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Chapter 803 Opening of the upper film chapter

Chapter 803 Opening of Shanghai Film Festival

Does the hit of "Li Lei and Han Meimei" indicate that the curtain of youth films has fallen?

This film is outrageous, and the characters in the two textbooks are used to stir up feelings.

The growth of the audience is rapid, and this kind of film also wants to cheat money?

The box office was only 1100 million on the first day of release on Friday, and it went down and down over the weekend, with a total of 1400 million in two days.

No one is watching.

The market is changing so quickly. In the first two years, if you see a certain genre and make a lot of money, follow the trend and start a project, when the movie is released and released, the limelight may have passed.If someone else made a fortune and ran away, you will cry and call your mother and no one will care.

Those who came to ask for roles, the company blocked for Cheng Yu'an, and he also met a few who could hire Cheng Yu'an himself.

Quite a few of the people looking for ways to get roles are top-notch, and he has seen the four characters of returning home in the past few days.

He also saw the other three little ones.

The three characters who just finished the college entrance examination still obediently call him Big Brother.

The four characters also mean that next year I will be admitted to the Film Academy.

Cheng Yu'an responded with a smile: "I will consider it." But he just didn't say what specific story he wanted to shoot.

Liu Yifei is still training hard.

Now it is changed to take advantage of the coolness in the morning, and first conduct equestrian training at the racecourse, and in the afternoon, it is physical fitness, movement and weapon training, until I go home at eight or nine in the evening.

Every day.

It wasn't until the opening of the Shanghai Film Festival that Miss Sister appeared in front of the public again.

Cheng Yu'an was absent from the film festival due to the preparation of the new film.

The red carpet ceremony started on time at the Shanghai Metropolitan Theater at [-]:[-] p.m.

The film crew of the opening ceremony movie "Fenghuo Fangfei" took the lead on the red carpet.

Yu Nan and director Billy August led the show. As soon as everyone stepped onto the red carpet, the audience and the media screamed and cheered.

Yu Nan had nothing to say, the audience knew her quite well.

Director Billy August has a lot of background. He is a Danish national treasure director. He has won an Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, a Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film, and two Cannes Palme d'Or. He may be the winner of this year's film festival. The director with the highest honor in the world.

However, the old man has not been very popular in European and American film circles in the past two years. He is more active in China. He also served as the jury chairman of the Beijing International Film Festival this year. I heard that the next two new films will also premiere at domestic film festivals. .

The organizer was more discerning and did not allow the two crews of "Youth" and "Little Princess" to get too close.

The crew of "Youth" left first, Feng Xiaogang and Huang Xuan wore suits, and the six actresses of the art troupe in the film all appeared in old-fashioned military uniforms.

Feng Xiaogang also wore a pair of sunglasses, very coquettish.

Or else Feng Xiaogang will follow wherever Feng Xiaogang goes.

After the crew of "Youth" left, three groups of stars left before arriving at the crew of "Little Princess".

Liu Yifei's pink V-shaped dress complemented the red carpet at the scene, and producer Qin Hailu's white floor-length dress, one bright and the other simple and elegant, together they formed the most beautiful scenery on the red carpet.Pictured above!
Of course, there are also "Little Princess" director Zhang Meng and other actors and behind-the-scenes staff.

After the red carpet, the opening ceremony was held in the theater, and the guests also watched the opening film together.

The young lady stopped acting, and the original plot of the film was preserved.

Billy August used his very Nordic-style camera language to tell a story of China's war of resistance.

Yu Nan's acting skills are of course good.

After watching the film, Liu Yifei was moved by Yu Nan's acting skills, Yingzi's tenacious spirit and the director's extremely calm and restrained audio-visual language, and always felt something was wrong.

When I returned to the hotel at night, I remembered that Cheng Yu'an had told her about the movie "The Last Samurai".

The so-called "Western arrogance".

Their monotheistic culture genetically determines that they will not and cannot recognize the power of the world other than themselves.

In their eyes, the outside world is evil, and the lives of their people are difficult, and they need to save or destroy them.

Don't care what the reason for the Eastern Expedition is, but whether it is to save the foreign countries and eliminate heresies in face.

That's why there are films like "The Last Samurai".

Westerners came to the hot land of the East to save your people and sleep with your woman by the way.

This set of values ​​is also reflected in "Feng Huo Fang Fei".

The Flying Tigers came to save the Chinese in the war of resistance.

In the film, Jack, a member of the Flying Tigers, is rescued by the Chinese woman Yingzi, but why does the movie arrange that Yingzi is a widow?

It is not for the sake of Western visitors to save the lonely heart of Chinese women.

Why not arrange for Yingzi and his wife to be healthy, rescue Jack of the Flying Tigers, and the three of them will fight together?
How can this film highlight the superiority of white people.

Billy August may not have thought that the values ​​behind this film would be interpreted by Liu Yifei in this way, and this arrangement should be his unconscious.

It is not that Liu Yifei has persecution paranoia, and the appearance of such a film is interpreted as the theory of Western superiority.

Chinese people are more sensitive to this period of history, so it is inevitable to think too much.

As a result, the film received praise from film critics and the media the next day, praising Yu Nan's performance and the director's audio-visual language, but the audience's comments were not very good.

Ordinary viewers may not be able to say any profound movie reviews, but they know very clearly that this is not the anti-Japanese war movie they want to watch.

On the second day, the film festival has a lot of activities.

"Embroidered Spring Knife 2" announced on the same day that it will be scheduled for the summer vacation, and premiered as the opening film of "Jackie Chan Action Movie Week".

"The Founding of an Army" held a grand premiere press conference and announced that it will be scheduled for July 7.

Remote held "Remote Movie Night" in the evening. At the party, Remote announced several new films that will be filmed or are in preparation this year.

Yuanyuan has its own film list conference at the end or beginning of each year, and does not pay much attention to the publicity effect of the Shanghai Film Festival.

But today also brought three new films, all of which are comedies.

They are: "Cohabitation Beyond Time and Space", starring: Tong Liya, Lei Jiayin, Yu Hewei; "The Richest Man in Xihong City", starring: Shen Teng, Ma Li; "The Unknown", starring: Ren Suxi, Chen Jianbing, Zhang Yu, Pan Binlong.

By the way, we informed the outside world of the progress of "Painted Skin 4", "Thieves 3" and "Detective Chinatown 2" that everyone is most concerned about.

However, the outside world is most concerned about these three movies.

Is Cheng Yu'an's new film and whether Liu Yifei's recent crazy fitness training is to compete for "Mulan".

But the remote executives refused to respond positively to these two questions: "It is not convenient to disclose" and "I will inform everyone at the right time."

Coincidentally, this year's Shanghai Film Festival happens to have a "Disney Classic Animation Screening" session.

Seven classic Disney animations will be screened, but there is no "Mulan".

The reporter asked Disney how the "Mulan" movie is progressing.

Disney only said: "Everything is progressing in an orderly manner, and we have interviewed many excellent actors and directors."

(End of this chapter)

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