lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 115 The Speed ​​of Light QA

Chapter 115 The Speed ​​of Light QA
The pawn line is in the middle of the field, but Summer can't see where the hero Karma is.

In fact, the seasoned rookie is also aware of Riven's strong period.

He considered that it would be too easy for Riven's flash ew to catch the ult with the three-stage qa combo combined with Qian Jue's kill, so he never did a fierce laning fight to firmly maintain his state.In the case of the main q skill, rq followed by q, the two skills basically cleared a wave of soldiers, and then disappeared from the line without looking back.

This is where heroes like Lulu Karma get rogue.

Just push the line hard and don't give the opponent a chance to fight. The short middle line is not like the top lane with line control, so even if the pawn line is temporarily controlled by mika, he is not afraid of losing experience.

Meixia slowly controlled the line with a pawns, and after accumulating two waves of pawns, they could no longer control them, and could only send them all into the ig defense tower.

At this time, less than three minutes had passed since Karma tortured Riven under the EDG tower, and the situation reversed two levels, and it was Meixia's turn to consume the rookie in the tower outside the tower!

Rookie looked at Riven, who was staring at her like a tiger, and knew that ordinary professional players would not dare to jump the tower easily, it would be too dangerous, but Mika, the Japanese woman who is crazier than most male players in the game...

She will definitely jump the tower!

Rookie understands that even if ig's main strategy in this round is the top lane, it can only be implemented when the middle lane is embracing and developing.

He reckoned that if he didn't call the jungler for help, he might be solo killed by Mika jumping the tower, so he hurriedly sent a signal to the jungler, "Come and squat!"

"Well, I'll be right over!" Kid finally waited for Daddy's call, and immediately rushed to the middle lane to support without stopping.

And on the way of his departure, Mei Xia has already shot into the tower to consume it!
qqq, the first two paragraphs of q move and a pawn is upgraded to six levels, the third paragraph knocks Karma into the tower, and then awa bursts out in an instant, and finally turns back to e and then goes to the limit at the moment when Karma's w spirit chain triggers the imprisonment Pull out the attack range of the defense tower.

The duel failed to kill, and the end of the lane change was actually a loss for Summer, after all, she took down the defense tower.

But in this wave, Karma's blood volume has been reduced, and he has just risen to level [-] on the way to fight blood. In the next wave, when he improves the small skill cd, there is a possibility of instant killing the opponent.

No, with a big move and a flash in the lead, as long as Karma dares to continue to make up this wave of minions, she will have absolute confidence to jump over the tower and kill!

Karma's life is sealed, even if Lord Hades comes, I, Mika, said so!

Based on such self-confidence, when Ming Kai proposed a gank in the middle, she refused decisively.

Riven alone is enough to kill, and the addition of Qian Jue who has no ultimate move has nothing to do except to grab the head.

"Senior Ming Kai, you don't need to come here! It's better to protect the development of mouse!"

"But this wave of kids will definitely be in the middle!" Ming Kai guessed the movement of ig's jungler, he reminded.

"Stay with tape! I can do it!" Mei Xia was ruthless, no, she refused affectionately, at least her tone on the surface was very gentle.

"Okay..." Ming Kai no longer insisted, and manipulated Qian Jue to brush up the road.

And mouse felt uncomfortable for his own weakness again in his heart - he was reduced to the point where a girl like Mika sacrificed her development to protect herself.

Meixia still doesn't know what her teammates think, after instigating her teammates to leave, her small skills have turned into a good CD, and she began to enjoy the pleasure of operating alone!

On the field, the male gun was already in ambush, and Karma relied on someone to squat forward to eat soldiers.

"Rookie is trying to lure Mika! But EDG seems to have sent a signal to f4 before, and it should be aware of the anti-squat situation! Mika..." Although I don't think that any professional player would jump the tower under such a huge risk, Wawa thought of that But Mika, Mika averaged one solo kill per game.

"Oh! Mika seems to have been fooled, she moved forward q, flashed ew and stunned! Wow, the combo is so fast! The male gun support has arrived..." Su Xiaoyan's speech speed gradually accelerated from the initial calm, but even so, she couldn't elaborate Explain the sequence of Riven's skill release.

Summer Summer's real operation is only in an instant!

First, rub the position and wait for Karma to get close enough.

A period of q continues to pull into the short distance, lands and then e flashes w to stun, and then aqa!Lightspeed qa, which can offer fee-based teaching-level online courses like Simon Confucius!

However, before the third paragraph q had time to make a move, she was already held in place by Karma W, and at the same time, the smoke bombs released by the kid male gun exploded from the soles of her feet.

When the control was over, she only had qa's male gun in her field of vision, and she couldn't find where Karma was.

At this time, ordinary players or players will predictively release the second-stage ult forward, hitting Karma to kill is manipulation, failing to kill the opponent is being shown.

But Mei Xia disdains random predictions, all her operations are based on her own hand speed and reflexes, and she never places the possibility of killing on the ethereal probability unless it is absolutely necessary.

Step three q and then move forward, carrying the damage of the defensive tower and the deceleration of the red buff of the male gun, and successfully escaped from the range of the smoke bomb. At this moment, Karma has almost escaped to the second tower, of course, only almost.

The moment Meixia's vision appeared in front of her eyes, she threw her big move forward.The Blade of Exile swung down heavily, triggering a conical shock wave!

Karma desperately twisted to the side, but Meixia's skill release was as precise as a script, and the shock wave hit Karma's ass, killing him on the last half way to life.

Then, Riven, who suffered many tower damages from Meixia, was also killed by the male gun.

It's another one-on-one solo kill, and it's a one-on-two solo kill!
There was instant warm applause in the arena!
"Mika's Riven is just one word: reckless!"

"My fingers can only type one word: lick!"

"In the entire LPL, only Mika dares to kill like this under the tower. No, it seems that the entire LPL doesn't even have a player who dares to choose Riven as the mid laner."

"It's right for your stomach. This wave is the taste of [-]% mika sauce. It's sweet and salty."

"Those who always say that mika has no inner taste, mika is in the shape of edg, and even say that they were trained by the factory manager, now they have nothing to say! Hehe, mika sauce is mika sauce!"


However, compared to the carnival of the audience, there is not much frustration in the ig voice channel.

Rookie could barely accept the result, "Ah, damn it, I almost survived. But it's okay, this wave of Riven also used flash, and it's still the head of the male gun..."

Kid ate the small soldier in the middle with tears in his eyes. Even though rookie is the pillar of ig, he felt very happy about the male gun rubbing the pawn line. Rui Wen!"

The same is true.

Riven, who needs to carry the game, and a team battle that only needs to release re group acceleration and shield reasonably, can mix up the winning hero as a head exchange, and wasting a flash for this is really not worth the candle.

But Meixia's thinking is very simple, she wants to play the game as smoothly as possible within the scope of winning the game.

(End of this chapter)

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