lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 104 Please call me senior

Chapter 104 Please call me senior

After the match with qg, Meixia didn't pay attention to the opponent's off-court news. She continued to devote herself to training and qualifying. When it came to the weekly live broadcast, a newcomer came to her live broadcast room.

I made an appointment for double row training before, no, the EDG substitute player mouse for double row training.

Summer happily changed the title that night.

[Double row with the juniors of the team today! ! 】

In my previous life, I was a big man close to thirty years old, no one really thinks that Mei Xia is a hentai who likes to show off just because I have been playing tender in the EDG team for a long time!Now watch how I toss the mouse, and also experience the majesty of the current generation!
However, when Mouse, who was originally in high spirits, saw the title of the live broadcast, he felt a little unwilling in his heart.

He peeked sideways at Mika who was sitting next door, with big bright eyes and a collagen-filled face, coupled with a flat body, and slender legs stretched out under the gaming chair, the temperament image was basically a high school student.

Especially when she wore double ponytails recently and her age dropped by two years, she looked younger than her sister back home. If I became her junior like this, I would definitely be laughed at by my sister!

He pinched his fingers to calculate, and then carefully reminded Meixia, "Well, I joined the EDG team in 14. I played in LSPL last spring. I was born in October 96. Mika seems to be born in November 10. , no matter how you calculate it, it seems like you can’t say that Mika is my senior..."

Mei Xia defended the dignity of her seniors, "Heh, it's based on who plays in the lpl first!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room at this moment is full of [Senior Mika! 】……

But mouse once again raised the bar without knowing what is good or bad, "But I was an assistant starter in LPL last year..."

Meixia felt that her face was a little hot, but she could not even change her expression in her two lifetimes, even if she was cute and offered welfare, she was afraid of this embarrassment, and immediately put her hands on her hips and said, "Auxiliary is the auxiliary starter, and the top laner is the top laner starter! In short, I am a senior La!"

The barrage is brushing [Senior! 】In addition to some changes.

"Mika's stiff mouth is so cute!"



Meixia really wanted to refute her face to face, so she was not stubborn, but she knew better that the more she refuted in this situation, the more rigid she would be.

So she restrained her impulsive heart and gave mouse a senior look at her junior. Fortunately, the other party didn't continue to raise the bar, but with her thick eyebrows furrowed, she still seemed quite unacceptable to be her junior.

Meixia couldn't help but think in her heart... Hey, is there anything wrong with being my junior, you will enjoy the blessings in the future!But now that I have offended seniors, it seems that it is necessary to advance the long-term military training plan!
So they entered the duo, mouse was about to choose Poppy, but Summer immediately stopped him.

"You've played too many burpees in double row these days, and you've been winning in training matches. Since it's training, of course you have to try more!"

Mouse nodded, "Oh, what should I choose? Is a big tree okay?"

Mei Xia shook her head violently, "No way! Choose Jess, you choose Jess for me!"

Mouse didn't want to refuse the beautiful mid laner's request, but he didn't want to lose face in front of the mika fans. He was confused, "Ah... I'm not good at this."

Meixia said, "You have to practice only if you can't! Let me, a senior and a senior Jess player, teach you how to play!"

Soon, mouse locked on Jess, and Summer got the mid lane Enchantress.

Enter Summoner's Rift.

After Meisha specially selected the Enchantress, she was full of laning strength as always, and the jungler was willing to help when she knew that she was a thigh, so she cooperated with the prince eq to pick up the opponent's mid laner Syndra in three minutes, and she easily got wqe A blood.

Then turn around and look at the road.

The honest mouse really didn't know how to play Jess as he said.The long-handed hero was defeated by Bobby in the lane in three minutes. Although he was not caught and killed by the opponent's jungler, he also sent a flash teleport and fell behind by seven minions.

As a top laner, mouse can't play top lane panacea hero Jess, this is not qualified at all!

Gotta practice!

Practice hard!

Meixia verbally expressed support, "mouse, I'm very sorry, I will support the bottom lane in this round, you have to develop well. Just got it!"

"I see." Mouse insisted through gritted teeth.

In six minutes, Meixia walked down the lane to get a double kill, while in the top lane Mouse was killed by tower jumping and lost a whole wave of soldiers.

"Ah, I'm sorry..." mouse scratched his hair and lowered his head.

Died in front of millions of viewers in Meixia's live broadcast room, compared to his goal of making mika fans envious and hated before the double-row live broadcast, it is far away...

"It's okay, mouse, I believe you can do it!" Meixia encouraged.

But at least he can't practice in a short period of time. Mouse persisted until he was in a group, and his operations were all kinds of outrageous, hammering half-blooded ad, qe double mistakes, and all kinds of sudden deaths.

The audience can't help but doubt edg's youth training level.

"Why can I get into EDG at this level, and I can double row with Mika, I can't accept it!"

"Jess was solo-killed by Bobby in the lane, and the pressure was [-] knives. Mouse is outrageous!"

"I'm super, QE [-]nd Company can still fire squibs! It feels like I can do it myself."


"Hehe, my master, I will marry Mika first!"



"Cheer up mouse, let's go to the next round and continue to practice Jess." Meixia originally wanted to reprimand him in a senior tone, but after thinking about it, she opened her mouth to comfort him gently.

Sure enough, he was still too kind, and couldn't bear to insult mouse.

"Okay!" Mouse blushed.

Then Jess performed slightly better in the second game, but he also had a negative record...

"Don't be discouraged! Although my Jayce has been practiced in the first round, I don't understand why some people can't even practice Jayce well. But I know that even if there are great differences between people, there will be similarities. As long as mouse keeps practicing, he should be able to reach my eighth score..." Meixia thought that before the time-traveling, Jess might not be able to reach the level of mouse even if she practiced tens of thousands of rounds, so she changed her words and lowered her requirements, "Well, Half the level!"

"Ah..." No matter how good the character is, mouse is still a professional player. He felt harsh when he heard the [-]% level, so he replied, "Maybe, maybe Senior Mika can show me a game of top laner Jess..."

Mid laner Jess and top laner Jays are not the same species. Mouse believes that even a genius like Mika who changes lanes suddenly may not be able to play beautiful results.

"Okay!" Mei Xia readily agreed.

Then she got the top laner Jess and let the audience and mouse know that the top laner Jays can have such a strong suppression.

In twenty-five minutes, Jess with six heads and a three-piece suit hit the road to clear the level!

"Have you learned it yet?" Misha asked.

mouse shook his head.

"Then keep practicing, you can do it!" Mika said, "For the world championship!"

Yes, it's not just for tricking mouse, and it's not for the short-term live broadcast effect, but for the World Championship half a year later.

Based on her years of watching games, any champion top laner, even Jin Gong, who is recognized as the most laid back, has captain Quinn and two carry heroes to take, so mouse must learn Jayce before the World Championship!

(End of this chapter)

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