lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 175 clg>fw

Chapter 175 clg>fw
The msi group stage is a single-group double-round-robin format. If the six teams only play one round a day, that is, they only play three BO1s a day, and the game can be completed in a maximum of three hours. The game is too short to satisfy the audience. Match experience, the msi schedule is two rounds of matches on each match day, and the teams play twice.

After defeating CLG, EDG did not return to the base, but continued to stay in the lounge in the stadium, waiting for them to play in the next round, while watching the live broadcast of the game, observing and studying the strength and style of other teams.

In the second game, the lcs·eu team g2 and the lms team fw played.

Meixia has experienced all kinds of monsters from the people of Treasure Island and e-sports players in the later generations. She has no good feelings for the LMS team, especially the openly oriented team like Flash Wolves.

In addition, the inflated character of the single perkz in g2 is really in line with the taste of her golden Yasuo player, so she supports g2 to win this game, and looks forward to perkz can live a better life.

However, this year's new European champion team, which was renamed from game2 to g2 this year and won the spring split with difficulty, is really mediocre in terms of overall strength.

There is no comedian jungler jankos, no top laner wunder in Europe, and caps who later formed the Galaxy Battleship. This year, he even just made his debut in the Turkish team and was unable to play in the msi wild card due to his age.

The four players outside of perkz in their team transferred to other European teams after playing S6, and then disappeared. One can imagine their talent and level...

As the opponent, fw holds maple, the bent tiger who debuted as a genius boy, karsa, who is at the peak of control, and swardart, the soul assistant of the runner-up team sng in the later s tournament.

It can be said that the debut is the perfect body!
There is a significant gap in strength between the two sides.

And the ending of the game will not change because of Summer's personal preference.

In the end, g2 was tortured by fw who was good at operations for nearly 12 minutes of the game, and lost 26-[-] heads, while the young perkz's mentality and operation almost collapsed after hitting the back.

In the post-match interview, fw's youthful and frivolous support swardart admitted frankly that the reason why he played for so long was because of the team's style, not because g2 was difficult to deal with.

Then he even released bold words, thinking that fw's next opponent, the clg team that just lost to edg, is the team with the worst strength outside the excluding card.

All of a sudden, audiences in Taiwan made speeches in the black and white forums, praising fw for being expected to win the championship, and in the future, as long as they win clg by a big score, it will be equivalent to defeating edg.


G2 and FW's pissing game was over, followed by skt's abuse game, faker and perkz picked Ryze, but with a perfect 5-0 record, they swept the wild card team sup in less than [-] minutes.

The time came to [-]:[-], and the second round of the group match on the first day started at dinner time.

In the first round of the second round, clg, who had already played, faced fw, who had spoken big before the game.

However, clg, which lost to edg, did not show any signs of mental frustration in the game. In the mid-term balance, the jungler xmithier won three consecutive dragon fights and won the five dragon souls, which made the young karsa numb.

In the last forty minutes or so, clg wild assistant exchanged fw jungler ad heads, and the remaining three used the big dragon to force the group.

At the critical moment, clg's mid laner huhi controls the ice girl e to go up warq and lose half of Bloom's health in seconds, then the girl moves to multi-skills, the second e moves forward with aq to kill the remaining blood, and finally drives away Ike, winning 1v3.

Clg who got the big dragon soul defeated fw!

Swordart interviewed Li's flag, and was slapped in the face in less than an hour. The Treasure Island audience, who were expecting fw to bring surprises, were all discouraged, and could only pin their hopes of challenging Huaguo in the future head-to-head confrontation.

At the same time, except for a few posts on the Huaguo Forum that moved the Baodao Forum, most of the audience did not ridicule Swordart, but felt that fw's msi level this time was up to this point, and it was a statement that did not pay attention to that side at all.

And honestly.

mika has no prejudice or dislike towards karsa, swodart or even the remaining three contestants. After all, the me of yesterday is not the me of today. People's thoughts are always changing. Even she herself has changed from a Chinese male to a Tokyo [-] Year old jk.

As long as they don't make inappropriate remarks, she can treat each other as equals of e-sports players.

But players are players, teams are teams, and audience fans are audience fans, all of which need to be treated differently.

Seeing the defeat of the fw team, which is supported by a large number of young people in Taiwan and also has bad tendencies, Meixia couldn't help being happy.

She only felt that the Xiao Yang Sheng Jian on the chopsticks was more fragrant and delicious. Compared with the size that she could only eat in two mouthfuls, she seemed to be able to swallow it in one bite!




After eating the takeaway pot stickers fried buns for dinner, the game of the day came to the penultimate round.

SKT vs. G2!Focus battle!
But g2 lost fw faster than they did before!It is also faster than the previous wild card team sup and skt!
24分钟主堡水晶被推,perkz艾克战绩2-6, 而faker的瑞兹9-0超神。

The North American audience swiped na>eu frantically, and even in the Chinese live broadcast room in the lounge, many viewers also swiped na>eu like a crowd.

The European audience yelled after the game to buy return air tickets, saying that the g2 spring game was just a fluke, they are not qualified to represent the strength of lcs·eu, even if fnc is allowed to play the game, it can't be so ugly Contest!
Of course, after the game, perkz didn't care whether the public opinion was against the wind or not. He relentlessly refuted on Twitter, showing his talent for flirting.

[I don’t know what the result of fnc coming to MSI is, but I know that we beat them [-]-[-] in the playoffs]

[The first day of the game is over, and the results of g2 are not optimistic, but I believe we will get back to our status!Please trust the mid laners of lcseu, they are world-class! 】

Meixia immediately watched the excitement and didn't mind the trouble, Dadi liked and commented on perkz's speech, fanning the flames.

[I hope that Senior Perkz will not disappoint Mika, and look forward to playing against the full-strength King of Europe tomorrow! (Love) (smile)]


After Meixia's comment was sent out, she quickly received a large number of replies, and at the same time, her private message was highlighted with a friend's message.

"Edg will play sup in the next game. Dfm lost to this team in the wild card game a few days ago. Although they lost to skt today, they lasted longer than g2. They are not a weak team! You have to take it seriously. How can you still tweet at this time!" It was the worry from my younger sister Lisa.

"Do you have any misunderstanding about the difference in strength between the foreign card and the champions of the five major regions? Dealing with sup and giving dfm revenge is easy."

Mei Xia patiently explained that in short, she must make her sister feel reliable, "Besides, your sister and I have already prepared for the game before the game. A few social remarks before the game will not affect the state at all. In short, just watch me obediently performance."

Soon I got a reply from Lisa, "Okay, oh pinch sauce, come on! I'll wait for you to come back after the game!"

Just about to continue typing and chatting, coach Abu returned to the lounge and clapped his hands, "Everyone is packed and ready to play!"

Mei Xia hurriedly responded with a smiling face to her sister, then put the screen of her phone back into her backpack, and finally went to the bathroom to go to the toilet, and then followed her teammates to the stage.

 This chapter introduces the schedule, a little water, I will try Chapter 2 before one o'clock in the evening

(End of this chapter)

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