Chapter 865 Returning to China
After Cheng Yu'an finished most of the itinerary, he went to the Disney headquarters.

Disney wants the amusement park copyrights of animations such as "Despicable Me", "Zootopia" and "The Secret Life of Pets" held by Cheng Yu'an.

They want to further enrich the Disney amusement park project, and it is reasonable to focus on the copyright in Cheng Yu'an's hands.

But Disney's copyright authorization for Cheng Yu'an doesn't just need to get Cheng Yu'an alone, it also has to get Universal.

The animation copyright in Cheng Yu'an's hands is not only owned by a large animation company, he also owns 30% of the copyright of the entire series of "Kung Fu Panda" in all channels.

Universal bought out the investment agreement in his hand at that time, but Cheng Yu'an killed the 30% copyright and did not sell it.

Universal has been looking for opportunities to get back the 30% over the past few years, asking higher prices every time, but Cheng Yu'an is unmoved.

There is no shortage of money, so why sell?
The animation peripherals of a large animation company have been operated by Universal in the early years, and the new work was handed over to Disney 15 years later.

Although the copyrights of these works are not in the hands of Universal, but Disney wanted to bypass Universal to talk to Cheng Yu'an about the amusement park project alone, and Universal was the first to refuse.

Without him, Universal also has its own amusement park, and he also needs Cheng Yu'an's authorization, especially since Universal Studios in Beijing has officially started construction, and they are bound to win the animation copyright in Cheng Yu'an's hands.

As for why not give it to Fantawild who has cooperation with Remote?

Fantawild also needs to be able to take over the global IP of "Despicable Me", so Fantawild wants Cheng Yu'an's authorization to do whatever it wants.

Today's negotiations are a bit dry. Disney played the emotional card, always emphasizing how good the cooperation between Disney and Cheng Yu'an is-this is indeed true, otherwise Disney would not have given "The Lion King", "Aladdin" and "Mulan" to Cheng Yu'an .

In fact, licensing to Disney will definitely bring a lot of profits to the company, but Universal also needs to consider it.

Who said that Comcast is now a director of a major film company.

Although there is no organizational relationship between a big animation company and a big film company.

But Cheng Yu'an considered the problem more from the perspective of balance.

The strength of the two theme parks is very strong, and the authorization to anyone will not be bad.

But Disney has obtained the global distribution rights of a major animation company's films, as well as the operation rights of all animation peripherals after 15 years.

He couldn't let the Disney family have too much power over him.

So he prefers Universal in his heart.

Besides, Disney has made a big move, will Universal still be reluctant to bid?

Don't you have to kill Huan Huan?

The one with the highest price wins, and the seller will never lose money.

This trick is simple, but it has worked well for thousands of years!
After leaving Disney, Universal's representatives went to the hotel the next day and asked Cheng Yu'an to have a meeting with the copyright director of a large animation company to discuss copyright matters.

Although Universal withdrew Cheng Yu'an's investment agreement with DreamWorks, the cooperative relationship between the two companies has not been completely interrupted.

Some of the films of a major film company are still distributed by Universal, and the authorization for animation peripherals has not yet expired. The 2010-year peripheral development authorization for the first "Despicable Me" signed in 10 is still 2 years away. Expect.

Universal obviously knew that Disney was also interested in Cheng Yu'an's animation copyright, so for today's negotiation, Tom Williams, chairman of Universal Theme Parks and Resorts Group, personally talked with Cheng Yu'an's team.

The price offered was 2.7% higher than before, but it was still a little short of the psychological price of Cheng Yuan's team.

Cheng Yu'an reminded Tom Williams that he would return to China in two days.

If you want to talk in the future, you will have to run on both sides of China and the United States, and the time cost will be very high.

But Tom Williams was obviously not fooled by such a low-level trick, and he still talked step by step.

For this kind of boss, traveling back and forth between the two countries is just a matter of taking a few more planes. Anyway, they spend at least 200 days on the plane a year.

Cheng Yu'an didn't break his promise, and two days later, he really returned home with his daughter.

The little guy didn't stop on the plane, even if she asked her to sleep, and played with the flight attendant on the plane.

I finally fell asleep two hours before the plane landed, and the landing time was 10 am Beijing time.

It's over, I can't sleep at night again, I have to toss Cheng Yu'an.

Cheng Yu'an carried her sleeping daughter out of the airport and got into the driver's car: "Go home."

When I got home, I put my daughter back on the bed.

"Go back and rest too." Cheng Yu'an said to the assistant, "You have worked hard these few days."

After sending his assistant away, Cheng Yu'an was able to take a rest.

Turning on the phone to check the news, Yang Mi was immediately on the trending list.

Donate fraudulently!
I promised to donate for 15 years, and now 3 years have passed, and I have been picked up by the media and have not given anything.

Although Yang Mi immediately apologized and made up donations, netizens did not let her go.

"Get on the bus first and then make up for the fare. If you don't expose it, you won't donate."

This was also named by the official media on Weibo.

Although the impact cannot be said to be bad, it did cause some adverse consequences to Yang Mi, at least the endorsement of Estee Lauder was lost.

Coupled with the public relations measures taken by her team to ban her account and delete posts on Weibo at the beginning of the incident, it made netizens even less fond of Yang Mi, who was already in black.

Cheng Yu'an had a little understanding of the overall situation. Judging from the current news, it should be caused by the lack of communication between Jiaxing and the charity partners, but Yang Mi and Jiaxing have to bear 7% of the blame.

After all, they are donors, and they have the responsibility and obligation to take the initiative to follow up on this matter. They cannot delay the promised things for two or more years because of poor communication.

It was originally a good deed, but the total cost was only 50 yuan. Donate in time, whether it is for show or sincerely, if you do good deeds with real money, you will always get a good reputation.

It's not like now, playing a good hand with a bad hand.

This is the reason why Cheng Yu'an's personal and remote charitable funds never do charity with the so-called middlemen. Who knows what will go wrong in the middle and ruin the good things.

Cheng Yu'an's charitable projects are directly managed by dedicated personnel, and any external donations are rejected for the funds, which are directly donated by Cheng Yu'an and Liu Yifei.

The direct donations may not be as much as those raised by charitable funds outside, but at least the money can be used in real ways to those in need.

"What's this called?" Cheng Yu'an muttered after reading Yang Mi's report.

Because her daughter was sleeping at home, Cheng Yu'an was temporarily unable to go out.

Working at home until noon, my daughter is still sleeping.

In order to maintain energy to cope with the tossing of the little guy at night, Cheng Yu'an also lay down next to her daughter and slept after lunch.

Get up and go to work.

Next year's 70th Daqing, "My Motherland and Me" has to be arranged.

I'm sorry for the opening song director, it's not that you are bad, but I have a better choice - Zhang Yimou, who just won the Oscar for best picture, must be the best candidate for the chief director.

Coupled with the fact that he is the chief planner for the film, Yuan Yuan is confident that he will hang the Shanghai Film Group's "The Climber" next year-this film is already in preparation, but the specific name is not known yet, only that Shanghai Film Group will make a film The 70th anniversary of Mountaineering Films.

(End of this chapter)

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