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Chapter 822 Script Surrounding

The screenwriter team didn't do much work on the script of "Mulan", and honestly followed the three-act routine of an adventure film-the structure of "Lord of the Rings".

The opening introduction introduces the characters, Hua Mulan's personal character and the basic situation of her family;

Pretty standard structure.

Action scenes are the top priority, and the screenwriter team arranged three action scenes for Mulan.

The first scene is that Hua Mulan received the task shortly after joining the army, and led a ten-member team—Hua Mulan came from a family of generals, so it is unlikely that she started as a big soldier—to spy on intelligence and launch a scouting battle against the enemy.

The second scene is the battle between the two armies in the snow mountain and Rouran Khan. This is also the largest scene in the whole play. A team of people has been trained to train the movement and formation of the group performance.In this scene, Hua Mulan has been promoted to the superintendent who commands thousands of people, is already the right-hand man of General Li Xiang, and is a brave elite cavalry.

The third scene was in the palace, where Hua Mulan led her confidant team to fight Khan's indoor close quarters.

Every play shows Mulan's character and growth.

Cheng Yu'an's requirements for actors are notoriously high, so the script reading of "Mulan" will be held every four days until the film officially starts in the middle of next month.

Even during filming, the actors have to continue to read the script and understand it thoroughly.

Not only the director and actors participated in today's reading, but also the staff of the screenwriter, production team and photography team.

Twenty people sat in two rows on both sides of the long table, studying the script together.

Cheng Yu'an rejected the screenwriter arranged by Disney. In the script he presided over, Hua Mulan did not have the original guilt for her family—the original Mulan felt guilty for running away from home, guilty of not listening to her parents and obediently blind date, and guilty of not doing things for her. Family brings glory.

In Cheng Yu'an's script, Hua Mulan is proud. She never feels that she has done anything wrong, including stealing her father's military stickers and saber and running away from home.

Including the end of the film, Hua Mulan declined all the rewards from the emperor. She was just tired of her [-]-year military career and wanted to go home for reunion. She didn't feel sorry for her parents and wanted to go back to give her parents an explanation and an apology.

If Hua Mulan's most basic psychology is not well established, then the core value of "Mulan"'s daughter being self-improvement will no longer exist.

The whole script reading session lasted for four hours, stop and go in the middle, and various types of work of the crew collided with each other during this reading session. Some of them were worth a try. Cheng Yuan immediately agreed to "make it first and see the effect".

Jackie Chan and Yang Ziqiong, who are so busy, participated in the entire reading session. They didn’t have many words, but they would still sit on the spot and discuss with the actors, how to change here, how to change there, and put forward their own views and opinions. Pushing the whole play can show better results.

For example, literary planner Yao Dong proposed to add a fight scene to Jackie Chan.

"In the first scene, we added a section to the eldest brother. You can teach the children to practice martial arts, or you can play with them. Show off your skills. After a few moves, you will be exhausted. After all, in the play , You are already old, and your legs are lame, you are skilled and experienced, but your physical strength can no longer keep up, old and strong."


As soon as Yao Dong finished speaking, Cheng Yuan came up with an idea:
"I don't think it's better than this. Let the elder brother fight with Teacher Yang Ziqiong for a while. I haven't seen you two fight for so many years."

Yang Ziqiong said with a smile: "I won't fight, I'm just a woman who caresses her husband and teaches her children, why arrange a fight for me."

"Teacher Yang," Cheng Yu'an persuaded, "women in that era not only knew how to care for their husbands and children, but also knew martial arts. In fact, there were no strong defenses between men and women in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. According to history, Hua Mulan didn't need to disguise herself as a man to go to court. On the battlefield, we shoot in this way to take care of the audience's general impression of the characters.

"Ms. Xian Ying Xian, who was basically the same generation as Hua Mulan, is a living example, so it is not surprising that Hua Mulan's mother knows martial arts."

Cheng Yu'an went on to say: "I think it's like this. The old couple fought for a while to satisfy the audience. After a few tricks, the eldest brother was no longer physically strong. This period of male-female sparring also reflected the tough folk customs in the north and the fundamentals of Hua Mulan's family. Happening."

Cheng Yu'an's opinion was unanimously approved by the people present: "Okay, I will let the Wuzhi team design the movements tomorrow."

"Are you stupid, elder brother and Teacher Yang still have to design moves? That's not just random."


Jackie Chan and Yang Ziqiong didn't object to this proposal, and even felt that this scene was well arranged, which could add some interest to the calm first scene.

After the reading session, it was still dark, and everyone came here out of time, so we didn't have dinner together.

Cheng Yuan and Liu Yifei went home together.

"Now you know why I don't let your "Little Princess" enter the summer file. You said that you finally got an actress. Although literary films may not be able to sell much at the box office, but when this happens, you will die. I don't know how to die.

"Let's not talk about you, even I am a bit guilty in July." He is really not afraid of others, but facing "Wolf Warrior 7", Cheng Yu'an really can't think of any way to deal with it.

Fortunately, there will be no big director's film in July this year, otherwise he would lose face by being killed by "Wolf Warrior 7".

Liu Yifei said: "How about putting "The Wandering Earth" in?"

"Both may suffer, but I will win." Cheng Yu'an's self-confidence did not come blindly.

"The Wandering Earth" has Cheng Yu'an as a signboard. In terms of publicity, "Wolf Warrior 2" cannot be the opponent; "The Wandering Earth" has more magnificent special effects in the hands of Cheng Yu'an, and the photography specifications have also improved to a higher level , so he is confident that he will win "Wolf Warrior 2" in the same period.
"But this is more unrealistic," Cheng Yu'an said. "Currently, the domestic market size can only support one film worth more than 40 billion yuan in one schedule, and it cannot accommodate two. Putting these two super blockbusters together will only lead to a loss for both sides." , no one can take advantage of it."

"Did you expect that "Wolf Warrior 2" would explode?" Liu Yifei asked in the co-pilot.

"Yes." Cheng Yu'an said frankly, "That's why I dare to bet with you. It's settled, don't mess around in the next month."

"If you don't touch it, don't touch it. It's rare. I'll take Qiqi to sleep in a small room." Liu Yifei said.

When the two arrived home, the daughter was sitting on the ground alone, playing with a small puzzle in her hand, but her eyes were fixed on the cartoon on TV.

"Get up," Liu Yifei said seeing her daughter sitting on the ground, "How many times have I said it, the ground is cold, don't sit on the ground."

The little guy stood up numbly, and walked to the entrance to get a change of slippers for his parents: "Here."

"Tell me a few words, you are like this, and I don't know who you learned from." Cheng Yu'an teased her daughter while changing her shoes.

"What kind of father is there is what kind of daughter." Liu Yifei said.

"Okay, what to say about me." Cheng Yu'an pouted.

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