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Chapter 807 Miss Sister is in the Forum

Chapter 807 Miss Sister is in the Forum
The news that the three characters came to Mongolia to pay a visit to Cheng Yu'an did not escape the reporter's eyes.

This kind of top class, entertainment reporters and countless fans all over the country are watching his every move.

Unless you stay at home and don't go out, you can't escape the tracking of the camera.

The photos that came out were blurry, but Cheng Yu'an and Sanzi could still be identified talking, and it seemed to be going well.

"Recently, some fans in Mongolia took pictures of Wang Junkai visiting the preparatory team for director Cheng Yu'an's new film. Cheng Yu'an took Wang Junkai for a walk outdoors. The two had a good chat. It is reported that Wang Junkai passed the film academy with a score of 438 in the college entrance examination. This time it is not far away. Dao Cheng, who traveled thousands of miles to explore the class, seems to be willing to learn humbly from this master brother."

Wang Junkai's fans suddenly went crazy:

"Xiao Kai is going to appear in Director Cheng's new play!!"

"Xiao Kai was able to receive director Cheng's play as soon as he was admitted to the Film Academy. It's really amazing! Xiao Kai's acting skills have been affirmed by Director Cheng!"

No, how did they decide that Wang Junkai took Cheng Yu'an's role based on a photo that was so blurry that they could only see that they were actually talking?

The meeting between Cheng Yu'an and Wang Junkai may be the first time that Cheng Yu'an's contact with actors has been revealed since the release of Cheng Yu'an's new play.

Although the outside world does not know what the two talked about, whether Cheng Yu'an really gave Wang Junkai the role.

But I would rather believe it or not, the outside world has assumed that the two are talking about the role of the new movie.

He Song, who contracted Wang Junkai's brokerage and publicity business, also mobilized. For a while, there were obviously more drafts about Wang Junkai than the other two.

When Wang Junkai and Li Xue came back from Mongolia, facing the reporter's question, Li Xue only said: "I just took Xiaokai to visit Cheng Dao, there is no other meaning."

"Is there anything you can share with us about Director Cheng's new film?"

"You should ask Director Cheng himself. We don't know about his new movie." Li Xue really didn't know. She only knew that it might be a costume action movie. Except for "City of Waste Land" (temporary name used during the confidentiality stage) and a brief plot introduction (also made nonsense for confidentiality), she didn't know anything.

After signing the contract, she didn't even get the script.

The producer said that due to the need for confidentiality, the script will be given to the actors one month before the film starts.

The contact between Wang Junkai and Cheng Yu'an touched many actors in the circle, and they all took action one after another, hoping to find out more about this new film.

In Shanghai, the film festival is still going on.

Miss Sister came to participate in an influence forum today, mainly discussing how young Chinese-speaking filmmakers can enter the international market.

As the most successful Chinese-speaking actor in the world after Jackie Chan, Miss Sister, as a representative of young actors, is the biggest attraction of this forum.

The plight of young actors is a difficult problem that all film markets around the world must face.

The young lady didn't make any nonsense, and modestly attributed her success to luck.

"I was very lucky. I made a few movies when I was very young, so that many audiences could recognize and remember me. Later, making movies can be regarded as meeting noble people. With the help of two seniors, Jackie Chan and Li Lianlian, the following things Everyone knows it too."

So far, black fans still say that Liu Yifei relies on her husband.

But husband and wife support each other. Liu Yifei would care about these remarks in the first few years, but then gradually he didn't care.

"Luck is of course very important." After talking about luck, Liu Yifei began to talk about the actors themselves and environmental factors, "but the first thing for young actors to go international is to be seen by others. Only when they are seen can they have a chance to find you."

"Actually, being an actor is a chosen profession. If no one is looking for you, you will have no job." This is a very old-fashioned role as an actor. Nowadays, many actors have saved their own plays, but Liu Yifei still has this old-school thing in him, "So , I think it is necessary to gain some necessary exposure.”

"Participating in international film festivals is a very good opportunity." Since we are talking about young actors going to the international market, it is natural to talk about international film festivals, "There are more film buyers and international producers there, and bigger Only the stage can allow actors to be seen by more people."

Speaking of participating in international film festivals, Liu Yifei said with a smile: "Actually, most foreigners can't recognize the faces of Asians clearly."

For Chinese actresses, foreigners only recognize Gong Li and Zhang Manyu, Yang Ziqiong and Liu Yuling almost, Zhang Ziyi is also known to professional filmmakers, and is almost not well-known among ordinary audiences.

In the past few years, the young lady has made a name for herself in Hollywood, and she has starred a lot of rimmed actresses. Coupled with the big sales of the two "John Wick", she has a good reputation among professional filmmakers and ordinary audiences. popularity.

After the young lady finished speaking, several other young directors and young actors in the same forum also expressed their views.

Young director Li Ruijun said that young filmmakers, whether they are directors or actors, have too few channels to enter the international market.

"Many of our filmmakers basically don't know other channels besides going to the film festival. But to go to the film festival, we need to bring works, but many of our newcomers can't make films at all."

This seems to be an endless loop.

Forum moderator Shi Hang answered his question and gave him advice:
"According to the new Sino-US film agreement (new version for 15 years, Cheng Yu'an is still visiting with the delegation), China and the United States will hold a film winter camp every two years. 20 outstanding young filmmakers from the two countries will gather together to exchange and learn from each other. Internationally renowned filmmakers are invited to teach these young people, and the winter camp lasts for 40 days. The first session will be held in Beijing this year, if you are interested, you can consult with the General Administration of Film and Television.”

Liu Yifei has been in Hollywood for so long, so she must know a lot of channels, and added: "I know many overseas support plans for young filmmakers, and our company has several. The contact information is posted on Zhiding Weibo, you can check it out if you need it.”

Liu Yifei's voluntary declaration won full applause.

All parties talked a lot on the forum, including industry-related topics, as well as the ups and downs and interesting stories everyone encountered overseas.

In the end, several guests reached an agreement on the road that young filmmakers should take in the future, "You must love movies from the bottom of your heart", "Only make movies when you meet them", "Choose what you want to do and accept what it brings. everything".

After finishing the forum activities, Liu Yifei will be interviewed by reporters:

"I think this kind of activity is very good. Let's sit down and talk more, maybe we can find a solution to the problem."

"Isn't today a good day? Everyone shared their ideas, and there are also channels for young filmmakers to enter the international market."

"Well, I will post it when I go back." When asked about the overseas channels she knew, she said, "As far as I know, there should be twenty or thirty overseas channels... There are all, there are actors, there are The director’s, as well as the overseas exchange and study of the behind-the-scenes technicians, all have. I will sort it out at the party and post it on Weibo.”

(End of this chapter)

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