lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 190 Mika is a loyal person

Chapter 190 Mika is a loyal person


At the same time, I received another interview invitation from the English channel.

Although sitting in front of the blonde Dayang... girl is easy to hurt her self-esteem in terms of body, but on the other hand, having the opportunity to get close to the beauty commentator sjokz is also very exciting for her.

I came to the interview booth of the English channel with mixed feelings.

There are still two sofas and the hostess with crossed legs, but this time sjokz changed into a more youthful light green dress, so that Mei Xia who climbed on the sofa can only see her ankles and calves, and cannot appreciate her special Envy the thigh part.

"It's a pity!" Mei Xia secretly sighed at this.

Viewers on the English channel also noticed sjokz's attire, but the focus was a little different from Summergate's.

"Sjokz specially changed into clothes that look younger."

"Congratulations sjokz, finally relegated from mika mom to auntie."

"Mika's legs are really white, much whiter than sjokz."

"But I still like sjokz's big breasts and long legs."

"If sjokz and mika choose one to be a girlfriend, who will the brothers choose?"




The overseas viewers of the English channel did not have the awareness of "I want it all". For a while, most of the screens in the live broadcast room were mika, and a small part were sjokz.

After Summer greeted the audience, the interview officially began.

sjokz is well prepared this time and has even done research on Mika's hero pool in LPL, "Welcome Mika to come to the English channel for an interview again, so the first question.

Ms. Mika chose Ryze first in today's game. In fact, it's not just Ryze. Yesterday's cards and the previous czar seem to be the heroes that Mika has trained in the past few months in LPL. The frequency of training heroes like this is really unbelievable , how did miss mika do it? ! "

Summergate poured positive energy chicken soup, "There is no shortcut to training a hero. First of all, you must have enough hard work, second, you must have a certain talent, and finally, you cannot do without the constant encouragement and strict requirements of edg coaches and seniors."

It's not about fooling players - as mika is so talented, I still need to increase my proficiency in qualifying and training games. Of course, ordinary players need to work harder.

sjokz felt that mika's answer was unspoken, so she had no choice but to ask the second hot question, "Mika seems to have launched a challenge to the g2 mid laner online before the game. Now that the match is over, what do you think of the perkz player? ?”

"Ah! Gumi Masai, I have to explain, I didn't mean to challenge the perkz seniors, my tweet just expressed my expectation of fighting against the European King of France!

Then there is my feeling for perkz, if I am not modest, I think he should not be as good as me, but this is by no means contempt for senior perkz, he is already the most powerful mid laner I have played against, similar to senior faker and rookie. "

It was her usual sincere and confident answer.

It is difficult for the audience to tell whether it is ridicule or praise.

"It turns out that mika was not provoking perkz. I blamed mika wrongly. She was simply expressing her expectations for the game."

"Indeed, I told you why a simple and kind girl like Mika challenged perkz for no reason. It must be everyone's mistake, and no one believed it."

"Mika still speaks too much for perkz. She exploded like this in the game 1-4. If you ask me to say perkz is a joke!"

"But Mika is really confident! She talks about this senior and that senior, but it seems that even Faker is no match for her."

"This is not nonsense, how many times has Faker been solo-killed by Mika since last year's World Championship?"


When it came to the last question, sjokz turned the topic to the next game, "edg has won six consecutive games in the group stage and has already secured the qualification. Since the next game does not need to consider points, I don't know if it is possible to choose a new one for mika's next game. A hero?"

"In fact, the points still need to be carefully considered, because the first place to qualify can play a knockout match with a weaker opponent. As for the new hero, I can't disclose this. I can only guarantee that there will be surprises for everyone in the following games. "Summer answered truthfully one by one, and the short interview ended like this.

But perkz himself, who heard the interview at this time, was not happy because mika said that he was classified as the same level as faker.

He still believes that mika can defeat him because of the assistance of her teammates. The so-called being exploded is just the gap between her teammates.

Sitting on the way back to the hotel, he looked up at the four teammates around him who hated iron and steel, wiped the hair on the hairline with one hand, he even raised the idea of ​​leaving G2 next year to go to North America or even LPL to join the formation of Galaxy Battleship .

If there were four teammates like mika, how could he be caught by the lane like that!

On the other side, Meixia reluctantly left her plump long legs covered by the long skirt and walked back to the lounge.

Immediately, I heard meiko's unwilling question, "Mika, what you said in the interview surprised the audience, why didn't the coach and the factory manager and I know about it?!"

Mika's answer in the interview just revealed two possibilities, one is that she secretly practiced the new mid laner behind everyone's back, then this is equivalent to cheating, and the other is that she lied during the interview and deceived millions of people fans of...

As the person in charge, the factory manager also asked with a puzzled face, "It's true, Mika, you have secretly practiced a new hero? We often play training games and rankings, so it stands to reason that we shouldn't know about it."

Mika replied, "Mika has never hidden the hero pool! Nor did she secretly practice new heroes, you misunderstood the meaning, the surprise I said was that thing, something we discussed in the meeting before the MSI..."

Everyone still shook their heads in puzzlement.

Mei Xia reminded, "At that time, it was about the MSI substitute. According to EDG's current record, Senior Pawn should be able to appear later."

EDG's substitute player for this MSI is the mid laner General Pawn. Before the game, everyone discussed the issue of substituting for the game. The result given by Abramovich is that if EDG maintains a complete victory, they will change Pawn to the first in the following unimportant games. The hair looks familiar.

And Meixia specifically mentioned this, the purpose is naturally to ask General Pawn to come out in the follow-up competition.

These days, many LPL audiences have forgotten the factory director's old father, General Pawn.

But as a reborn person who has experienced the dark age of LPL, how could Meixia forget General Pawn who dragged EDG forward with a heavy load in her previous life.

From the time he joined EDG, Summer had already made up his mind, at least he had to bring General Pawn to the MSI and World Cup trophies before he could beat him to the fact that he justly recommended himself to Abramovich.

After the last game, she heard pawn praising her operation in the lounge, so she had the idea of ​​letting pawn play in the MSI group stage.

And the pawn who was at the water dispenser froze, his fat face trembling.

Mika sauce is still a loyal person!

Pawn quickly turned his head and asked excitedly, "Coach, that, like Mika said, can I start tomorrow's game?"

Coach Abrahim is actually a little reluctant to let pawn play. How can he play like this after only six consecutive victories, but since Mika is willing to let Xian, it is difficult for him to refuse.

After hesitating for a moment, Abu replied, "Okay... let's switch to pawn tomorrow. But we agreed with Mika, if pawn loses the game, it also means that you won't have Haidilao to eat after the game."

Mei Xia nodded and said, "No problem, I agree!"

(End of this chapter)

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