lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 100 Meat Kassadin

Chapter 100 Meat Kassadin
After killing people, Meixia finds a bush and returns to the city quietly.

The EDG fans cheered happily outside the arena, and the host commentator could not help but mourn for Doinb, "Wow, mika took a turn in the bottom lane and got two kills, and then returned to the middle lane in this wave, how can the Kassadins play?"

Miller exclaimed, "Who would have thought of this? Mika, who has never wandered, seems to have gotten better today. He has been following the factory manager around all the time. Not to mention, this one has been caught since the third level! Go home seven A hundred dollars, in the middle lane, doinb just don’t need to replenish soldiers.”

Most of the audience, including the commentators, think that doinb's laning will explode.

But the situation is not that simple.

In the arena, Meixia bought the ancient will and then teleported to the lane. The experience was slightly behind, and the flash was also used in the gank of the bottom lane.

First of all, you have to worry about being gank by the barrel. If she doesn't dodge, she must not stand too far forward.Secondly, equipped with the magic power and skill cd provided by the ancient will, it has no effect on Kassadin, who can reduce the damage of spells passively by increasing the basic attributes of the hero level. And this equipment does not have the mana recovery attribute, which also prevents her from using skills recklessly. consume.

The most important thing is that Doinb has an extra teleportation in his hand, even if Meixia uses fierce means to consume the opponent's residual blood, Kassadin can return to the line at full state immediately after returning to the city with a tp.

It can only be said that the Kassadin of s6 is far from weak to the seventeen armor version of the later generations. Doinb dares to take it out against the enchantress, and he has enough confidence-as long as he survives the first six levels, no matter whether he is roaming or fighting against the line The group is better than the enchantress!

And doinb's previous decision to refuse to teleport to the bottom lane, although suspected of selling his teammates, is indeed the best decision to stop losses in a bad situation!
The laning is still going on, and Summer Summer does not reduce the intensity of the laning because of the difficulty of suppressing the opponent.

She found a chance to move w, and aeq accurately hit the thunder, but she also suffered from doinb's decisive eq double counterattack. Kassadin's q's shield offset part of the damage, and the blood volume of both sides was reduced to the same extent.

During the skill cd period, Meixia kept trying to push the pawn line forward, but Kassadin's skill cd was shorter than her, and the effect of w strengthening the damage of a pawn was also outstanding. Attempts to seize the initiative in the lane by pushing the lane failed.

And such a confrontation lasted for two minutes, and Meixia still won the blood exchange relying on the precise hit of her skills!
But the amount of mana was about to run out, so she found a time to return to the city when the cannon troopers were online, just in time to make up for the taboo statue.

On the opposite side, Kassadin, who had consumed one-third of his health, returned to the city after dealing with the line of soldiers, and then tp went to the minions first.

Meixia saw the eye-catching items on its equipment bar at a glance.

A negative cloak that provides 40 magic resistance!

Immediately, a large number of audience barrages emerged.

"Unscientific, Brother Coin miraculously stabilized?"

"I started with the Negative Cape, and I didn't even buy the lunch box. Doinb's equipment is too good!"

"Mika, you have Dolan Sword, doinb, I have Negative Cape, it's really a good match for your opponent!"

"Where's the bettor in front? Doinb is almost level six, and he's not dead yet!"

"This round of betting is not counted. Mika-chan ran out and roamed at the third level, woo woo woo, she betrayed everyone! She betrayed Sala in the middle lane!"

"Even if it's a negative cloak, I'd bet on five packs of hot sticks, doinb must die once within five minutes! Mika sauce, hehe, I'm the only one who trusts you!"


Meixia couldn't help complaining in her heart, "Brother Yinbi really has you, I forgot that you still have the innovation of meat-packed Kassadin!"

However, she, who has increased the mana ability by [-]% from the Forbidden Statue, doesn't think that only the negative cloak can solve the problem.

There is no need to carefully consider the release of Enchantress's next skills, and the existence of the ultimate move can make up for the lack of flash. However, Kassadin lacks mana and damage support. Catalytic stone can last longer.

Even considering Kassadin's sixth level and possible gank, Summer is not afraid to stand a little forward.

And her laning intention was immediately caught by QG Nakano.

"Xiba, I knew this Sakura girl would not be willing to be suppressed by the backhand when the economy is leading, she will definitely make a move, and she will ask the factory manager to help!" Doinb thought so, he was about to call the jungler, but Already heard the solidarity of teammates.

"Doinb wait for me, I'll catch the enchantress right away." Swift walked towards the middle with a clear heart. He had never faced mika before, and he lacked such a clear understanding of doinb. It was just the jungler's intuition that he realized that the enchantress who hadn't flashed was edg is the best person to catch now.

The sense of smell of professional players is very keen, like the wave of Meixia's third-level roaming but not being discovered in time, it is really too bluffing for Dolan Jian to go out and vow to crush Kassadin, and at the same time, she has never had a third-level roaming This precedent gave the strategic master doinb the illusion that the enchantress was lurking around.

As for the battle that is about to start in the middle lane, the factory manager and Meiko have already developed consciousness in advance without Meixia asking for help!
"I'll lean towards the middle," meiko said, manipulating Bud to walk from the high ground to the middle while stepping on the passive note.

"Mika, be careful, maybe... Forget it, you are so self-willed in the lane, I'll go with meiko to counter-squat in the middle!" Ming Kai originally wanted to play f4 first, but changed his mind after thinking about Mika's style.

Meixia objected to the factory manager's statement in her heart. As a Yasuo player, she really pursued a strong laning attitude. Many times, she knew the danger and wanted to show off her skills, but that wasn't capriciousness, but self-confidence!

But since her teammates were all ready to support, Meixia immediately let go of the operation, and in front of Kassadin, she w went up to aeq to deal damage three times in a row.

The doinb who was beaten turned around and qe greeted, and waited for the enchantress's second-stage w to go back before r stepped on the face, while Swift, who arrived faster than Mingkai from the side, was already on standby, and also waited for the enchantress's second-stage w to go back up and dodge e.

However, Meixia, who was focused on manipulating, did not use the second-stage w, only waited for the opponent to move before using it to dodge, and at the same time kept the limit distance of the phantom chain with Kassadin, and waited for the second-stage e to release the imprisonment, and then turned and retreated.

Swift realized that it would be a waste of time to squat down any longer, and beware that it is almost impossible for the monster in the jungle to use a second-stage w, so he appeared from the grass and forced the monster to move forward. He was really afraid of being manipulated by Mika, so he waited until When the mark of w disappeared and the enchantress was about to retreat behind the soldier, she got up and flashed e!
Snapped!The Enchantress was knocked back and stunned by Gragas.

Then doinb's Kassadin stepped on his face and played qwa thunder after his self-imprisonment ended.

The two cooperated perfectly, without wasting any skills, but with the presence of Kassadin, the negative cloak, the damage was slightly insufficient. Even if all the skills were filled, the blood volume of the enchantress was still only reduced to half.

Seeing that the two of QG had been fighting for a long time and only knocked out the passive clone of Yaoji, the commentary doll who was concentrating on it shouted.

"It's over, meiko's support is so fast, Bud is tunneling over!"

(End of this chapter)

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