kong Qi said that Ahri would not hire a professional screenwriter, which caused great repercussions in the industry.

On the morning of the second day after the forum ended, the entry #阿里影片: Screenwriter Useless# rushed into the trending search.

Many well-known screenwriters in the industry, after reviewing the content of last night's forum, have announced on Moments, Weibo and other channels that they "will not cooperate with Ari Films". Liying Industry, please go, don't give it away."

Afterwards, many screenwriters in the industry quickly followed up, and some even insulted Ahri Films on social platforms.

In the next two days, things quickly escalated, and many well-known bloggers and public accounts reposted relevant remarks, which triggered a wider range of attacks on Ahri Films.

Seeing this matter intensified, and netizens became more and more malicious towards Ali, Kong Qi had to stand up and respond in person.

He angrily criticized the media for "taking his words out of context" on Weibo and his personal circle of friends, which caused "serious damage to the reputation of myself and Ahri Films."

Zhang Qiang, CEO of Ali Pictures, also responded to public opinion in a timely manner, saying: "As the core of the content industry, the importance of screenwriters is unquestionable. Alibaba Pictures has always respected screenwriters and other professionals, and has never wavered. It is also exploring and practicing. Screenwriters and other professional colleagues jointly create a realistic path for the future of the industry. We have never denied the role of screenwriters, and we have always put screenwriters at the top of our list.”

Kong Qi also stated his point of view again: "I'm not saying that there is no need for screenwriters, what I mean is that today's super IP on the Internet is only four to five million words, and it is difficult for screenwriters to have enough time and energy to read it completely. , not to mention the sorting out and precise grasp of the original work. At this time, the contradiction between the screenwriter’s schedule and the creation time cycle appeared. Under this situation, please go to the loyal fans of the original work, while respecting and loving the original work Write the story on the basis of the original work, then create and revise it once or twice, and finally select the work that is most in line with the spirit of the original work from these re-created works, and you will have the basis for an accurate grasp of the original work. At this time, please professional The creation of the director and director will form a real improvement to the work. This is also a script industrial process explored by Ahri Films. It is an innovation, full respect for the original work, and the greatest respect for public opinion on the Internet. In the final analysis, the core of film and television dramas is still the story, but the screenwriters are drawn from the front end of the industry chain, and the excellent writers among the fans are allowed to refine the essence of the original story they think, and then the professional screenwriters process the script. But this front end It belongs to pure IP, and the back-end needs to be processed into a good script, and the screenwriter must be indispensable."

Kong Qi also said: I participated in the forum that day, and there were 200 people on and off the stage. There may have been a certain degree of ridicule, jokes, and even inappropriate remarks at the time, but everyone was participating in the forum, which had the effect of conveying context to each other.But the content that comes out now basically ignores the context. I also feel very regretful and sorry. In the future, it seems that I can only keep silent. "

From Ari's attitude in handling this matter, we can see the consistent face of Internet manufacturers.

Do not admit + take no responsibility.

It's not my fault that something went wrong, it's because you misunderstood.

And avoid the important and ignore the trivial, evasive.

They still haven't responded to the question of the exorbitant salary of the actors of "A Chinese Ghost Story" and the question of not treating the special effects team as human beings.

Although Ari's response temporarily calmed the anger of netizens, it did not satisfy the screenwriters in the industry.

A discussion about the status of screenwriters in the industry took this opportunity to start.

Famous screenwriters such as Wang Hailin and Song Fangjin have recently appeared frequently on camera to talk about the profession of screenwriting.

Wang Hailin said that he misses the time when the coal boss was an investor: "They know that coal mines can't interfere blindly, and blind intervention will kill people. They have a sense of safety in production, so they cooperate very well. At most, I will give you a little honey."

"The second is that when real estate developers are bosses, they also have a sense of safety in production, because they can't intervene indiscriminately even when building a house, and interfering indiscriminately will kill people."

"The worst thing is the current group of Internet bosses. They think they are omnipotent and tell you what to do. You tell him about the script structure, and he tells you about traffic and popularity. They are not the same people at all."

Song Fangjin talked about last year's battle between the Song Dynasty and Song Dynasty, saying that the screenwriter's status in the crew was very low, and anyone could change my script.

"It's just that the environment of the remote crew will be better," he added a few words from the remote, "but it's also the tallest among the dwarfs, and the remote key projects, such as "The Wandering Earth" and "Walk with the Gods" will respect the screenwriter very much If you have any opinions, the screenwriter will be required to follow up from beginning to end, and even stay on the set. Other plays are similar to the general environment, and will not be much better."

Remote is probably the only company in China that pays dividends to screenwriters.

The key projects will deliberately reserve a part of the share for the screenwriter team, not much, but if it sells well, the screenwriter team will get a lot of income.

Of course, the premise is that you are a big screenwriter in the industry, such as Zou Jingzhi and Liu Heping, and the screenwriting team must be willing to bet remotely on the success of the movie.

Most screenwriters still prefer to get a more secure fixed fee.

The flames of war gradually changed from discussing the status of screenwriters to various screenwriters accusing the general environment of harming screenwriters.

Especially the constraints imposed on screenwriters by rampant fresh meat.

"How far has it developed now? Once I went to meet an investor who worked on the Internet. I showed him the script, and he pointed to the script and said, let me change it here. It's too long. I asked him why, and he Said that their actors can’t memorize such a long line. Now it’s at this point, I’m not allowed to write any lines longer than three lines, and they can’t read it.”

"Nowadays Xiao Xianrou brings his own screenwriter into the group and changes the script on the spot. So now we don't care about the script after we write it, because he won't act according to what you wrote."

It is true to say that black and red are also red, and being scolded is also traffic.

Ari Films very cleverly grasped the wave of traffic that Cheng Yuan brought him.

After the scriptwriting incident paused for a while, Ahri Films poured a bucket of oil into the dying fire!

Official announcement of "The Ferryman"!
Directed by the top best-selling author Zhang Jiajia across borders.

Produced by Wang Sunglasses, starring Liang Chaowei, Jin Chengwu, Chen Yixun, AB, etc., Li Yuchun cameo, and Lu Han is outstanding.

The announcement of this list quickly made the headlines and hot searches for Ahri all over the Internet.

The outside world questioned Zhang Jiajia's directing ability, because the lessons learned from "Little Times" are there. Best-selling novel writers cross-border directors, and most of the films they produce are not fun.

Zhang Jia's family uttered wild words: "Let's put it this way, you've been drinking with Wang Shajing for a year or two, if you still don't know how to direct, you're an idiot."

Liu Yifei's brain froze, forwarded this news and commented: "I have been with Mr. Cheng for 7 years, and I will not be able to direct."

As soon as Liu Yifei finished posting this Weibo, Cheng Yu'an's call arrived, asking her not to get involved in this matter.

But Liu Yifei was slow to delete Weibo. Her Weibo has long been saved by screenshots and spread widely.

Liu Yifei has always been indifferent to the world, but now she is openly insulting others. The audience's first reaction was: "Did Ah Li offend Cheng Yu'an?"

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