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Chapter 757 Round Table Forum

Tsinghua University has indeed spent a lot of effort in organizing this event.

It doesn't mean that if you are from Tsinghua University, you have to come if you invite people.

Which one of these filmmakers is not a proud generation.

Tsinghua also made a lot of favors, which contributed to today's situation.

The host is Professor Yin Hong, a famous film scholar and a professor at the School of Journalism and Communication of Tsinghua University.

At first, Tsinghua only wanted to invite two directors, Li An and Feng Xiaogang, who had new films released, to chat, but later someone said that Cheng Yu'an was so free that he went back to the film school for classes, "invite him too."

He simply sent an invitation to Cheng Yu'an.

The three directors couldn't sit comfortably, so they invited Chief Jia Ke to hold a round table meeting.

Tsinghua University warmed up the forum a week in advance on Weibo.

caused a lot of backlash.

It is not an exaggeration to say that these four are the strongest lineup of Chinese-language movies.

At 7:[-] p.m., the event starts on time.

The four guests and the host came to the stage together. Yin Hong made a simple opening, and the four guests made a simple self-introduction, and the activity really started.

Except today at Tsinghua University, you will hardly see these four directors on the same stage in any other public places.

Yin Hong also joked about Cheng Yu'an: "Director Cheng is very popular." Cheng Yu'an's greeting earlier aroused warmer cheers and applause than the other three directors.

Cheng Yu'an smiled and said, "I'm in Yifei's favor."

The joke was over, and everyone entered the topic.

Today's topic is "Our First Time", and the new movie of Ang Lee and Feng Xiaogang.

The four of them started from entering the industry. Among the four, Cheng Yu'an was the youngest. They talked about the past of filming in the 90s, and he couldn't get in the middle of many of them. .

When it was his turn, Cheng Yu'an said, "I used to make money at school by shooting corporate advertisements for bosses outside the school. After graduating in 02, I managed to get 200 million together, and then I made "Sniper Phone Booth."

The four of Cheng Yu'an expanded on this, talking about the theme of today's event, Li and Feng's new film.

Li An said frankly that 120 frames made him very uncertain:
"It turned out that I used up to 60 frames. This time I jumped to 120 frames. It feels like going to the battlefield."

"I don't know whether this time I opened up new hopes or opened up new baskets."

After that, he talked about his hard work in filming "Billy Lynn", and the three of them and the students present listened carefully.

To be honest, from a technical point of view, Cheng Yu'an is quite interested in 120 fps.

Feng Xiaogang talked about the circular shooting of "I'm Not Pan Jinlian" from technological innovation: "Director Zhang Yimou had previously filmed "Qiu Ju's Lawsuit". I think there can be a change in the way of shooting. So I thought of the Southern Song Dynasty, when a group of literati paintings appeared, all of which used landscapes, flowers and birds, round fans, and there were also circular paintings related to religion such as Raphael in the West. I chose Wuyuan This water town, expanded into a circle, complements each other very well. After slowly going deeper, I found that all the systems have changed. The composition and scenery have changed. Instead, the screen has been shrunk, but the scenery has been loosened. The light of the lens has also changed. gone."

"In the past, filming was all about contrast, hoping to increase the contrast of the image to make the image more powerful and exciting, but the inside of this circle just needs a particularly gray, low-contrast image, which is very different from what I am used to. , in the gray picture, the black background and the circle become like a landscape painting."

Cheng Yu'an took the words, and praised him first: "I'm not as bold as the two directors."

"Didn't Director Cheng also use 4K 3D IMAX in "The Wandering Earth", this technology is currently the most advanced."

Cheng Yuan talked about his original intention of using this set of equipment: "It is to make the special effects look better.

"But in fact, some shots of "The Wandering Earth" did not use such a high resolution of 4K. Out of consideration for the specific environment in the film, such as the dungeon, this environment does not need to be so high-definition, so we used ordinary cameras. .”

Jia Zhangke does not pursue technology, so he did not participate in the in-depth discussion in this part. Instead, he asked Feng Xiaogang about his transformation: "Director Xiaogang, since "1942", your creation has been adjusted. From the king of comedies in the past, to New Year's films King, suddenly injecting many types, touching history, including complex reality, at this stage, why is there such a change?"

Director Feng had just won the category A film festival, and was about to start filling his glasses: "Because I made a big circle in the middle, I actually wanted to go this way at first."

"I did make a lot of money by making movies. I was thinking, I want to do something, or I have to go back to what I want to do most, don't compromise more, it should be something I really want to make Take it out and shoot it. Another thing is that making a movie requires physical strength. I think no matter how hard I work, I’m afraid it’s only six or seven movies. So I can’t waste any more time.”

"Now there is a saying called "follow the trend". Many people persuade me that the market is so good, and if the audience likes something, follow the trend. What I think now is to follow the heart, not follow the trend. If you follow the trend, I think 90% of people are doing this kind of thing, and there is no shortage of me."

"Actually, I want to thank Director Cheng."

"Oh?" Cheng Yu'an didn't expect him to cue himself.

Feng Xiaogang recalled "1942": "I remember that the film's box office was not very good at that time, and the company was very frustrated. At that time, Director Cheng posted a Weibo saying that the purpose of making this film was not to make money at the box office, but to tell the audience that there was still such a long way to go. history."

Cheng Yu'an quickly smiled and said politely.

Speaking of technical issues, Cheng Yuan said bluntly: "Although 4K IMAX is also used, I don't think this kind of ultra-high definition will become the mainstream in the future."

Li An signaled Cheng Yu'an to continue with an attentive expression, "What I'm worried about is that the high frame rate or high resolution will destroy the coherent narrative of the film itself.

"I watched "Billy Lynn". In the scene on the court, I could even see the audience in the last row of the stands clearly. Big distraction, I don't know which screen to look at."

Chief Jacques echoed this concern, citing debates over frame rates throughout film history, from black-and-white silent films to talkies.

Of course, everyone on the knowledge stage knew that Chief Jia was speaking to the students in the audience.

"In addition to narrative, cost is also an aspect to consider." Don't think that the section chief doesn't understand money when making literary films.

"The promotion of 120 frames is too expensive. I don't think theaters may follow the film to update equipment. Moreover, the crew may not follow suit to do 120 frames."

Li An did not try to persuade Chief Jia and Cheng Yu'an, but said with a smile: "Two months ago, I took a two-week vacation to climb a mountain with my wife, and rolled down the mountain. My leg was injured and it took nearly two months to recover. So I’m also safer at work.”

This concludes the event.

Cheng Yu'an declined Tsinghua University's banquet and said he would go back.

Cheng Yu'an is not a technical school, and even conservative in this regard. He still believes that 3D will not become the mainstream, VR is just a niche carnival, and interactive movies are nonsense.

Cheng Yu'an invited Jia Kechang to return with him in the car, and the two discussed some technical and film matters in the car, and then they separated and went back separately.

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