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Chapter 737 "Conferred God"

Chapter 737 "Conferred God"

After Jiang Xuerou participated in the summer file promotion meeting before, she made a judgment on "Legend of the Conferred Gods": "It's extremely bad! I can't see it!"

So she didn't understand why Yu Dong dared to guarantee 10 billion for "Legend of the Gods".

He was too busy to watch the movie, so didn't his subordinates watch it?

Dare to report to the boss for a guarantee of 10 billion after reading it?
Or is Yu Dong also superstitious about the so-called big data, thinking that this movie can sell for 10 billion?
In fact, just watch the lineup of this film: Li Lianlian, Fan Xiaopang, Gu Tianlei, Huang Xiaoming, Liang Jiahui...

It is really not an exaggeration to say that the strongest lineup.

In addition, "Fengshen" is a hot IP in the first place, if you don't watch the movie, people will believe it if it sells for 20 billion.

Yu Dong is also full of confidence in this film: "I think there is no doubt that this year's summer file champion will be our "Legend of the Gods"!"

It would be fine if he just won the championship in the schedule, Yu Dong's appetite is obviously bigger: "I believe that "Legend of the Gods" will set a new box office record in the summer file."

He also shouted at the current summer box office champion "Monster Hunt": "I hope "Legend of the Gods" can break through 25 billion! Break the summer box office record of "Monster Hunt", and then I hope Boss Jiang will make another "Monster Hunt" 2" to overtake our "Legend of the Gods", so that everyone will be even!"

At this point, Cheng Yu'an can conclude that Boss Yu must have never seen a movie.

He would not be able to utter such words after watching the film once.

The male protagonist of "Legend of the Gods" is not Ji Fa, Jiang Ziya, or King Zhou, even if you film Nezha and Yang Jian, he is not, his protagonist is Lei Zhenzi!

Desperate to the boss's love child, tall and hard!
Moreover, there is a lot of bad things behind this movie.

This film was originally produced by Huayi, and it still appeared in Huayi's film list in 15.

Huayi pulled 360 together to invest in the boss, and 360 also has a heart for film and television, otherwise it would not have established with Guangliang in 14—saying that it wanted to build China’s Netflix.

However, 360 started too late. At that time, the domestic video sites, Tudou, Youku, iQiyi and Penguin Video were fighting among the four countries, so there was no room for him.

As a result, at the end of last year, 360 announced that it had broken up with Guangliang, and 360 transferred all the shares of Xiankan to Guangxian.

Then I fiddled with pepper live broadcast.

The cooperation with Huayi was also forced to withdraw from "Legend of the Gods" because of the failure of 360 to test the water in the film and television sector, and the company's internal anti-corruption, which sent the boss of the film and television department into it.

As soon as 360 ran away, Huayi had no money and was unwilling to pay to fill the hole, so it had to resell the project to Yu Dong.

Yu Dong is not stupid, so he changed hands to Ari Films and iQiyi Films to help him make joint investment.

Two of the three BAT companies have brought in two, and it is no wonder that Yu Dong has the confidence to shout 25 billion!
However, Wang Zhonglei should be glad that he got out of the car.

Because the performance on the first day of "Legend of the Gods" was not worthy of Yu Dongyao's 25 billion slogan.

The next day, the official Weibo of "Legend of the Gods" issued a happy announcement:
"The box office of "Legend of the Conferred Gods" was 7930 million on its first day of release! It won the top four rankings in the number of moviegoers, box office share, film schedule, and box office of the day! Let's watch a different Fengshen together this summer!!"

It was 7930 million on the first day, which is not bad, but it is rushing to break the record of "Monster Hunt".

The first day of "Monster Hunt" reached 1.6 million!

It was only 2 million on the first day, and there is basically no hope of breaking the record of "Monster Hunt".

Not to mention that on Saturday of the second day, the box office of the movie did not rise but fell, reporting 6600 million.

Although the screening rate is as high as 35%, there are only 30 people watching the movie on average.

After entering August, films such as "The Secret Life of Pets", "Tomb Raider Notes" and "My Best Friend's Wedding" have been released one after another, which is bound to squeeze the market share of "Legend of the Gods".

Looking at Mr. Yu's remarks two days later, it's much more ridiculous.

No wonder Li Lian said at the premiere: "Boss Yu won't let me watch the film, I said no, how can I talk to the media, it seems they are very confident!"

Rereading this sentence now, I don't know if it's a joke or a complaint.

It's not all bad for "Legend of the Gods" to secure its throne ahead of schedule.

Wu Ershan had to suspend the preparation of "Fengshen Trilogy" in his hand.

The "Fengshen" series is a hurdle in Wu Erfan's heart. He wanted to shoot "Fengshen" after finishing "Looking for the Dragon". Cheng Yu'an asked him to slow down and gave him "Walk with the Gods".

After "Walking with the Gods" was finished, he picked up "Fengshen" again, and Cheng Yu'an advised him to wait.

At that time, he said: "China Star has a "Fengshen" to be released this year, you have to watch it before deciding whether to do "Fengshen" or not."

Just as Cheng Yu'an is not optimistic about the animated version of "Fengshen" universe, he is also not optimistic about Wuershan's "Fengshen" trip.

It's not questioning his ability, but questioning the blockbuster ability of the "Fengshen" series.

"Feng Shen" is a national IP, and the audience is too familiar with its story and characters.

But looking at the blockbuster movies of the past few years, you will find that they all have one thing in common-the story is new, even groundbreaking, and can arouse audience discussion.

The "Thieves" series and the "Painted Skin" series are all like this.

"The Return of the Great Sage" approved the skin of "Journey to the West", and the story told has nothing to do with "Journey to the West".

But "Fengshen" is different. Judging from Wuershan's outline, this movie is a filming of "Fengshen Yanyi": the tyranny of King Zhou, the chaos of the demon concubine, the uprising of King Wen, the defeat of King Wu, and the conferment of the gods.

Looking at it this way, there is nothing new about Wuershan's story, the selling point is nothing more than "magic" and "special effects", plus a star cast.

Another point is that in the past few years, too many "Fengshen" works have been filmed, "Fengshen Hero List", "Fengshen Romance", "Nezha and Yang Jian"...

Each one is worse than the other, and Cheng Yu'an can't guarantee that Wuershan's "Fengshen" will be accepted by the audience.

It's all right now, after watching "Legend of the Conferred Gods", Wu Ershan has suspended his film preparations.

He was really thinking about what Cheng Yuan said before: "For a story that everyone is familiar with, you only have special effects scenes and a star lineup. Can it support the box office?"

However, Wu Ershan took the initiative to press the pause button, and someone pressed the start button for him again.

A delegation formed by Beijing Culture and Penguin Films met with Wu Ershan and wanted to talk about "Fengshen Trilogy".

Urfan was shaken, and he kept the appointment.

He still wanted to do "Fengshen".

The two sides exchanged pleasantries for a while before entering the theme.

First, he made complaints about "Legend of the Gods" which is currently being screened: "Hong Kong directors still can't play this level of production."

"I have long said that using Lei Zhenzi as the protagonist is nonsense."

Wu Ershan's "Fengshen" is no secret in the circle, he revealed his idea of ​​shooting to the outside world very early on.

This group of people tried a few words first: "What do you think about this drama?"

"Yu'an is not optimistic about this drama. He thinks the story is too old-fashioned and the cost is too high. If it is not distributed globally, there will be great pressure on profitability."

"Director Cheng's words are serious. How can the story of "Fengshen" be so old-fashioned? Every time I read it, I enjoy it."

"The cost is not high, the third part is only 5 million U.S. dollars, and 5 million U.S. dollars can help the black guide realize his dream. I think it's worth it."

"Director Cheng underestimated the domestic market a bit. Last year, the total box office was 440 billion. This year, it will be 500 billion. In two years, when our "Fengshen" is released, the market will be at least 800 billion, 5 million U.S. dollars. The investment can be eaten domestically."

"Director Cheng's several speeches to the outside world this year seem to be a bit pessimistic about the domestic environment. I think he has lost his courage after having a baby." Everyone joked about Cheng Yu'an.

"Director Wu, I won't say anything else. We, Penguin Films, fully support your filming of "Fengshen". We are all open-minded people and don't play tricks. I will cover half of the investment, 15 billion."

Wu Erfan's brain is a little confused, this is 15 billion?You didn't even read the script!

(End of this chapter)

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