Light and shadow player

Chapter 815 The Deviation of Beauty

It is indeed difficult to make domestic fantasy movies, not only movies, but also fantasy TV series.

The main reason is that the film industrialization system is not complete, and talents such as visual effects, special effects makeup, setting, modeling, etc. are still lacking in China.

Although Tiangong Yicai and Biantian Animation have invested a lot of effort and energy in talent training, the industrialization of a country's films cannot be carried by Yuanyuan alone.

Tiangong Yicai and Biantian are very reasonable in charging special effects, but this "fairness" is much higher than that of domestic counterparts, because the technology of the two companies is among the best in China, and no matter how reasonable they are, they still have to make money.

The two companies are not short of orders. After Yuanyuan and Fantawild cooperated to develop a theme amusement park, the big movie of the "Bear Infested" series was also handed over to Biantian.

The "Painted Skin" series has always been a film that shows off its muscles to the outside world.

On "Painted Skin 4", Tiangong Yicai is preparing to play a big visual show. For this reason, it has introduced the latest A IMAX camera. With the existing crew, "Painted Skin 4" will be the first domestic film to be shot in IMAX Guo Fan played what Cheng Yuan failed to do in "The Wandering Earth".

As soon as "Painted Skin 3" was released, Guo Fan started the preparations for "Painted Skin 4", organized people to reconstruct the entire Liao Zhai world, and reorganized the history of the fox clan where the heroine Bai Ling belongs to, laying a solid foundation for the fourth part. a solid foundation.

In terms of special effects, Tiangong Yicai and Biantian are responsible for most of the work. In order to meet Guo Fan's abnormal requirements for light, shadow and lines, Tiangong Yicai specially set up a studio focusing on this aspect, named Light Chasing Animation.

To mention a word, after the release of "Painted Skin 4" in Cannes, the Japanese copyright was bought out by a Japanese buyer at a high price of 5300 million US dollars.

Japan has always been the largest overseas ticket holder for the "Painted Skin" series, and they like little foxes very much.

And "Painted Skin 4" will also create another precedent.

"Painted Skin 4" will be released simultaneously in European and North American theaters in the English version - contracted by a major film company for distribution.

This is called cultural export.

Now "Wukong Biography" claims to be the best domestic fantasy movie, how could fans of "Painted Skin" agree!
"At the beginning, "The Promise" single-handedly welded the door to domestic fantasy films, and domestic fantasy films were uninterested in overseas markets, and people hated dogs." When the two sides quarreled, they quarreled. How could this affect the director of Kaige?" "Painted Skin" rescued the domestic fantasy from the quagmire. In 10 years, the three films of "Painted Skin" won a box office of over 27 billion, and last year's "Legend of the White Fox" even scored a proud 17 billion. " The "Painted Skin" series has always been the best-selling series in Chinese, and it is a gold-lettered signboard of Chinese fantasy, wait for your "Wukong Biography" to win 10 billion at the box office before touching "Painted Skin"."

The fans of "The Legend of Wukong" were very smart not to be led astray, but shifted the battlefield, saying that the original book is the number one divine book on the Internet, and how many people's youth.

But a very sad fact is that no matter how well the fans say "The Legend of Wukong".At that time, online literature was really a niche hobby.

Not to mention that time, the so-called "hot" IP adaptation in 2022 will still account for the vast majority of passer-by audiences who have not read the original work.

Not to mention anything else, how many people actually watched Guan Hanqing's "Saving the Wind and Dust" before "Meng Hua Lu" was broadcast? …

Why, as soon as the show aired, a large wave of "original party" jumped out to make irresponsible remarks.

Therefore, the fans of "Wukong Biography" are really not the opponents of the fans accumulated by "Painted Skin" after 10 years of operation.

"Painted Skin" has been in business for 10 years, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it has accompanied a generation.

Who doesn't know how to play the youth card.

Cheng Yu'an doesn't care about these things, he himself doesn't read many online articles, so he doesn't have much interest in this topic.

He is now in Xiangyang Tangcheng, very angry.

I didn't pay much attention when I came to Kanjing before, but I came to see it today and found that the problem is very serious.

"Give me the golden owl kiss instead. There was no such thing in ancient China." To put it simply, the owl kiss is the decoration at both ends of the roof ridge. If you don't have money, you can get two pointed ones, and if you have money, you can put two owl kisses on it.

Legend has it that Chi Kiss is good at climbing high and looking far, and likes to swallow fire, so it is placed on the roof to prevent fire.

But the owls here in Xiangyang Tangcheng are golden. In ancient China, the owls included bricks, stones, clay pottery, and colored glaze, but they were not golden.

There are golden owl kisses and they are only used in Japan.

Today Cheng Yu'an accompanied Cao Jiuping to Tang City, Teacher Cao saw the mistake at a glance.

The two climbed up and looked again, Cao Jiuping looked at it and shook his head: "It's not right. The owl kisses in the side hall are gold, and the owl kisses in the main hall are all gold. This will definitely be scolded. Who made the design?"

The accompanying staff sweated down.

The crew of "Mulan" is a big client, and Cheng Yu'an is a big director, so they have to cooperate well.

"Change, we will change right away." The staff immediately agreed, "Mr. Cao, what do you think should be changed?"

"Change the colored glaze. Also, we just came in from the city gate, and we have to change it over there. In ancient times, we were very restrained in using gold." Cao Jiuping only pointed out their mistakes in the owl kiss. If he really followed his request, the city Doors are being pushed to rebuild.

Which city gate have you seen is curved?
The gate of Xiangyang Tang City is curved.

Just left Dapu.

"Your lantern is not right." Cao Jiuping looked at the lantern hanging under the eaves, "Take it off and let me have a look."

As soon as the lantern was used, Cao Jiuping explained to Cheng Yuan and others: "Japanese lanterns mostly use dense horizontal bones, while our Chinese lanterns mostly use vertical or vertical and horizontal bones. Even if horizontal bones are used, they are mostly used as the main frame. Japanese lanterns are so densely packed like this."

Cao Jiuping didn't know whether he was joking or serious, and said with a smile, "The Japanese designer you hired is pretty good."

The accompanying person in charge smiled dryly: "You criticize too much, we will correct it."

As long as it is not torn down and rebuilt, it is a trivial matter for the film and television base to replace a few lanterns and owl kisses.

"Let's do this today. It's generally good. It can be seen that hard work has been put into it, and some details can be adjusted and adjusted." It is impossible to criticize Ren Film and Television Base for nothing.

The messy art style has been very serious in recent years, especially in ancient puppets, but it has not attracted the attention of the industry.

Afterwards, when the two were on their way back, Cheng Yu'an pointed out: "The biggest investor in "Legend of the Demon Cat" is Japan's Kadokawa Pictures."

Cao Jiuping took a breath in the car: "I haven't come out to work in the past few years because I can't get used to this group of investors. I give them advice seriously, but few listen to them. They all pay attention to how fast and cheap. From others The film crew can use whatever they want, it doesn’t matter if it’s right or not, as long as it looks good.

"But it's not pretty either. How can you understand beauty so superficially?"

Cheng Yu'an was also quite touched by this: "It's not like filming in the past. Everyone's hair accessories and clothing have to be designed individually. Now the group of bosses are eager to invest money today and start making profits tomorrow. They don't have the same enthusiasm as before."

Cao Jiuping smiled and said, "You have only been out for more than ten years, and you haven't caught up with our filming in the eighties and 90s. You are old-fashioned."

Cheng Yu'an smiled and said: "I didn't catch up, but I grew up watching these TVs. At that time, every character has the beauty of every character."

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