lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 182 Take g2 lightly

Chapter 182 Take g2 lightly
Summer and her teammates finished the Sino-Korean battle, and when they returned to the waiting room, they saw the smiling face of coach Abu blooming like a flower.

The entire game was methodically opened up the economy and then defeated SKT. Abramovich naturally believed that the team's operations and team battles were impeccable, and it was because of his strength that he was crushed.

edg even won against the strongest opponent, the South Korean team, it is invincible!

He talked eloquently in the waiting room, "Our next game is G2, you all know that! It is estimated that it will be difficult for them to get out of the group stage, so we have nothing to be afraid of. Just like in the last game, everyone will choose the lineup they want to play.

Mika, what assassin hero do you want to get this time?Zed or even Kassadin is fine, I won't refuse to play anything! "

"Really?!" It was the first time that the stingy Abu was generous enough to let her choose whatever he wanted, and Mei Xiaxin said that he was really good at training.

"Of course! I've said what you want to play. As long as it's not too much, I will definitely agree this time."

Listen to Abu's sincere reply.

On the contrary, Meixia has no intention of continuing to use unpopular heroes as a coach's mentality. It is the right way to combine work and rest with some sweetness from time to time.

She begged softly, "Then I said it! Coach Abu, I've actually been wanting to play a mage recently."

"Mage?" Not only Abu, but also her teammates were very surprised.

Meixia smiled and nodded, "Well, in the next game, if possible, I want to play Desert Emperor Azir!"

She didn't let down her vigilance against skt. Since faker chose the czar when she played against her, she had to show faker that she could not only counter the czar with the enchantress, but also take the initiative to play golden crispy chicken first.

She wants to make skt's bp job even more difficult when she fights against faker next time!

Abu was surprised at first, and then felt emotional.

Even if mouse used Jayce to carry the game one day, he didn't believe that mika would like to play mage.So Sakura must have said this intentionally for the sake of the team, using g2 to master her latest mage hero.

He immediately nodded and agreed, "Azir is our first choice in the regular lineup... What is this, I agree. I don't believe that the G2 mid laner would dare to choose the Assassin and mika you to line up!"

On the second day of the match, the two rounds of edg were very close to each other, so there was only one game between fw and sup in the middle. After fw swept the game in [-] minutes, it was edg's turn to play.

The bp of the two teams was completed quickly.

edg selected top laner Bobby, jungler Leopard Girl, mid laner Tsar, adc Lucian and support Thresh.

G2 selects top laner Ike, jungler Gunner, mid laner Ryze, adc Ezreal and support Braum.

Abramovich's thoughts on g2 are confirmed.

Meixia got her wish and was elected as the queen of the Tsar.

Perkz, who kept saying on Twitter that he wanted to defend the honor of lec·eu's mid laner, hesitated for a long time between Ike's mid laner and Enchantress' mid laner, and finally chose the wandering mage Ryze.

I don't know whether it's the g2 coaching staff's intention, or perkz's own cowardice, but Meixia is a little bit lacking in interest.

She seriously thought about whether to reproduce the regular season of LPL's pure magic and force the czar, but considering that the Lucian Leopards in the team are not stable c positions, she finally gave up this too extravagant plan and honestly followed the route of Nash's Fang.

However, the selection of perkz heroes is very conservative, and the operation state in the game also makes Summer very uncomfortable.

Perkz was not affected by the previous losing streak. Instead, he watched edg beat skt, and then thought of the network interaction with mika before, his fighting spirit became high.

His purpose is very simple - even if he loses the game, as long as he suppresses Mika in the middle of the round, that is to prove himself, not weaker than Mika!Not weaker than faker!
So Meixia faced the cautious and highly concerned perkz. She only had the advantage of pushing the line in the first ten minutes. Gank, resulting in not even killing Ryze.

However, the anxious battle in the middle lane did not affect the victory of the other three lanes of EDG.

Four minutes later, Meiko Thresh hooked Ezreal and flew to Ezreal's e landing point with a second q, and then Lucian stepped forward, instantly exploded output and hit the counterpoint kill!

Eight minutes later, the factory manager's gank once again allowed Deft to take a kill.

Nine minutes into the game, Summer stepped up to help Mouse get the kill swap.

In the early fifteen minutes, edg led 4-1 in kills, and at the same time deft demolished g2's upper and lower lanes and one tower in a row, expanding the economy to [-].

Eighteen minutes later, Summer finally completed the kill of perkz, to be precise, it was an assist...

She started the roundabout eqr from the grass in the river, and pushed back the flashing Ryze, while the director Leopard w went up and received the head.

It wasn't until the 2 minutes of the Three Dragons that Summer managed to make a wonderful play. During the melee, a flash push pushed the three of G[-] to the wall, helping his teammates win a big victory.

But Summer hasn't had time to continue to show off her czar's superb skills, and she hasn't completed a solo kill on perkz.

Just five minutes later, edg pushed straight to the high ground after his opponent Cucurbit Baby saved his grandfather from his death in a round, and then easily won the game.

"Ah, just won like this?!" Mika felt dull after the game, not because she felt that winning was not beautiful, but because she had no sense of existence at all, as if she had won the game by mistake.

She said to the factory manager, "Senior factory manager, mika finally understands why senior didn't feel real after beating SKT before. It must be because my performance was too bright, which made you lack the sense of participation in the competition, senior."

"No, no, that's not the case! Mika, you performed brilliantly and I'm too happy!" The factory manager quickly denied, "I just thought it was incredible to win against skt."


Summer was not very satisfied with her performance, after all, what she thought of before the game was to teach the young perkz an unforgettable lesson.

As a Yasuo player, she has always only accepted super ghosts and super gods, lying down, feeling uncomfortable all over!

But the audience inside and outside the arena, with the bonus of the big victory over skt before, is very satisfied with edg and even mika's performance at this time.

"It almost broke the record for the fastest crystal in this year's MSI held by sup, and lec·eu is the weakest link in the five major leagues."

"That's all for perkz? How about recovering from the promise the next day?!"

"Don't be embarrassing, faker was solo killed by mika, but perkz was never solo killed by mika, so perkz>faker."

"It's even outrageous that P Huang kda is actually better than faker."

"G2 lost, but Emperor P didn't lose!"



Perkz just finished the game and couldn't see the ridicule on the Internet. Even if he could see it, he would only be proud of not being solo killed, not ashamed of the yin and yang of netizens.

So after the game, the entire g2 team had a dark face, only perkz shook hands with Meixia with a grin.

And perkz's more optimistic performance is yet to come. After the handshake and interview, Mei Xia is on the way back to the base with his teammates. When he turns on his phone and wants to send a message to Lisa, he immediately sees his tweet.

[Mika, feel that I have regained eight points of my strength! 】

Summergate sent out a series of question marks under the perkz tweet.

It can only be said that the other party really deserves to be the patriarch of the optimistic family in Europe. Of course, it is also possible that it is purely stubborn...

(End of this chapter)

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