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Chapter 809 Closing

Chapter 809 Closing
Generally speaking, the best actor award is more interesting than the queen award.

But Huang Bo was also unlucky for eight lifetimes. He took the actor behind Liu Yifei, and Liu Yifei made such a move in front of him. Unless Huang Bo performed a full martial arts on stage, the attention of the actor would definitely not compare with the queen.

But Huang Bo's speech also won applause from the audience: "The heavy trophy let me know that it is useless to always act in comedies."

Then I thanked the judges for their affirmation and the audience's support as usual, and also advertised for my directorial debut "A Good Show".

After Huang Bo finished his speech, the host asked him to stop for a while: "We also want to invite Yifei, our best actress winner, to the stage again, because we have a special gift for the two of you."

The gift is the gold medal and jewelry customized by Bulgari, the jewelry sponsor of the film festival, for the actor and actress.

Liu Yifei stood there dumbfounded.

She has Tiffany's jewelry endorsement on her body. In principle, she cannot accept gifts from Bulgari in public places like film festivals.

Liu Yifei was a little at a loss. As a qualified spokesperson, she didn't know whether to accept it or not.

But they were all on stage, and it was the official gift of the film festival, so they could only bite the bullet and continue.

Some people in the audience understood Liu Yifei's difficulties, and they were happy to watch the excitement, and all the friends were crazy about it.

Liu Yifei took the gift, glanced at it, and closed the box. When the group photo was taken, she didn't hold it on her chest like Huang Bo and showed it to the camera. Instead, she held the box in her hand, her hands drooping naturally, and after the group photo, Huang Bo helped Liu Yifei step down.

Liu Yifei also said to Huang Bo: "I'm so nervous, I hope Tiffany won't trouble me."

Huang Bo replied: "It's impossible, you have to accept it, you've done enough, and the other party won't mess around."

On the stage, the hosts continued the awards ceremony:
"The next thing we want to announce is the Best Director Award. Our two award presenters, one is Qin Hailu, a famous Chinese actress who won the Golden Horse Award and Best Actress in the Golden Image Award." Qin Hailu has a Golden Horse Best Actress, but not a Golden Image Best Actress. That year, she was nominated for both Best Newcomer and Best Actress in one film, but only won the Best Newcomer Award.

"The other is director Cheng Yu'an, a famous Chinese director who has won the Cannes Film Palme d'Or, the Venice Film Festival's Golden Lion Award and the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. I would like to invite both of you."

Cheng and Qin walked out from the backstage hand in hand.

"Hi everyone, I'm Qin Hailu."


"Hi everyone, I'm Cheng Yu'an."

Applause + cheers + whistles.

The two started chatting on stage, and of course Qin Hailu wanted to make fun of Cheng Yu'an with Liu Yinghou.

"Hey, let me ask you, what special feelings do you have after Yifei won the actress? Don't talk about being happy for her."

Cheng Yu'an thought for a while, and said, "Serve her well, and beg her to take me to win the best actor award."

The audience laughed in unison.

The two chatted on the stage for five or six minutes, making up enough time, and finally Cheng Yu'an drew the prize.

Cheng Yu'an looked at the envelope, smiled, and announced in English: "The best director award is "I Am a Murderer", Maciej Peprica, Poland."

This buddy is counted as the direct line of the film festival. Both films were funded at the film festival, and both were brought to the festival.

The first part was shortlisted, and the second part won the award, which is a very good result.

Later, Isabelle Huppert and Mirko Manczewski jointly presented the Jury Prize.

Liu Yifei was very excited to see Yu Peier in the audience. She liked Yu Peier's performance very much: "Go to her later and ask for an autograph and a phone call."

Cheng Yu'an smiled and said, "Where have you been during the 10 days of the film festival? Didn't you even get a phone call?"

"After the opening ceremony, she flew away when she had a job. Where can I find her?" Liu Yifei said.

The two chatted on the stage for a long time, and finally the lottery was about to be drawn.

Mirko played a trick, opened the envelope and said, "the winner is la la land."

Playing Oscar's oolong again.

It made everyone laugh.

Huppert took the envelope and announced that the winner was the Iranian film "Fundraising".

Iran has been very popular in the world film industry in recent years, and its literary and artistic films have a good reputation.

The final Best Picture award was presented by the chairman of the festival and three-time Cannes-winning Romanian director Christian Mungi.

The award was won by the Philippine film "Three Wheels of Floating Life".

There are some commemorative and retrospective links later, so I won’t go into details.

Cheng Yu'an didn't stay long at the reception after the party, and left after drinking two glasses of wine with the chairman of the jury, Mengji.

Although Mengji has achieved great success and won the Cannes Grand Prix three times, he is not inferior to Cheng Yuan, but he still has a lot of envy for Cheng Yuan's film career:

"The Romanian market is too small, cinemas can't be built, and local film companies can't develop. The market is all divided by Hollywood." Mengji is an art film director, but he also knows that to win back the market from Hollywood must rely on commercial types film, "Cheng, your direction is right, you must invest heavily in local theaters and commercial films."

Some old directors in the world still scoff at commercial films, and many seniors have criticized Cheng Yu'an for "giving up art".

What Mengji said is the truth, a small country like Romania has no power to resist Hollywood's hegemony, and Cheng Yu'an can't even say a word of comfort.

But he joked: "The "Thieves" series will continue to be filmed. If possible, I would like to go to Romania to film one."

Mengji only thought he was joking, and replied, "Of course your crew is welcome to film in Romania."

After the two said a few words, Cheng Yu'an quietly left.

#刘一菲金父影后# is high on the hot search list.

Behind it are #刘一菲表白cheng Yu’an# and #刘一菲热吻成玉安# and other entries.

"The 20th Shanghai Film Festival came to an end. Chinese actress Liu Yifei won the Golden Goblet Award for her outstanding performance in the film "The Little Princess". She became the first actress of the 85 generation at an international A-category film festival. Congratulations Fee!"

The accompanying picture is a photo of Liu Yifei on the closing red carpet, wearing a blue-gray deep V sequined dress, so beautiful that it is a foul. (The set from the Shanghai International Film Festival in 15, the previous picture)

"After Liu Yifei learned that she had won the award, she excitedly kissed her husband, which caused the audience to cheer."

"Liu Yifei confessed her husband on the podium, and thanked Director Cheng Yu'an for his support and companionship in life and career."

"Yifei is so cute, she didn't forget to complain about her husband after winning the award, saying that you have won so many awards, but you will never get my award."

"It is reported that the film "Little Princess" will be screened at film festivals around the world next, and it will be officially released in China on November 11 this year. The film tells about Li Xiaoxiao, a cleaning lady..."

Liu Yifei is already the only domestic big spender in the field of commercial films, and she is one of the few domestic actresses who can carry the box office - it is very difficult for an actress to carry the box office.

The box office appeal is not inferior to super-first-line actors such as Huang Bo, Shen Teng and Xu Shanzheng.

Now that she has won the Golden Goblet Award, she has truly confirmed her position as the No. 85 actress of her generation—the box office and awards topped the 90-[-] generation.

Liu Yifei returned to the hotel to rest after attending the reception. She will return to the capital to continue training tomorrow.

It wasn't until 12 o'clock that Cheng Yu'an came back.

"Where have you been?" Liu Yifei was waiting for him.

"I went to meet some actors." Cheng Yu'an began to undress to take a bath and rest.

Liu Yifei smiled and said, "What did you say on the podium just now?"

"What did I say?" Cheng Yu'an said, it was a joke at the scene, and he forgot it when he turned around.

"You said you would take good care of me." Liu Yifei had already got off the bed.

"I have to take a shower first." Cheng Yu'an said.

"It's okay, we'll wash together later." Liu Yifei changed into a very sexy nightdress.

 You must know how to upload pictures consciously, don't always wait for me to post them.

(End of this chapter)

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