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Chapter 801 November

Chapter 801 November

Liu Shishi vowed that he would not disclose the news.

Because "Disney will let the news ferment for a period of time to heat up the movie."

Disney originally wanted to use global casting to create momentum for "Mulan", but this plan was rejected by Cheng Yu'an and Liu Yifei.

In 08, they played such a game with Warner on "Inception". At that time, the two were scolded miserably by the circle, saying that since Cheng Yu'an had already appointed Liu Yifei, he came to stir up the popularity of casting all Asian actresses.

Playing "Mulan" like this is too easy to trick the two of them.

Liu Yifei intends to keep a distance from Disney during this time, and the outside world has not found any news that Liu Yifei contacted Disney, or that Liu Yifei intends to run for "Mulan".

It seems that Liu Yifei's "fitness training" during this period has nothing to do with "Mulan".

Entering June, "Wonder Woman" appeared in front of domestic audiences with Gal Gadot and her beautiful body full of temptation.

The quality of the movie is above pass, but Gal Gadot's beauty and performance add a lot to the whole movie.

"An all-around, no-dead, slow-motion 'Gal Gadot is beautiful!' movie."

"It's really that the first few DC films have been too miserable, so a little progress makes everyone ecstatic? The story is actually very ordinary. Of course, Gadot is so beautiful."

Liu Yifei really wanted to watch this heroine film, and wanted to find some commonalities with Hua Mulan, but she was too busy and tired.

The daily movement training tortured her to death.

"I have reduced it for you," Cheng Yu'an said while looking at the drawing, "according to actual combat, an elite cavalry like Hua Mulan should carry two main weapons: a horse lance, a cavalry bow; Weapons: horizontal knife and step bow; there is also a heavy weapon for step combat, usually blunt weapons such as six-leaf hammer and pumpkin hammer. Now I will reduce it to one knife, one bow and one spear for you, so you can go and have fun."

According to the "Mulan Ci" records, Hua Mulan should have been born in a family of generals, because ordinary families can never afford to support a cavalry.

If the props are really prepared for the crew according to the standards of the northern cavalry in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties in history, each person and one horse will carry at least 100 catties, not including the armor of the horse.

A soldier like Hua Mulan who is a member of an aristocratic family needs to prepare his own weapons, horses and armor.

Cheng Yu'an smiled and said: "There are still troubles to come. The martial arts coach will join the group tomorrow. Let's practice each of the knives, guns, bows, and lances once. Let's practice slowly."

Seeing Liu Yifei's decadent expression, Cheng Yu'an said again: "You don't have to practice if you don't want to. Anyway, there is no official announcement of an actor yet. I will change it. Some people want to act."

Liu Yifei rolled his eyes at him: "I hate you." Then he walked away.

The daughter sat on the ground and played, and followed suit: "I hate you."

"It's okay if you hate me, I like you." Cheng Yu'an said to Liu Yifei's back, "Practice hard, I'll have to check in a few days."

As he said, he grabbed his daughter and said, "Little thing, you still hate me, why do you hate me?"


On the 8th, the Shanghai Film Festival officially held a press conference, announcing the shortlist of each unit this year and the list of some actors and crew participating in the film festival.

At the meeting, the organizing committee highly affirmed this year's film solicitation work.

"After selection, more than 500 films will be screened in 16 professional theaters covering 45 districts of the city, with a total of about 1500 screenings. The general public can share the excitement of the film festival at their doorstep."

At the same time, he also highly praised the quality of the films shortlisted this year.

"Realism plays the leading role, showing that we are paying more and more attention to life and facing reality directly."

The media noticed that among the 14 films shortlisted for the Golden Goblet Award in the main competition unit, domestic films accounted for 4 seats, which is also more than in previous years.

"This shows that the creation of art-themed films in our country is on the rise."

And the opening film is "Feng Huo Fang Fei"!
Yes, that "Chinese Widow."

The original time and space movie was originally scheduled to be Yu Nan as the heroine, and Yu Nan even attended the press conference, but for some unknown reason, the young lady became the heroine, and the plot was changed.

Today is different, Miss Sister will no longer compete for the film "Feng Huo Fang Fei", and "Little Princess" was also shortlisted for the main competition unit.

Speaking of which, this is the first time that Liu Yifei has appeared on the stage of an international A-category film festival as a heroine of a shortlisted film.

In previous years, she participated in the three major events, either as Cheng Yu'an's family member, or at the invitation of the brand. If Liu Yifei, who is so strong, has no idea in her mind, it is a lie.

After all, it has been said for so many years that "if no work is shortlisted, I have to rub the red carpet every year", and no one feels uncomfortable.

As soon as the shortlist was announced, Liu Yifei's training became even more difficult. Before, she couldn't eat because of exhaustion from training, but now she can do more than one bowl per meal.

There is even time to borrow dresses from the brand side.

Cheng Yu'an has been in Qingdao for the past few days. First, he came to visit the set. The company has started work on several plays here. Second, he came to see the green screen studio in person.

Although "Mulan" is a more realistic historical action film, many scenes still need to use green screen special effects, such as the avalanche scene.

At present, in terms of digital production and virtual shooting, Oriental Movie Metropolis is the first. For other live-action shooting, Hengdian, Xiangshan, Huairou and other established film and television bases are stronger.

Tiangong Yicai only has one office in Hengdian, and directly opened a production center in the Oriental Movie Metropolis.

The Hengdian Group wanted to invite Cheng Yu'an to film the movie, but in terms of digital production, Hengdian was really no match for Qingdao.

The filming of "Mulan" and "Painted Skin 4", which will be launched at the end of the year and is also a masterpiece of special effects, will be filmed in the Oriental Movie Metropolis.

The Wanping studio jointly built by Yuanyuan and Wanda is not comparable to Hengdian.

Cheng Yu'an led people to check the progress of the construction in the studio, and communicated with the special effects and art departments on the setting plan.

"If you want to shoot Mulan riding a horse in an avalanche, the technical difficulty lies in the horse. We have jointly developed a hair grooming tool with Sony Image to do it. The modeling of the horse's muscles and bones is almost complete."

The special effects engineer showed Cheng Yu'an a sample. It doesn't look like it's doing it like this, and it depends on the effect on the set.

"Mulan" has been secretly preparing since it signed a contract with Disney last year. During the filming, the real-time rendering system introduced by Tiangong Yicai will be used. Sufficient pre-preparation and advanced rendering system will greatly shorten the post-production time.

"Boss, are we really not considering introducing that LED curtain wall system?" The people from Tiangong Yicai have been greedy for this system. As soon as this system came out, they wanted to persuade Cheng Yu'an to help them buy it.

Cheng Yu'an smiled and said, "You have long been responsible for your own profits and losses. If you want to buy it, you can buy it. Ask me why."

"Isn't this just a matter of reckoning, and it doesn't look good after buying this year's financial report?"

"You are afraid that the financial report will not look good, so you want to take money from me?" Cheng Yu'an was angry and funny, "I have no money, you want to buy it and get money yourself."

This system is indeed advanced, but the scope of application is relatively narrow. Now the green screen keying is the most mature, and many production crews at home and abroad can’t use it, and they can’t afford it—it’s too expensive!

There is no other use for Tiangong Yicai besides eating ashes.

(End of this chapter)

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