lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 198 Mika is not an idiot

Chapter 198 Mika is not an idiot
The audience anxiously waited for the end, the players of the two teams took the stage one after another, and the director's camera also moved from the commentary seat back to the commentary stand.

"Okay, welcome back!" The commentator doll couldn't help raising her voice, "The second game will start soon, I hope EDG can adjust back to the state in time during this time!"

Miller earnestly encouraged himself and the audience, "I don't think it's a big problem, look at the EDG boys, oh, and the little girl Mika...they didn't look particularly sad when they appeared on stage, look, Mika and Abu seem to be communicating very relaxedly."

Then the director gave a close-up, Mika was really relaxed, but Abu...

While flipping through the notebook, the coach, who was muttering a lot of words, seemed not very relieved of Mika.

Wawa shook her head secretly, "Hey... Abu seems to have a disagreement with Mika? I hope it's because of our overthinking. The most important thing for edg now is not to mess up."

Miller saw the exchange scene in the EDG team, and suddenly felt something in his heart, "I, I seem to guess what Mika and the coach said on the field!?"

Wawa said, "Oh?! Ow! Then I can almost guess it. It's probably about grabbing the enchantress for me! I want to use the little murloc to kill backhand or something. For a young genius mid laner like her, she must I'm not convinced!"

Miller also agreed with this, "Indeed, it's the same as what I thought... If you want me to say that edg played very well in the last game, don't be afraid in this game, play your own momentum! Abramovich must have confidence in the players, and in the end Leave it to Mika to take the first hand, don't say that you must choose the assassin, you must give the special position to the mid laner Kang!"

Although Miller wanted to choose the most powerful assassin for Mika, but the bp hadn't started yet, and his commentary style was relatively smooth, so he definitely couldn't talk too much.

The scene of players communicating on the field ends.

Wawa finally said, "Okay, the BP on the field has started, and the two sides have switched sides. In this round, skt is on the blue side, and edg is on the red side."

Afterwards, the bp screen appeared on the live screen.

Although skt on the left has changed positions, bp still maintains the style of the first round. After knocking off the bull's head, they banned the czar and the two heroes that faker should be good at.

On the edg side, they changed their strategy slightly, banning the regular Ryze and Ike, and then getting rid of the annoying Soraka.

The commentators unanimously agreed with Abu banning the nanny, "The last game was played late, because Soraka had a big move to boost the blood, which caused Mika to cut to the back row twice. The damage was almost a little bit, and he couldn't beat the man. In the end, the team battle lost... ..."

"Soraka is now banned! Make it easier for Mika to play!"

When it came to the blue side, skt did not hesitate to grab the strongest meat tank in the version, the top laner Dashu.

edg took the first and second picks and then grabbed Bobby and Bron.

Then skt chose Kindred and Sivir again.

After three or four selections in the lineup, edg began to change.

After the third selection locks the male gun, the fourth selection shows the adc mouse that deft has been practicing.

The reason why Bron was snatched away in the second hand was to make the splash effect of the mouse's ultimate move unstoppable!
"Okay, EDG really handed over the last counter candidate to Mika."

"Then, when it's faker's turn to play the hero first, what hero will he choose?! It should be impossible for the little murloc to go first, will it be the trick enchantress first?!"

Both the commentator and the audience waited with bated breath.

But the answer given by skt was beyond everyone's expectations.

After Karma was selected in the fourth hand, the fifth marquee suddenly revealed a hero that had never appeared in this Mid-Season Cup.

Old Man Time, Kieran!
Going back to skt on the blue side, since there is no way to choose the counter position last, faker has to bear the pressure of hero selection, so he created this hand that is a clear card.

Before level [-], Zilan was very afraid of assassin heroes, but after level [-], he restrained most explosive heroes——

If edg wants to be stable, any mage hero in the late stage is easy to play, but if edg bites the bullet and gives mika an assassin, then facing the lineup of triple speed Baoqianjue Sivir, you will lose in the late stage !

With Karma and Kieran locked down.

How edg should make the final decision immediately became the focus of everyone.

Miller seriously analyzed, "Faker, this is another challenge to Mika! Enchantress is just outside, this should be the most suitable hero among assassins to fight Kieran, two w sections can easily fool the time bomb , mika should take the Enchantress!"

Wawa added, "Actually, the little murloc is pretty good too? You can dodge bombs with a pole vault."

"If you want me to say, is it possible for edg to choose a single robber? Just bet on killing the old man time!"

The baby shook her head, "Impossible, it should be impossible... This is still too risky..."

Mage is actually the most suitable candidate, but not only the commentators and audience, even skt also think that edg has a high probability of choosing assassin!

The skt coaching staff knew Mika's personality well before the match - she made her LPL debut when she lost to Xiaohu Lulu in the first game, but she still insisted on going her own way to lock LeBlanc in the second game , and finally complete the turnaround.

And this bo5mik first lost in the Assassin match, and the faker continued to challenge, it was hard for her not to continue to choose the Enchantress toughly!

Coach kkoma has already begun to arrange the strategy in the game in advance, "In this round, blank, you and wolf pay more attention to protecting the middle lane in the early stage. In the later stage, we will fly a kite with them in the three-acceleration lineup, trick the mouse into a big move, and win the team battle. "

"Don't worry, my Kieran, no one can be defeated in the lane." Faker responded domineeringly.

He is indeed so confident. Although his debut is famous for his double-robbery battle, the unique demon girl had a 100% winning rate before losing in the MSI last year, and the clockwork is also a unique skill.

But his unique hero at the bottom of the hero pool is neither Zed nor Enchantress, nor Clockwork, but the hero he was the first to take the mid laner position in a professional game in the OGN Spring League in 14. Kieran!

In order to show the strength of faker Kieran, the director even specially searched for information and posted it under the bp column.

[Faker Kieran, the old man of time, five wins and zero losses, 100% winning rate]

As for EDG, seeing SKT's hero selection, Abramovich couldn't help trying to persuade Mika again.

"Faker didn't choose an assassin first, and he didn't have a support nanny. Mika, you don't have to compete with him for killing faster! You just need to be able to kill in team battles! Or... just choose LeBlanc!"

Contrary to what the commentators and the audience guessed, Abramovich has already become Mika's shape after a whole spring training, and he 100% supports Mika to continue to show her best assassin.

Instead of the ones she reported just now, the strange wandering or mage mid laner!
The conversation with Mika when I played before was to persuade her not to choose the mage hero for stability.

But Meixia insisted on going her own way, and was determined not to choose another assassin.

skt, faker are you teaching me how to do things?Thought I would definitely be elected as the Enchantress? !

I, mika, am not that stupid!Although the BP is often fooled in the regular season in the rankings, but I am the result of the show, so I am not just like a fool to fall into the trap!
Especially in the last game, she was even more unwilling to make her opponents happy after being tricked by skt.

She said to Abramovich again, "Coach, didn't you keep telling me that this version is not the Assassin's version, that's why I have trained these heroes.

Now, it's time to shine! "

"But... alas!" Abu sighed fiercely. If it wasn't for Mika, if it was any mid laner, he would be too happy to see that the player is willing to choose a hero for roaming.

But only mika made him feel that not playing assassin was a waste of talent.

He looked at the factory manager next to him, "Why don't you persuade Mika?"

The factory manager put on a handsome pose of a senior and said, "Mika trusts me so much, so I will trust her too."

"Alas! Alas..." Abu sighed again and again, "Then I have chosen!"

"Hmm... wait."

"Changed your mind?!"

"No, I have a better idea!"

Then Summer asked her teammates to choose a hero.

A hero with a huge anchor appears in the marquee.

Deep Sea Titan, Nautilus!
Before Abramovich recovered from the shock, the lineups of both sides were already locked.

skt, top laner Dashu, jungler Kindred, mid laner Kieran, adc Sivir and support Karma.

edg, top laner Bobby, jungler Gunner, mid laner Titan, adc mouse and support Bloom.

(End of this chapter)

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