lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 159 Awards Ceremony?Social death scene!

Chapter 159 Awards Ceremony?Social death scene!
In the arena studio, the commentators stood up and shouted.

"Let's congratulate edg!"

"The champion of the 2016 LPL Spring League belongs to EDG!"

"These young lads..."

Halfway through, Wawa realized that there were female players on the team.

"Cough, and the little girl also created league history again, not only creating the record of the first female player in LPL to win the championship! It also created the highest league record of winning four Silver Dragon Cups for the EDG team!!"

The passionate music resounded, the lights in the center of the stage were shining, and many fans of edg and mika cheered and celebrated.

On the field, the factory manager subconsciously wanted to hug the teammates around him, but when he turned his head and found Sakura girl on the left, he woke up. The hand that went out retracted.

Meixia's reaction and hand speed have always been very fast. It is impossible to hug a man, but it is too embarrassing for the captain and factory manager to retract his half-stretched hand and put it in front of the live broadcast camera for nearly a million viewers to see.

She quickly raised her hand and gestured to the factory manager.

The two clapped hands heavily.

The other four teammates next to him and the pawn who ran up to him raised their hands in imitation.

Hiss, take it easy, it hurts!
After the continuous high-fives, Meixia quietly covered her numb palms and rubbed them gently on her waist. Although her teammates were a little ignorant of how to strike, but at such an excited moment, don't disturb them. Besides, this little pain is nothing. Just a few tears.

But the director with tricky eyesight and his camera witnessed all this...

"The group of virgins like edg don't know how to use less energy to high-five girls!"

"Mika is so gentle, she hides her hands quietly and doesn't want her teammates to know."

"Mika-chan, don't be afraid, let me blow your palms for you."

"What's the use of blowing? Let uncle, I lick Mika-chan hard!"


The pain came and went away quickly, Meixia waited until the blush on her palms disappeared, walked behind the line and shook hands one by one at the rng seating area.

This is the third time that edg has defeated rng. Compared with the previous two regular seasons, Xiaohu, who was ruthlessly suppressed in the final BO5 for four consecutive rounds, has undoubtedly reduced his momentum and mentality to the lowest level. This is because he was so absorbed in packing his equipment that he almost forgot to get up You can tell by the handshake and listless look.

This is not acceptable!General Tiger is not as strong as me, but you are one of the few star mid laners in LPL. If you lose your mentality, which mid laner can play with me in the summer split?Besides, the classic scene of 2200 Ritz in my memory almost broke my defense. In this world, I will never allow you to degenerate to such a disgusting level again.

Thinking of this, Meixia comforted, "Senior Tiger! Your hero pool today surprised me, and you actually forced out the secret weapon Ryze I prepared for MSI!"

Hearing Sister Sakura's voice, Xiaohu paused, and the fingers holding the soft palm suddenly became stiff.

"Really, I thought everything was useless!"

Xiaohu involuntarily opened his mouth and smiled. He felt that his heart was full of power again. This power did not come from the dark thoughts of revenge on Sakura Sister, but from the affirmation of his opponent and from the positive energy of breaking through himself.

Meixia pulled out her palm, "I just got it, looking forward to the match next season!"

Xiaohu sighed in his heart, Mika is indeed as the legend says, she is an extremely gentle and kind girl in private, thinking of this, his eyes became extremely firm, "Yes! I promise you, next time, I will be stronger than now!"

The two left sideways.

Meixia clutched her palms and pressed them against her chest.


The chest is so hard, and the palms are so painful.

But watching Xiaohu, who has regrouped and set off again, gradually walks away, she feels that all the painstaking efforts are worth it-the next time the next time the competition is to abuse Xiaohu, it will definitely be more violent and more enjoyable than now!

After shaking hands, the whole team walked to the center of the stage, where the famous host Duan Xuan who had hosted CCTV Sports Channel "World Soccer" and "E-sports World" was waiting, as well as the shining silver LPL league trophy.

The five people lined up, and Meixia was the one who was the last to be interviewed because she was the closest to the host.

Duan Xuan, who was over forty years old and dyed her hair silver to cover up her gray hair, passed the microphone, "Well, Mika, this game lasted four hours and ended 3-1. Before the game, did you think about this score? ?"

Misha shook her head.

Her answer had a slightly Japanese accent, "Well, I never thought it would be this score. Before the game, I thought it would be a [-]-[-] victory, but Senior Xiaohu gave me too many surprises."

At this time, Xiaohu, who had almost walked out of the venue, staggered suddenly.

The host Duan Xuan was also surprised, but as an old host, he was very stable in the typhoon, and quickly changed the topic to the teammate next to her, "Really! It can be seen that player Mika is very confident in his own strength! But the final result of 3-1 Or to explain, the rng game did put a lot of pressure on you, so I would like to ask player mouse, as a rookie player, did you have any pressure before the game against the former world champion looper?"

With tears in his eyes, mouse said, "There's a lot of pressure! If Mika hadn't encouraged me and made me believe in myself, maybe I wouldn't have reached this point at all..."

edg fans are still only barely satisfied with mouse's current performance, but the moment of winning the championship was not disappointing. The audience both on site and in the live broadcast room gave him unanimous encouragement and support.

Next, Duan Xuan asked each contestant a simple question. The factory manager answered modestly, meiko answered seriously, and deft answered that he wanted to treat his teammates to kimchi on vacation.

After the warm-up interview, it was the awards ceremony.

Duan Xuan took a step back so that the camera could capture all the players, "Now let us invite the award presenter, Mr. Jin Yibo, the head of the League of Legends lpl league, to send a check and flowers to the EDG team!"

Jin Yibo, who will be spurned by the audience in the future because of the failure of the league to create gods, too many advertisements, and various low-level mistakes in the league, is now very young, wearing a light blue suit and looking like an ordinary programmer.

He first shook hands with everyone one by one, then delivered a giant check with a symbol of 150000 yen printed on it to everyone's hands, and then gave a bouquet of flowers to Meixia who was standing by the side.

Duan Xuan's voice sounded at the right time
"Congratulations again to EDG for winning the 2016 LPL Spring Championship, and they will also represent the LPL Division in the MSI Mid-Season Finals half a month later."

Please trouble Mr. Jin Yibo for this, our Miss Etiquette will send MSI passes and jerseys to you soon, please give prizes to the contestants again! "

A shirt placed in a glass frame for display was carried onto the stage. It was red and white, with gorgeous multicolored golden dragons embroidered on the back. The national style design was not new, but it was better than the shirt designed by an international brand later several times.

After taking a group photo with flowers, checks and jerseys on their chests, it was the climax of the awards ceremony.


Putting down the items in their hands, the seven players of the whole team gathered around the Silver Dragon Cup and raised the trophy high. The ribbons were sprinkled from the sky like golden rain.

"and many more."

Mika who was on the left of the trophy shouted.

"You're holding the trophy too high!"

The shortest factory manager in the team is also 168.

Meixia reported a height of 160, but her actual height was 158. When her teammates held up the trophy, she stood on the sidemost side and couldn't even touch the trophy's feet, and the sound of music was mixed with shouts, so no one heard her weak plea for help.

I had no choice but to step quietly to touch the trophy...

Click, the director once again took pictures of the scene that was enough to make her die.

 Rehabilitation day0.

(End of this chapter)

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