lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 180 Be Mika's Dog

Chapter 180 Be Mika's Dog
Although Mika had solo killed Faker in the World Championship last year, the perception of the Chinese audience at that time was completely different from what it is today.

In an instant, the stadium with tens of thousands of people cheered throughout the audience, and the live broadcast room was covered with [666], [Single Kill] and [Worthy of being the king of single kills, mika sauce].

At this time, the factory manager had just been revived and went down the road to eat the three wolves. He suddenly heard the shouts on the scene that even the noise-canceling headphones could not eliminate.

He couldn't help asking, "mika! How did you do it?!"

Mei Xia smiled softly, "It's all because of your gank just now, Senior Factory Manager, that helped me lower the Tsar's HP."

"Really? Haha..." Although the factory manager couldn't believe it, he was very happy to be praised by Mika.

Without waiting for the factory manager to open the wild area, Meixia continued to call for gank, "Senior, come and catch again later!"

The commentary stand at this time was equally excited.

"Solo kill, mika used her signature enchantress to complete a solo kill on faker in less than four minutes!" I remember feeling incredible, "It is said that the factory director made a great contribution to the third-level gank, although the result at that time was one for one, but Fighting the consequences of damage to the wild area, the Czar's blood volume was suppressed!"

Brother Snake added, "It can only be said that faker is a bit pretending, with such low blood volume and low mana, he should return to the city in normal play."

The solo kill happened so unexpectedly that most of the audience and the two commentators felt that it was more like an opportunity given by faker's misjudgment.

Xiaosan, as a professional player, knows that most of the credit for this wave is actually Mika's daring to fight, and really manipulated the faker! "

He quickly explained, "Faker does give a chance, but Mika's operation is also very beautiful! The second stage w avoids the minion's aggro, and then moves back to let the fake body cheat faker's skills. Her operation is delicate and calm in this wave."

In the voice channel of skt, the jungler Blank is very self-blaming at this moment.

If he didn't w go to kill people, then the Tsar would never be forced to flash later, let alone be killed alone...

As the player with the lowest seniority in the team, he hurriedly apologized to faker, "Hey, my problem, I just flashed up impulsively and killed the male gun."

Faker's thoughts are the same as Summer Natsu's - his failure in duels is indeed a chain reaction after the swap between Gank and Blank, not because of his remaining blood.

It is precisely because I have a full understanding of Mika's strength that I know that the third-level line is accused of being under the EDG tower and he returns to the city by himself. Then when he goes online again and faces Mika who is operated by a top assassin, he will die in the middle lane Almost once.

Then came the hard-earned attempt to push the line, and the failure of the duel.

But even so, Blank is not to be blamed. It can only be said that the director's arrest is very vicious!At the same time, mika's enchantress really lives up to her reputation!
Faker shook his head and said, "It's not your fault, I didn't operate well, it's my problem."

He then added, "I feel that the male gun will come to the middle to gank while I don't flash. Blank, come back and squat again!"

As the world's No. 4 mid laner with the support of the big devil, he was able to return to the top after losing in s[-]. His mentality and operation will not change because of a single kill.

So less than a minute, four minutes and thirty seconds after the game time, there was another conflict in the middle lane.

Summer controls the demon girl who is holding the Demon Codex and Double Dolan to control the pawn line, first releases the last knife w to make faker relax his vigilance, and the moment the czar comes up to replenish the pawn, she immediately moves forward q to force her to move again The e skill phantom chain hits.

At the same time, the factory manager appeared from the left and gave w smoke bombs.

Faker purifies the control in seconds, then turns around and walks out of the smoke bomb, and retreats to the grass on the right to seduce.

When the Enchantress got close enough, Blank immediately shot the javelin.

It's just that the moment she saw the javelin out of the grass, Mei Xia had already moved sideways, accurately dodged the skill, and at the same time had the red and blue buffs given by the previous two junglers, she waited for the w skill to improve cd, and immediately stepped on it to pick up qa Two sets of pursuits hit the full-blood czar to only one-third of him.

But skt completely lost the possibility of counterattack after Leopard Girl Q was empty. Blank squatted lonely instead, and could only turn around and give the Tsar a mouthful of blood before fleeing.

And Summer is still chasing the Tsar!

The commentator remembers shouting loudly, "The red buff disappears, and Mika is still chasing! She is waiting for the second e skill, can it hit?!"

"The phantom chain is shot!"

I saw the silver-colored deep lock thrown straight from the enchantress's hand. Extending along the direction of the skill, it will accurately hit the residual blood faker. With the czar's blood volume, there is no need to wait for the confinement, and it can be completed by adding another qa kill!

But faker finally got his own skills, he went to the left front and we Erlian, the czar made a diagonal displacement almost the moment he received the chain, avoiding the skills.

Then walk back to the defense tower on foot, and was forced to return to the city, and handed over a blank in the middle to help eat the tower's troops.

I remember looking at the Tsar with only [-] HP left with regret on his face, "Oh, if the Tsar is killed again in this wave, the faker will collapse! Mika is so ruthless, but the damage is almost there!"

Brother Snake was stunned. He knew that the Sino-Korean war would be very fierce, but he never thought that the intensity of the fight would be so full.

"This is also very powerful. It only took five minutes to beat faker home twice, and the last hit was less than twenty! This is edg's middle-field linkage!"


The factory director, who is not helpful at all by arresting people in the game, already has a premonition of Summer Summer's tactics.

When he walked back to the wild area, he asked, "Do you still want me to catch it?"

Mei Xia nodded, "As expected of Senior Factory Manager, I really need Senior to gank the middle lane a lot later! Besides, Senior Meiko..."

Meiko, who had grown peacefully in the bottom lane for five minutes, understood, "No problem!"

As for the skt voice channel, it has become somewhat chaotic.

The adc player Bang, who watched the five-minute play, said, "I can see it. Clearlove is determined to be Mika's dog today. He wants to break through from the middle lane. Otherwise, faker, get down from the tower, and Blank will help me catch people in the bottom lane." Speed ​​up!"

Last year, skt played against dfm in the s game, and they managed to win in this way.

But faker couldn't agree with bang's opinion this time.

He can feel that Mika's teammates in EDG are much stronger than in DFM. If there is no one to protect the Czar during this period of time, Mika will cooperate with the factory manager and definitely jump over the tower to kill at the time when he is stuck at six!
Faker opened the mouth and said, "No, I'm too poorly developed, and I might not be able to stabilize. Blank, you continue to help me do vision anti-squats in the middle."

The game ended in the early six minutes, and the junglers on both sides barely left the middle lane. The original advantage of the blank three-buff start was also dragged down to be as stunted as the factory manager.

Summer's Enchantress was the first to advance to level six.

And Meiko Niutou approached from the river to the middle road on time after the adc returned to the city.

"Here it is again!" The commentator remembers finally seeing the operational bias on the field, "There is an extra support in this wave, edg is going to target the middle lane in this game and crush the faker to death!"

Xiaosan added, "But SKT has already noticed that Wolf Tam is also leaning towards the middle, and his speed is slower than that of the bull's head."

Brother Snake said with some hesitation, "It's quite dangerous to jump the tower when Leopard Girl is obviously backing up to Tamm's support. This wave should force Faker to miss the tower and drop troops..."

But in the edg led by Summer Summer, the operation is always clean and neat, especially in the aspect of being Mika's dog.

Niutou came to f4, flashed across the wall in front of the leopard girl, and wq knocked the czar into the air.

Summer Summer and the factory manager followed up to output, without giving SKT any time to react.

Six minutes and fifteen seconds.

Yao Ji's record was rewritten to 3-0!

(End of this chapter)

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