lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 102 Positive Record Kassadin

Chapter 102 Positive Record Kassadin
Seeing that the game has just passed fifteen minutes, and edg's economic lead reaches [-], the game has become a one-sided situation. The commentator Miller began to find a winning strategy for qg out of the game's effect.

"I feel like I can only delay it. Waiting for the three-piece suit of Wayne Kassadin, maybe there is still power to fight, but too many puppies have been caught, and the time for the three-piece suit must be later than Kassadin. Look at doinb, if you can steal deft in a group..."

The baby smiled and shook her head, "I can't beat the AD exchange in team battles. Mika is going to get a second piece of equipment when she gets home. The equipment is one more big, and the level is one level higher than that of Kassadin. Half a set of skills in team battles is as small as a second. Dog, with half a set of skills, Kassadin can do it with her current damage and manipulation!"

Miller asked helplessly, "Okay, what do you think QG should do now?"

Wawa analyzed, "Let's wait for the six-piece suit. The qg lineup with the all-spirited outfit has relatively high damage. If the puppy team battle is not stolen by Mika, it will be able to fight. However, if it is dragged to the six-piece suit, Swift will have to grab at least two of them. big dragon!"

But Meixia went back to the city and thought for half a second. She didn't plan to drag the game to the late stage, and it was impossible to give the opponent a chance to grab the dragon.

She even thought that as long as qg's current flaws were targeted, the game would have a chance to end in about [-] minutes!

There are two problems with qg's lineup. The first is that it needs to be developed. Wayne Kassadin's double-c combination can only be effective after making up the three-piece suit in about [-] minutes. However, this game collapsed in the early stage, and obviously there is no chance of receiving the group ability.

The second is short hands. Neither Kassadin nor Wayne has the ability to defend the tower.

So her method of speeding up the pace of the game is very simple, but it is different from the previous method of encouraging the factory manager to start a team.

That is the usual tactic used by Doinb seniors after they get such heroes as Ryze and Vampire, pushing the tower with one belt!

In order to ensure the perfect execution of tactics, Summer bought suitable equipment in the store.

Bane of the Lich!

"Lich?" The commentator Miller was puzzled when he saw the enchantress' equipment, "What does mika mean? Can the enchantress do this?"

Of course, the baby is even more puzzled, and can only forcefully explain, "The lich increases the damage of the level a, and the enchantress just happens to be able to intersperse the level a in the skill. Theoretically, the damage should not be lower than the abyss..."

Just like the reaction of the two commentators, the audience also couldn't understand the demon girl's outfit.

At the beginning of s6, the enchantress is usually the outfit routine of ghost book, abyss, and magic hat. If you are more aggressive, you can skip the abyss scepter and directly use magic hat and magic stick to break out. The new equipment Luden's Echo has entered the selection range of various mage players.

As for the lich, there might be one in the rankings, but I really haven't seen it in the game.

Meixia doesn't remember when there was a lich and witch in her previous life, but she is the first in this world to make such a costume in lpl.

The corners of her mouth are slightly raised, and soon, the audience will see how terrible the Lich LeBlanc is in the single belt.

Going out and changing lanes, Enchantress w rubbed against Kassadin on the edge of the defense tower, and then made a combo of aqa moves, forcing out Kassadin's ultimate move and destroying a quarter of his HP.

Then outside the tower, Kassadin era, who made up the knife in the tower, used another set of skills, forcing Kassadin to give up the knife and stand behind the tower to gain experience.

Her series of operations are extremely amazing, but the more exciting is yet to come.

After chasing Kassadin away, Enchantress relied on the characteristic of flattening additional damage after the Lich skill was released, and frantically hit the defensive tower, causing its blood volume to drop at a speed visible to the naked eye!

In less than three minutes, she pushed down the second tower on the bottom road!

Only then did the audience realize the role of the Lich.

"Push the tower so fast!"

"Mika-chan is really a genius for making a show, and she actually made her come up with the routine of the Lich's single belt. It hurts too much to tap the tower!"

"The little devil has so many tricks."

"Where did Mika-chan learn to steal towers? The factory manager doesn't know how to do this..."


Accompanied by the astonishment of the audience, Mei Xia turned to lead the line.

This time qg organizes the barrel and Bron to support the gank, and the barrel's big move still comes out from the side shadow, but as long as it is a skill that can be dodged with skills, it is impossible to get it with Summer's hand speed talent!
She reacted at the moment the explosion appeared, w opened the range of skills!
And during the time when the opponent gank Meixia, deft easily pushed down the second tower in the middle of qg.

So far, there is only one outer tower remaining on the road.

Of course, this outer tower didn't last long. Meixia went back to the city to buy the third piece of equipment, the Abyss Scepter, and after arriving on the road, she easily knocked down the defensive tower, and the game time had just reached [-] minutes.

At this speed, in two or three minutes, Meixia will take the high ground alone, and there is no need to take the risk to get the dragon.

QG is also aware of this point. While doinb is doing badly on the road, the anxious puppy yells in the middle, "Let's start a team, this wave can fight!"

"I'm driving, Blink shuts his mouth!" Top laner V shouted.

Before the words fell, the big tree flashed w to tie up the big mouth, and then swift opened the wine barrel to try to blow the big mouth back, but deft quick silver released the control of the big tree and then flashed to dodge the big move of the wine barrel. Bobby exploded in front of everyone.

Seeing that his teammates started the team battle without hesitation, doinb didn't care about the highland defense tower that was about to be hit by the enchantress on the road, and found a false eye in the middle and pressed the teleport.

It doesn't even count as breaking the boat.

This wave of raids just made qg's death decent.

Meiko Bard provided a tunnel from the side to assist Dazui to escape to f4, and then q stunned the big tree that came in from the tunnel, dividing the battlefield. The damage of the three-piece suit of Dazui was originally higher than that of Vayne who only had two pieces of electric knife equipment , Even if it is four to five, it has not been defeated.

Meixia didn't stay on the road to lead the line, she also teleported to the battlefield.

And when the enchantress with the highest level in the audience lands, there will be no suspense in the whole battle situation!
Flashing waqr, a set of skills does not give uzi a chance to move or q to roll to the ground to escape, nor does it give Bron shield a chance to block skills.

The puppy died again!

She then turns back to e to hold Bron, picks up aqa, and waits for the confinement to be completed, wa takes another head.

【Double kill! 】

shouted Miller, the off-court doll.

"Doinb cuts into the back row and kills Deft, and the ADCs on both sides are down! But Mika's damage is too high. I feel that Lich's continuous damage is much higher than pure spell penetration."

"Sure enough, although both sides killed the ADC, Mika's role is much higher than that of the two-piece Kassadin, and then a flat A chased and killed the barrel, and EDG made an amazing counterattack when the team was opened. For four!"

"Only qg, doinb, survived. He found the grass and went back to the city, but Meiko harassed him back to the city from behind, and the other three pushed the tower in the middle! Oh, Bud interrupted Kassadin's return to the city!"

"Edg pushed down the high ground in the middle without an adc. Are they going to go back to repair it? No, Mika turned to the top road to push the crystal. In [-] minutes, edg pushed down the two high ground crystals of qg!"

At this moment, it is in the lower left corner of the game interface that the audience cannot see.

Seeing Kassadin, who had a positive zero-death record, Swift was annoyed typing on the public screen.


There is no suspense in the follow-up.

In the [-]th minute, edg broke through qg's three-way high ground, and ended the game without taking Dalong and Wulong.

(End of this chapter)

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