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Chapter 711 In the Crew

Cheng Yuan really appreciates his actors.

Some actors’ scenes were not filmed so early, and they didn’t need to enter the set so quickly, but many of them would choose to stay on the set, or get familiar with the environment and the script, or play for young actors, or continue physical training.

The most touching one is Uncle Da.

He is 64 years old and has a heart condition. Wearing protective clothing that weighs dozens of kilograms, he struggled with these young people on the set. It was difficult for others to watch.

But Uncle Da never complained that he was tired, nor did he take the initiative to ask for a rest.

He only joked, "Hurry up and shoot, my old bones can't stand your toss."

But as long as Cheng Yu'an asks to do it all over again, he is always the first to get ready.

Uncle Da never read the script at the scene, nor did he bring the script to the scene. He had already memorized the words in the hotel. What's more, out of care for the younger generation, he not only recited his own words, but also his opponent's words. He has memorized all the words.

Cheng Yu'an said: "Look, this is called an old man." This sentence is quite serious, and it will soon be impersonal, "If I were you, I will give Uncle Da a knock."

It made Uncle Da punch Cheng Yu'an on the spot.

Liu Yifei also scolded him: "A dog can't spit out ivory."

Cheng Yu'an proudly said: "Nonsense, I can still get ivory out of my mouth."

Eh, something is wrong.

The set was full of laughter.

After the joke was over, everyone went back to the intense filming work.

Liu Yifei answered why Cheng Yu'an never photographed her.Liu Yifei said that her appearance in Cheng Yu'an's camera would distract Cheng Yu'an.

Of course, the facts are not as exaggerated as what Liu Yifei said. Liu Yifei's plays are very few, and there are no words.

"Let's shoot Yi Fei's scene first, and the various departments will prepare."

"Camera OK."

"Recording OK."

"The actors are in place."

"Okay, start it up." Cheng Yu'an announced that "The Wandering Earth" is officially starting up.

Nini hugged Qiqi and watched her mother act.

But the little guy doesn't seem to be that interested in filming, and his eyes are looking straight at the various props on the set.

In her hand, she was playing with a colored ribbon that someone gave her.

"The Wandering Earth" is expected to shoot for 130-140 days, and it will wrap up in early July. Wu Jing's scenes will be finished first, so that he can go back to film "Wolf Warrior 2".

The filming of "The Wandering Earth" started in Qingdao in a hurry. After the Lantern Festival, the Spring Festival file officially ended.

There is no need to count, "Mermaid" kills the overall situation, "Journey to the West: Monkey King Three Fights the Bone Demon" and "The Wind and Cloud of Macau 3" are evenly divided, with a difference of 5000 billion to [-] million.

And "Legend of the White Fox" also succeeded in taking a big bite of the cake during the Spring Festival. After the Lantern Festival, the total box office reported 16.33 billion.

In addition to these popular films, there is another film worth mentioning-"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: The Sword of Qingming".

Before the movie was released, the momentum was really big. The world's number one martial arts finger Yuan Heping directed it, and it was called the "sequel to "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", which earned a lot of attention.

But, it's a Weinstein film in English!

Although it was still a Chinese martial arts story, and even though Yuan Heping had changed the original script to localize it as much as possible, it still encountered dissatisfaction.

On the first day, relying on the lineup of Yang Ziqiong + Zhen Bullets, as well as the title of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", they received 5200 million box office, but they got out of the decline in the next two days, and the two received a total of 6000 million.

The film also uses South Korea's 4DX technology. The audience can use the dynamic seat and special environmental effect equipment to make the seat vibrate according to the scene of the film to produce full sensory effects such as wind, water and fragrance.

But these technical means did not make the audience pay the bill, and netizens shouted after watching it:

"The filming was better than expected. Americans wrote "The Avengers" in the end when they wrote martial arts."

"If the first part is a good wine that is introduced by the chivalrous men of the rivers and lakes, and people can see the cultural heritage of China, then the second part is just a westernized sheep's head dog meat with Chinese skins and contents. Such a crouching tiger, hidden dragon, has long been a sword Right and wrong."

"I don't deny Yuan Heping's achievements as an international martial arts instructor, but I question Yuan Heping as a director."

"Why do you need to call it a sequel?"

Zhen Juan has been playing 4 plays for 11 years in a row, and only "Journey to the West: Havoc in Heaven" has been a big hit among them.

That is to say, there is a serious shortage of action actors now, and he is also an investor and an action director. Otherwise, based on Zhen Zi's achievements, no one would have asked him to film a movie.

He can only pin his hopes on "Ip Man 3", which will be released in early March.


Yuanyuan announced at the end of last year that it would restart Golden Harvest's production business, and new films are also being prepared in secret.

As I said before, the Emperor of Music is the last thing I want to see Golden Harvest restart.

Yinhuang has always been Yuanyuan's most important partner in Hong Kong Island. It has already filmed three of the five film long-term contracts and wanted to renew the contract, but Yuanyuan has not let go.

Yinhuang probably also knew that Long-distance would not cooperate with him so deeply in the future.

Years later, the person in charge of the production department of Yinhuang has been in contact with the remote about the new film.

The production supervisor who is remotely in charge of the Hong Kong Island business is now also in trouble. It's not that he doesn't have a book, but he has a problem which book is for his own Jiahe and which book is for Yinhuang.

One is called "Chasing the Dragon", which is adapted from the story of [-] million detective Lei Luo.

Wang Jing's team has been knocked.

Yes, it is adapted from a story of a real person. Anyway, Remote will definitely not say that it is adapted from "The Legend of [-] Million Detective Lei Luo".

The other is an original story called "Bomb Disposaler", in which Brother Hua has been confirmed to play.

In the end, just to be on the safe side, "Chasing the Dragon" was given to Golden Harvest. It was adapted from a true story, and there are classic movies in front of it. The profit prospect is better than an original story.

However, after getting "Bomb Disposal Expert", Yinhuang was slightly lacking.

Their primary goal is also Chasing the Dragon.

In fact, Yuan Yuan still has the "Anti-Corruption Storm" series in his hands. Now that he has filmed the second part, he still cooperates with Media Asia.

However, if there is still a sequel to this movie, Jiahe should take it back and do it himself.

Media Asia will also retreat to the second place at that time.

In fact, Yinhuang doesn't want to rely too much on remote, but isn't this the decline of Hong Kong movies?

Moreover, it is really comfortable to work remotely, the quality is guaranteed, and the team is professional.

Yinhuang couldn't help but take another breath.

Yinhuang returned to the company with the booklet of "Bomb Disposaler" to prepare, and Golden Harvest also announced to the media on the last weekend of February that it would officially restart the production business.

Golden Harvest held a grand signing ceremony on Hong Kong Island. Wang Jing attended the ceremony and formally accepted the director's letter of appointment from Golden Harvest.

As for the crew of "The Wandering Earth", Liu Yifei's two scenes were filmed for a week, and finally finished!

"Crack! Yifei is finished!"

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