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Chapter 99 Xiaoming's Bad Day

Chapter 99 Xiaoming's Bad Day

"Who is the heroine Andy looking for?" Bob asked.

"I like Eva." Anthony laughed.

"Who?" Cheng Yu'an asked.

"Eva Green," Anthony added.

"Andy is a college student who just graduated, and Eva Green is not suitable for this role." Cheng Yu'an first denied Eva Green.

"Come on, Cheng. Eva and I are good friends, I know her well, and she can handle this role well." Anthony said.

"Bob, what do you think?" Cheng Yu'an turned to ask Bob.

"Boss, I really like Eva too, I think we can give her an audition."

"Ok, since you all like her, then count her as one. Is there any more?" Cheng Yu'an wrote Eva Green's name as a backup.

"How's Jessica Alba?" Bob asked.

"Jessica's brown skin is too aggressive, I want to find a white actress." Cheng Yu'an said.

Bob and Anthony looked at Cheng Yu'an meaningfully with four eyes.

Cheng Yu'an said anxiously: "Come on, do you think I am discriminated against by skin color? Orientals don't have this!

"OK OK, Jessica is also counted as one." Cheng Yu'an finally wrote Jessica Alba's name on the backup list.

"Cheng, which actress would you like to recommend?" Anthony asked.

"I think of two, Britney Spears..."

"She can't even be considered a professional actress!" Anthony and Bob objected collectively.

"Hey, Britney has a huge fan base, we can use her fans to sell a good box office." Cheng Yu'an said.

"I like her songs, but her acting skills are really bad," Bob said.

"The role of Andy is very simple and does not require professional acting skills. I have watched her "Crossing the Country Road", and her acting skills are not as bad as you say." Cheng Yu'an didn't care, and still wrote Britney on the invitation list .

"Another one?"

"Anne Hathaway."

"NO!!!" The two shouted.

America's eternal sweetheart is not popular with these two.

"Annie is terrible." Anthony smiled and waved his hand.

"Totally." Bob added the knife.

"Give it a try, I believe in the two actors I chose." Cheng Yu'an laughed.

"I bet 100 yuan that Anne and Britney will not pass the audition." Anthony became playful.

"I bet $100 too." Bob called.

"Did you forget that I am the boss of this show?" Cheng Yu'an smiled, but then said, "I'll pay 100 yuan too."

For the time being, this is the heroine's decision, and Anthony left after staying for a while.

Seeing that Anthony was leaving, Bob grabbed Cheng Yuan again: "Boss, I found a good project, but I need your support."

"Okay, let's hear it."

"I just mentioned Jessica Alba, and I just remembered that a comic I read before is very suitable for her. If we can get the right to adapt the comic, I think we will make a lot of money." Bob said .

"Well, there are not many fans of American comics in the East, and I don't really understand them, but seeing how confident you are, I think it's better for me to listen to them. What comics?"

"Sin City by Frank Miller."

"Although I don't know much about American comics, I have heard of Frank Miller. Does he intend to sell the adaptation rights of "Sin City"?" Cheng Yu'an said.

"On the contrary, he is reluctant to adapt his comics in Hollywood, he thinks the industrialization of movies will distort his work. But, Cheng, please believe me, "Sin City" is really a very good comic, and it is also very special. It's suitable for adaptation." Afraid that Cheng Yu'an wouldn't listen to it, Bob brought the comics here.

Cheng Yu'an simply sat in the office and watched.

After half an hour.

"Blood boiling!" Cheng Yu'an said this sentence in Chinese, realized that Bob couldn't understand, and then repeated in English: "amazing!"

“Perfect cult slice!”

Cheng Yu'an is not the kind of passionate young man who yells to fight and kill, but he is still aroused by "Sin City".

"Talk to Frank Miller, I think our sincerity will impress him."

With the boss's support, Bob smiled and said, "Don't worry, boss, I will try my best to convince Miller."

At the end of the day's work, Bob invited Cheng Yu'an to his house for dinner.

Cheng Yu'an readily agreed, and worked with Bob for more than three years, and didn't know his family situation, so he was a bit incompetent as the boss.

Bob's home is in Santa Monica, a typical American-style garden house. Bob got married late and is almost 50 years old now. His eldest daughter is less than 10 years old, and he has two young sons.

Cheng Yu'an brought a bottle of wine as a guest. When you go to an American family for dinner, you don't need to give expensive gifts, just a bouquet of flowers or a bottle of wine.

"Judy, this is my boss, I told you before." Bob introduced Cheng Yu'an to his wife.

"Welcome, Cheng, Bob often mentions you." Judy welcomed Cheng Yu'an very much.

Bob had repeatedly hit the wall in Hollywood before, and Cheng Yuan gave him a job. After two years of hard work, Bob also took the position of CEO of the company and made a lot of money.

"What did Bob say about me? Did he mean that I was the most incompetent boss in the world, and the company left him alone and didn't care?" Cheng Yu'an joked.

"On the contrary, Bob said that you are the best boss in the world." Foreigners will also flatter, "But Bob missed one thing."

"What?" Cheng Yu'an asked.

"He didn't say that you are such an attractive oriental man. If I were 20 years younger, I would definitely date you." Judy laughed.

Cheng Yu'an also slapped back the flattery: "You are still beautiful, ma'am."

The host and guest chatted happily, and the hostess was also very good at cooking. Cheng Yuan had a great meal.

After the meal, everyone sang and danced while playing the piano. It was not until midnight that Bob sent Cheng Yu'an back to Beverly Hills.

Huang Xiaoming is playing in Los Angeles and staying at a hotel in Beverly Hills at night.

"Sorry, I didn't receive your appointment here." The hotel receptionist said.

The assistant strives: "Impossible, we booked the suite two days earlier."

"I'm really sorry, but the computer doesn't show that you have an appointment." The front desk still replied politely to the assistant.

"If you take a closer look, there must be an appointment. Huang Xiaoming, there must be."

"Sorry, I read it twice, but your name really isn't there."

Huang Xiaoming on the side waited a little impatiently: "If you don't have one, then don't. We're making a reservation now."

"OK, then we can book a room now."

"Sorry, the hotel is full today."

The little assistant wanted to argue a few more words, but just as he was about to speak, the receptionist thought he was about to make a move, and screamed, "Security! Someone is making trouble."

Then two tall and burly security guards came forward: "Brother, what do you want, you are not welcome here, please leave."


"I tell you to leave, go away!" One of the security guards began to push Huang Xiaoming and his assistant.

Where were the two opponents, they were pushed to the ground together.

Seeing that the two fell to the ground after being "slightly pushed" by them, the security guard laughed contemptuously: "Faggots."

As soon as the little assistant heard this, he would explode. This word is extremely insulting, it cannot be translated, and it cannot be broadcast after translation.

Huang Xiaoming grabbed the assistant: "Let's go."

The two left in disgrace and rushed to the next hotel.

"Brother, those two security guards are still following us." The assistant whispered to Huang Xiaoming.

"What should we do now?" Huang Xiaoming was really panicked. This black lamp is not familiar with the place, so if something unexpected happens, there is no place to call for grievances.

Just when the two were on the verge of despair, a voice from heaven came: "Xiao Ming, why are you here?"

 Finish the update first, and then see whether to add more or not to see the performance of EDG.

(End of this chapter)

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