lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 141 Mouse Treatment

Chapter 141 Mouse Treatment
Mei Xia bought bee stings at the spring, but instead of teleporting, she chose to support her teammates on foot.

Tsar lacks control and explosive means in the early stage, and generally seldom actively roams. Meixia’s choice of giving up the six o’clock point to roam is even a little careless and will collapse in the lane, so Xiaohu only thought mika at first. To go online to save a transfer.

But ten seconds later.

He found that the Tsar still did not appear.

Xiaohu realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly signaled his teammates.

The duo who used the flash and pressed the line deeply is undoubtedly the most likely target to be targeted by mika, so mata directed wuxx to give up pushing the line and flee to the front of the tower.

The jungler mlxg at f4 is also focused, not only ready to support at any time, but also guarding against the invasion of the factory manager and mika,
Only looper has a flash in his hand and e is a weird spirit, even if three people come, they will have a chance to escape, and it is the key point to grab the sixth level. Considering that the requirement of the rng lineup is to use the murlocs to suppress the Titans, he did not choose to directly retreat.

But he still cautiously stood next to the soldiers in the back row to prevent being hooked by the Titans while waiting for the opportunity to tie the sixth!

Another three or four seconds passed, and the Tsar still did not appear in rng's field of vision.

Xiaohu quickly cleared the army line and upgraded to level [-], and immediately raised his leg to go up the road to support from the route close to his own wild area.

As soon as I walked to the river, I saw the Tsar and the male gun icon on the small map.

edg unexpectedly swam to the most difficult bot lane!The target is directed at the looper!

His eyes widened, "Since when did the edg top laner get such a good treatment! Looper is fine!"

Although he was asking, Xiaohu is very confident in his top laner. Known as a top laner model, looper can advance, attack, retreat and defend. A long time ago, he was also called an immortal top laner with the former Samsung blue team top laner. It is not at all The type that can be caught and collapsed, not to mention the stiff roamer like Mika who doesn't think about laning!

However, the answer given by looper was not so good, "Xiba, I got the hook! I got the hook!"

Only then did Xiaohu turn the mini-map to look down the road, only to see that the little murloc was stuck by the titan qae and couldn't move, while the Tsar and the male gun were close at hand!
He doesn't understand why the looper can be hooked by the bastard mouse...

But the host from God's perspective was already excitedly explaining the scene that just took place.

"mouse, this is Bo Ping, a hidden q! The angle is tricky, just passed the little pawn and hooked the little murloc, and now a followed by e and then imprisoned and slowed down, and the teammates have already arrived!"

"The male gun came up with a set of e first, but the w smoke bomb was dodged by the little murloc's blind vision pole vault. The czar came up and set up sand soldiers, but it seemed to hurt..."

Although the additional attribute of the little murloc's frankness is low, the red crystal bought back to the city at level [-] can support the blood volume, and it still retains less than half of the life value after being chased.

The looper saw the defense tower close in front of him, and felt that he could escape!And he is not willing to give up the laning advantage that the little murloc has worked so hard to build!

He pressed the flash under the tower, and was about to drag his damaged body to the safe area.

But only saw the same golden light flashing behind him, Tai Tan, who had no skills and was far behind, was [-] yards behind him, and the anchor in his hand was raised high, and the turquoise skill mark was hanging on the small fish. Overhead!
It's the Titan's big move, Deep Sea Impact!
The two commentators who originally thought that the little murloc escaped safely became excited again.

"Titan suddenly eats minions to increase his experience to six, flashes his big move and continues to control, edg is determined to kill murlocs!"

"Tsar Quicksand changed shape and followed the little soldiers into the tower, and poked at the little murlocs, wow, it still hurts to poke people with three sand soldiers under the attack speed of the bee sting..."

Meixia only poked twice, the tenacious looper backhand q naughty strike returned the blood with the help of the indestructible grip, and at the same time opened the distance from the soldiers.

This made Meixia have to rely on flat a to deal damage, but fortunately, she drifted very cautiously, and the little murloc who let q landed was moved in front of the male gun. After doing a two more a's, she finally got the murloc Fitz's kill.

And she herself had to flash away the last tower damage.

At 6 minutes and 58 seconds, the head counts of edg and rng were tied at 1-1, and the total economy also came to the same position.

But the effect of this wave of arduous gank is not just a cold number. In the future, the mouse will no longer be blooded by the little murlocs, and once the crucial murlocs do not develop in the mid-term, the rng will not be able to take the group without tanks!
"Nice!" Thinking this way, Mei Xia finished killing and teleported back to the middle, with a smile on her mouth, "I knew you, Junior Mouse, could keep Fitz."

"I'm already proficient at fighting with Titans!" mouse laughed. He finally found confidence from the continuous blows these days. Compared with Jess Murloc, the Titan Tree is more suitable. Compared with the cold audience, it is still Mika The gentlest and warmest.

"Titan is so accurate, Jess's gun will definitely not miss!" Summer did not forget to continue to give mouse the motivation to transform.

"Really!" Mouse felt his heart full of strength.

Mei Xia poured chicken soup into the EDG team.

The audience and commentators who watched the whole process from God's perspective did not feel too much amazed by the beautiful operation of the mouse. They were more surprised by the treatment of the mouse, and they were already surprised by the little murloc's ability to escape.

"Mika put the advantage in the middle lane and didn't want it, so he squatted on the little murloc for ten seconds. I've never seen Mika help his teammates like this. Could it be that mouse is Mika's illegitimate child!"

"Understood, my son mouse, dad will never blackmail you again!"

"Impossible, mouse doesn't look like me at all..."


On the field, rng stabilized its decline, and Meixia returned to the middle lane to develop, because she lost a lot of HP against the tower in the bottom lane, and she lost her flash, so she could no longer pursue suppression.

The game seems to have become a turn-based system, and the initiative in the middle lane returned to Xiaohu again.

And he also faces the same difficulty of choice as Summer Summer.

Even the easiest Titans to catch, it's hard to find opportunities when they are frank and under the tower.

As for the duo Ezreal Bron, the former has e skills and flashes, as long as he doesn't miss the e face, he will not die, and the latter is too fleshy to open the shield.

Invading the Factory Manager's wild area is even more difficult.

The Tsar, who lacks flashes and supplies in the middle, seems to be the most suitable target to cooperate with the jungler to kill besides the Titans, but setting the target on Mika always makes him vaguely worried, what if the opponent uses manipulation to show off? !
It's just that mika's stubborn and wonderful gank to the little murloc just now shocked Xiaohu and made him determined.

Even mika, who has been criticized for only laning and not wandering, has been able to do this for his teammates.

He, Xiaohu, can also break the curse of lpl midlaners and junglers to catch Mika and always be reversed.

He commanded, "mlxg, come to the middle later!"

mlxg didn't expect that Xiaohu would suddenly become stiff, "Didn't you say before the game that you were stable in the middle?"

Xiaohu explained, "Now the most important little murloc has died once. No matter how stable I am, it will be difficult to fight a group battle. The best way now is to fight!"

Without waiting for mlxg to continue thinking, team leader Mata nodded in agreement, "You can give it a try!"

Two minutes later, the rng jungler approached the middle.

 I'm back, this chapter is not quite right, I will adjust my status as soon as possible.

  I slept all day on Saturday and the low fever subsided, but today I still have a little retching and loss of appetite. It should be a series of strange reactions caused by eating barbecue and catching cold that day.

(End of this chapter)

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