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Chapter 844 The Lunar New Year File Opens

Chapter 844 The Lunar New Year File Opens

The workplace is cruel. Of course, mistakes are allowed, and you can even get encouragement from others after you make mistakes.

"Come on, you've done a good job."

"Keep working hard next time."

But if you're making an unforgivable mistake, you don't deserve encouragement.

This is Liu Yifei's attitude towards Xi Mengyao's fall on the Victoria's Secret stage.

Liu Yifei also did not follow suit and encourage her on Weibo after she wrestled.

Liu Yifei felt that this was an unforgivable and fatal mistake.

What was even more frightening was that after she fell, she lay on the spot and couldn't get up, waiting for someone to help her.

Some people will refute that whoever walks will not fall, it is just a fall, so why make such a fuss.

But don't forget, she's a professional model!
Her job is to walk.

It wasn't a simple fall, but she screwed up her job in front of a global audience.

Just like an actor acting in a play, you can NG a hundred times on the set, and you can perform in a hundred different ways, it doesn't matter.

But as long as it is presented in the end, and the audience scolds you for not acting well, you are not acting well!
The performances cannot be explained.

The runway show is also a performance. As a professional model, if you fall on the stage, it is your mistake, let alone you did not eat that night, the stage is too slippery, the shoes do not fit your feet, and the clothes are not comfortable.

These are all excuses.

If you eat the food of this industry, you have to accept the rules of this industry.

So Liu Yifei is warm-hearted and cold-hearted.

And Liu Yifei made a conclusion: "Her modeling career is ruined."

Cheng Yu'an added: "The road of acting is probably not going to work. The acting skills are not good enough, the protagonist can't play the leading role, and the director who plays the supporting role is disgusted. She has a high price for the vase, which is not worth it. I guess I can only go to variety shows in the future."

Of course Cheng Yu'an knew that she married into the He family, but this is her job.

However, the modeling industry has nothing to do with the entertainment industry after all, even if the couple have eaten melons.

They pay more attention to things in the film industry.

On the same day, the movie "The Nineteenth Generation of Ancestors" actually directed by Guo Degang released its leading trailer and announced that it will be scheduled for February 2, the first day of the Lunar New Year.

Old Guo Ke said in the theater:
"...You always say that Guo Degang makes bad movies, as long as there is Guo Degang, it is a bad movie. In fact, I haven't read the script of any of those movies before, so I just went to help....I'm just talking about cross talk, so I'm not allowed to come to you Is this business just for fun?... I wrote and directed "The Nineteenth Generation of Ancestors", which was released all over the world on the first day of the Lunar New Year... If you have seen this movie, if you say it is a bad movie, I will admit it."

For this movie, Lao Guo spoke harshly.

Liu Yifei is quite looking forward to this movie, she likes watching comedies very much.

So I don't listen to Cheng Yu'an's statement that "the movies starring Deyun Club are not 100%, at least 90% are bad movies".

I also feel that Cheng Yu'an is prejudiced against Deyun Society.

Cheng Yu'an didn't argue: "You can go and see it yourself, don't drag me."

"Go by yourself, go by yourself."

The next day, throughout the second half of the year, Cheng Yu'an's most anticipated movie was released - "Problems That Are Not a Problem".

First, the director Mei Feng is his favorite teacher. Cheng Yuan enrolled in 98, and Mei Feng just stayed at the school to teach. Cheng Yuan took his courses such as "History of Foreign Films" and "Research on Classical Plays".

Besides, Fan Wei is also an actor he would like to work with.He always felt that the industry underestimated Fan Wei's acting skills.

"Problems That Are Not a Problem" won Fan Wei two best actor trophies, the Golden Horse and the Temple of Heaven, which shows his superb acting skills.

In the end, Cheng Yu'an is a loyal reader of Mr. Lao She, and he must watch "A Problem Not a Problem" when it is released.

Liu Yifei didn't accompany him, so he drove alone to watch the midnight show.

After reading it, I liked it very much, and took the initiative to post a comment on Weibo:

"After watching this movie at midnight, I remembered the first time I took Teacher Mei Feng's class 19 years ago. At that time, Teacher Mei had just graduated and stayed in school. He was elegant and bookish. We all said that Teacher Mei was the most handsome in the film academy. My teacher. The film is very old-fashioned, and you can tell that Teacher Mei has not changed for more than ten or twenty years. Teacher Fan Wei’s performance is also good, and we must cooperate if we have the opportunity.”

Cheng Yu'an hardly commented on the films being screened, and this is one of the few exceptions.

It was even the first time that Fan Wei was invited to cooperate on Weibo.

Mei Feng doesn’t play Weibo, but he also responded to Cheng Yu’an through the reporter: “He was only 16 years old at the time, and he was the youngest in the class, so everyone gave him up. But Yu’an’s grades are very good, especially in the two majors of film history and drama history. The best in class."

Fan Wei expressed his gratitude to Cheng Yu'an on Weibo, and said: "Looking forward to the cooperation with Cheng Dao."

Cheng Yu'an's active yelling did not bring about a big change in the box office of the movie - "The Little Princess", which is still in theaters, Cheng Yu'an almost yelled to death, and it didn't bring much box office to the movie, and now it's only 7000 million , The daily increase in income is no more than 30 million.

"Not a Problem" is still a black-and-white movie, and no one has watched it.


Entering December, there are obvious undercurrents in the market, and the Lunar New Year stalls are imminent.

Although the rise of the Spring Festival stalls in recent years has made the Lunar New Year stalls less attractive than in previous years, the Lunar New Year stalls in December are still the most important time of the year.

This year's New Year's Eve file's first hit, "Legend of the Demon Cat" started again.

The "Feast Opening" poster was released early in the morning on the 1st!

The poster gathers eight characters, including Huang Xuan, Someya Shota, Zhang Yuqi, and Qin Hao, to create a feast of the Tang Dynasty with the Taiye Pond in full bloom as the center.

But what followed was a controversy over the film's casting: "After watching the trailer, why did you choose Zhang Rongrong, who is of Chinese-French blood, to play Concubine Yang?"

This problem has always existed, but Chen Kaige has never responded positively.

It happened that the poster was released today, so I simply answered it together. Chen Kaige replied to the reporter: "There is a version of history that mentioned that Concubine Yang is a mixed-race beauty. This is very common in Tang City, and even the royal family has half Xianbei blood."

But this answer was not accepted by the audience. Netizens dug up historical materials to refute Chen Kaige with reason: "Even if Yang Guifei has Hu people's blood, Hu people are of Central Asian race. Zhang Rongrong's Yang Guifei is purely European. If you want to have mixed blood, you should Find a Mongolian actor."

"Director Chen doesn't respect history, and his casting vision is worse than that of Feng Xiaogang."

Director Chen will no longer argue with netizens, and let netizens comment on Concubine Yang.

The next day, "Walking with the Gods", which is regarded as the biggest opponent of the Lunar New Year file by "The Legend of the Demon Cat", also released a warm-up poster:
"December 12th, Walk With God"

And announced: "On the evening of Sunday, the 10th of this month, the world premiere ceremony will be held in Beijing."

Entering December, it also means that the filming of "Mulan" in Western Studios is coming to an end, and it will be transferred to Xiangyang Tangcheng and returned to the studio to shoot indoor scenes.

And Xiao Ming had to ask for leave because he wanted to participate in the promotion of "Along with the Gods".

He is the male lead, and "Along with the Gods" is a commercial blockbuster, the company has high expectations for it, Cheng Yu'an must let Huang Xiaoming go.

Fortunately, the filming of Huang Xiaoming's part is almost finished, and it won't delay the matter if he is allowed to leave.


(End of this chapter)

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