Chapter 78

On the other side, Ur's fan was almost bald.

Although he is 10 years older than Cheng Yuan, "Animal World" is his first feature film.

Cheng Yu'an also pointed out that the movie will be released during the Lunar New Year.

Wu Ershan was under a lot of pressure. Even if Cheng Lingfeng assisted him in person, he was so worried that he couldn't sleep all night.

The script is solid, the money is well-funded, and the actors are smart.

The male protagonist Zheng Kaisi and Cheng Yu'an personally pulled Chen Kun over for him.

Cheng Yu'an arrested Chen Kun just after filming "Mandarin Duck and Butterfly" with Mr. Zhou. The heroine nurse Liu Qing is a pure tool person. Qin Ranqiu cheekily begged Cheng Yu'an for two days before agreeing to let Chen Xi play the role.

Cheng Yu'an figured it out, Qin Ranqiu was playing for real this time, he was really attracted to Chen Xi.

The good brother, the prodigal son, turned around and fell in love seriously, and there is no one who would not help.

That night, Cheng Yu'an came to the flagship store of Tianqiao Deyun Society to listen to cross talk.

In the past two years, as long as Cheng Yu'an has time in the capital, Deyun Club is the first choice for relaxation and leisure.

The current attendance rate of Deyun Club is still a bit bleak. It is now summer vacation and the flow of people is heavy. Tonight is a little better.

Cheng Yu'an walked in, but didn't want to be stopped by someone.

"Brother, it's your ticket." It turned out to be the ticket inspector, full of hesitation.

Cheng Yu'an saw that it was none other than Yue Yunpeng, still called Yue Longgang.

"I didn't bring a ticket, what should I do?" Cheng Yu'an touched his pocket.

"Excuse me, please go over there and buy a ticket." Yue Longgang smiled foolishly.

"Hey, Director Cheng is here!" Cheng Yu'an was about to leave when he heard shouts from inside the theater.

It is Li Jing, the leader of the Young Gang.

"Master, this big brother didn't buy a ticket." Yue Longgang introduced the situation to Li Jing.

Yue Longgang hasn't officially become a teacher yet, but he has a sweet mouth, and he shouts upwards when he sees people calling him.

"What's the big brother? If you call him uncle, he should be called uncle. He talks about brothers with Degang and Qian'er." Li Jing explained to Yue Longgang, and then said to Cheng Yu'an, "The new apprentice doesn't recognize you."

Speaking of which, Li Jing took Cheng Yu'an inside, and before he left, he still didn't forget to tell Yue Longgang: "Your master's original words, Cheng Dao doesn't need to buy a ticket to listen to cross talk at Deyun Club. I will recognize it later."

"Yes, uncle." Yue Longgang nodded.

Looking at the background of Cheng Yu'an's departure, Yue Longgang murmured, "Who is he? You are so tender."

"You don't need to greet me, go do your business, I'll just sit here." Cheng Yu'an found a tea seat.

"Okay, then I'll be busy." After Li Jing finished speaking, he turned to the backstage to do his own business.

"A lot of people came."


"I'm very pleased."

Does it mean that everyone knows who is who without saying which sentence is said by whom?

The show tonight was very exciting, there were 300 seats, and there were [-] to [-] seats.

Guo and Yu also worked very hard tonight.

Won a lottery!

The cross talk didn't end until ten o'clock in the evening. Cheng Yu'an sat in his seat and waited for the audience to leave before going backstage.

"The two old brothers talked well today." Cheng Yu'an congratulated Guo Yu and the two.

Both of them are wearing vests, sitting and drinking tea and fanning the wind.

Oh, Brother Qianer is smoking.

It's too hot.

"Brother Yu'an hasn't been here for a long time." Old Guo laughed.

"I've been busy recently, so I'll come here today when I have some time." Cheng Yu'an replied.

"Are you going to make a new film again?" Lao Guo asked.

"Yeah, this year's Lunar New Year show has been arranged, why don't you come to Qian'er for help?" Cheng Yu'an nodded to Qian Yang.

Yu Qianzheng took a deep breath of a cigarette and was at ease, why not Cheng Yu'an raised himself and asked, "What can I help you with?"

"Come play a role with me."

"What can I play? Don't turn around and screw you up."

"If you don't mess it up, it's just a middle-aged man, you are suitable to play."

"If you say it suits me, I'll act it, and don't hold it against me." Yu Qian agreed without even reading the script.

"It's only three to five minutes, don't think it's too small." Cheng Yu'an said in advance.

"It's okay, I'm helping my friend, do you still care about more drama and less drama?" Yu Qian lit another cigarette and took a sharp drag.

Cheng Yu'an wanted to give Yu Qian the role of the old man in the little black room.

Lao Guo half-joked: "Why don't you ask me to act?"

"I'll ask you to act in a comedy tomorrow." Cheng Yu'an didn't dare to ask him to make a movie.

The filming of "Animal World" was very simple, but the post-production special effects were very troublesome. Cheng Yu'an contacted five or six special effects companies to do it together.

And from preparation to shooting to post-production, the special effects company will participate in the whole process.

The shooting time of the film was given 50 days, and in the later stage, Wu Er fan was approved for 5 months.

Several people chatted a little more, and Cheng Yu'an left.

"Senior brother is already making a movie." After Cheng Yu'an left, Lao Guo laughed.

"Hey, didn't you hear what he said just now? He only played for three to five minutes, and he didn't even have a specific name."

"That's not bad, at least you can get acquainted in front of the audience. If the movie does well at the box office, you'll be popular."

"It's not hot, don't we have to talk about cross talk when we get there?" Yu Qian squinted his eyes and took another puff of cigarette.

Cross talk has been difficult to do in the past two years. Although a small theater can seat 200 people, but after considering the expenses, how much money can you really get in your hands?

They have to support these apprentices, as well as the old gentlemen in the backstage.

If people like myself can enter the film and television industry, wouldn't the problem of eating be solved?


Fox's Daniel has been walking sideways at the company lately!
Fox is not good at horror movies, but this year it made a lot of money from horror movies.

The "Chain Saw" that Daniel had won from Cheng Yu'an back then sold out!

It opened 1800 million US dollars in the first week, and received a total of 5600 million US dollars at the box office in North America.

So far, "Chain Saw" has grossed more than 1 million US dollars at the global box office!
Although Fox was not involved in the production, the distribution of accounts alone was enough for Daniel to wake up laughing in the middle of the night.

So he has to make three or four calls a day to a big film company to ask Wen Ziren's schedule: "When will James make the second film!"

"Does James have time?"

"Fox fully supports James in making "Saw 2"!"

After learning that Wen Ziren wanted to take a rest because he had finished filming "Ghost Crying" and "Horror Cruise" back-to-back, Daniel gave up.

But Bob, the executive CEO of a big film company, also said that James Wan also intends to make "Chain Saw" into a series, and a sequel will definitely be made.

But we have to wait for Wen Ziren to come back from vacation.

Bob is a dedicated professional manager, there is no reason why "Chain Saw" should not be developed.

Cheng Yu'an gave him a lot of production rights, and investment below 3000 million US dollars does not need to be reported.

So he also waited for Wen Ziren to come back from vacation.

Daniel also inquired about other projects going on at a major studio, and Bob told him:
“The company has two new super-budget horror films, Inn of Human Skin and Invasion of Darkness, but they have already been packaged with Lionsgate. The other is Pride and Prejudice, which they made with Universal.

"Daniel, the company recently received two scripts for horror films. If Fox is willing, we can do it together."

Daniel hesitated.

"Chain Saw" was a big hit, and the sequel is much less risky.

If you cooperate with a big film company for a new horror film, although the cost is not high, it is not as secure as "Chain Saw".

"Bob, I can't give you an answer for the new project right away. I need to discuss it with the company."

"Of course. But you have to hurry up. Lionsgate and New Line are better at making such low-budget cult films than Fox."

"OK, I'll get back to you as soon as possible."

 Sorry for the lateness, Chapter 2 is coming soon.

(End of this chapter)

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